As a last comment, it was brought into the discussion that we shouldnt believe Savory because his decision led to the death of thousands of elephants. HaHa! Watch the Film OUR COMMUNITY Copyright 2021 Understanding Ag, LLC | Website by RVT Solutions. Today, our platform reaches millions through immersive media and education initiatives. what happens if you get a violation on interlock. Healthy soils can store more carbon than all the trees combined! So its incredibly facile. Thank you for the review. Copyright EAT THINK EXPLORE 2020 Powered by WordPress Theme Divi Hosted sustainably by Ecohosting, Join my mailing list to receive the latest news, tips and scientific advice to help you move to a more eco-friendly way of eating and get your FREE guide to get you started on your journey today! Everyone can grow a bit of lettuce or chard, some leeks and some French beans in a small garden, or even most of these on a balcony! Soil is the solution and we have numerous options and opportunities to actualize this solution as consumers, farmers, ranchers, and environmentalists by focusing on the integration of biological processes. This sounds like something else that he would likely regret in the near future. Many would argue soil degradation is the most critical environmental threat to humans". BookstoreBook submissionsNewsNewsletter signupRecipesGardening, Our storyGet involvedJobs/FellowshipPartnersContact usPrivacy Shipping & return policy. Despite all of this, my fear is that many will be left with a complete misunderstanding of where environmental science truly lies. If youve heard anything about Tom Bradys lifestyle, you know that its extreme. Water and carbon escape into the atmosphere in enormous plumes blanketing the entire northern hemisphereshown onscreen as ominous swirls of red. Specifically, regenerative agriculture is a holistic land management practice that . Suppose you don't have enough time to read, then watch the KISS the GROUND MOVIE (streaming on Netflix) hosted by Woody Harrelson and directed by Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell. I am very optimistic. Commercial meat farming has one of the highest negative impacts. Unfortunately, there are still very few about, especially in the UK. The filmmakers additionally say "Kiss the Ground" has earned the attention of scientists, farmers and activists alike, crossing boundaries in terms of a highly politicized issue and even being . My hope is that this film will give consumers, farmers, and ranchers all of us the hope, courage and knowledge to choose biologically-based practices and tools to regenerate soil. Kiss the Ground is a nonprofit on a mission to awaken people to the possibilities of regeneration and inspire participation in this movement by educating and engaging through media, communications . The message gets across, but the film downplays a meaningful call to action. The elephant in the room during the documentary is that they completely failed to mention that a significant amount of the land dedicated to animal agriculture across the world (not all but certainly a lot) needs to be restored to forests (the number one driver of deforestation is animal agriculture) to get anywhere close to meeting our climate goals. Kiss the Ground was created in 2013 from a meeting in Venice Beach. Now all debates have two sides and Savory has been confronted with this information before. Since chemical agriculture ramped up in the 70s, we have lost 1/3 of the worlds topsoil. But what good is hope if its false? They are told that the chemicals will make things better by the companies selling these chemicals, and not helped to learn how to work with nature, rather than against it. This movie has given soil a voice to say, I am not dirt! The film begins by examining . Bundchen and Brady point to the health of the soil as directly influencing the health of the plants we eat and our health as well. My hubby is from Alberta, the beef province of Canada and he was telling me about how land intensive pasture raised animals are. Sounds pretty ambitious to champion this form of animal agriculture as a climate solution without strong empirical evidence? Ray: Hope. by Sarah Read | May 18, 2022 | Eat, Eco-friendly eating, Sustainable living tips and advice, Think, Kiss the Ground is another in the line of eco-documentaries that Netflix is putting out there (albeit one of the first and most famous). Here are five things I learned from Kiss the Ground. Your email address will not be published. Every version got better, and the last version was the best one. It was very much positioned as absolutely crucial to confronting this climate emergency we find ourselves in. And lets not forget, this is the same man who ordered40,000 African elephants to slaughterbecause he incorrectly thought they were damaging the land. Put simply, there are no healthy humans without a healthy planet. However, this was taken from a United Nations speech, which leading soil scientists say isabsolutely not supported by science. In fact, it was the single most important thing that lead Savory to question the science regarding overgrazing. As someone who has farmed using diesel tractors and bare hands, I can tell you that regenerative agriculture isn't a key or secret or the single solution to a greener future. It turned out to be more involved than I imagined. No big deal. Check out their simple yet profound Soil Story: The NFL quarterback goes to bed earlier than any college student has ever dreamed of, and his diet is impeccably healthy. Gabe: An increased awareness as to how and why all society should come together to work on the 80% of the things we can agree on such as loss of biodiversity, water quality and quantity issues, poor farm profitability, the decline of rural America, climate change and human health. Lots of problems with Poores paper as well which didnt account for soil carbon or regenerative systems in any of its meta-analysis of averaged LCAs. This movie will also counterbalance the cowspiracy environmentalists and others with incorrect understanding of cows. worlds leading climate scientists have to say about diet? We need to talk about agriculture in a way thats meaningful to people with boots on the ground and enumerate specific steps that lead to material change. Skip on down to the final thoughts if you dont have time to get more into the facts! We knew the film would really embody the spirit of the regenerative agriculture movement if Ray and Gabe were in it., And from the first days that Kiss the Ground the organization started, the work and research of Kris Nichols were fundamental to grasping why rebuilding soil was not only possible but the biggest solution to the climate, water, and food crises. Kris: There has never been a time when the potential to fundamentally change global agriculture, food quality, and economic viability for small and large farmers by regenerating the soil to restore and revitalize ecosystem services is as great is it is now. Many of the pesticides and fertilisers have been derived from poison gases used in warfare (chemical warfare and poison used in gas chambers). This is because there is a legacy load of carbon in the atmosphere an amount of carbon dioxide that will persist for decades, if not centuries. Check out this map for farms local to you Regenerative Farm Map Regeneration International. Using perennials and trees as protection for the soils. I enjoyed Woody Harrelson as a narrator; he felt genuine. If you have found your way to this article, I can only assume that we have something in common: both of us want to see a better world where humans and all life on earth is thriving. Do you ever think about where your food comes from. ), Pollinator garden/market flowers at Copper Cricket Farm. There are no simple solutions to complex problems. Your email address will not be published. This is actually seen using satellites which monitor the CO2 levels. Kiss the Ground reveals that, by regenerating the world's soils, we can completely and rapidly stabilize Earth's climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies. Ryland Engelhart is a philanthropist. But the agreement is that all of the richest grasslands in the world have large grazing animals. The Lhos plateau in China is where settled agriculture first began. It does include grazing planning and management, but also many other things. Personally, I think its a must watch for people to truly understand the situation we are in with the soils, why its important to save our soils, and how we can help. Which would net off the existing emissions we make, at least stabilising things. Check out Kiss the Ground website, where you will find other ways to be involved and even learn how to Become a Soil Advocate! Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Kiss the Ground is a full-length documentary narrated by Woody Harrelson that sheds light on an, Awakening people to the possibilities of regeneration. Neither does the author. "We should be thriving, the planet booming with life and abundance and the healthiest generation walking the earth. Its genuinely remarkable post, I have got much clear idea regarding from this post. You can make change and make a difference, even if you have struggled in the past to make change and feel like a failure. This website uses third party cookies to improve your experience with your consent. Animals grazing is a part of the carbon cycle, and part of every healthy ecosystem in wild. The movie didn't even include an indictment of current US politics or President Trump, which is notable by its absence considering the film was released so close to election time. Nature strives for balance, and has a system for reversing the carbon released into the atmosphere using the growth of plants and their relationship with soil microbes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Rich soil, with plenty of microbes, allows healthy plants to grow. Until then, its going to be hard to truly transform our agricultural system to benefit all life on the planet. Ryland co-founded Kiss the Ground in his living room with a friend ten years ago. Their technical expertise should be enough to convince us that their message is not only correct but worth listening to. We are made of carbon (16%) and its the element that life is based upon! While I was attending the COP21 conference in Paris in 2015, I was again contacted by Josh Tickell and participated in a follow-up interview regarding the 4per1000 Initiative. There is extraordinary potential in the layers beneath our feet our Earths soil. I was also pleased the documentary shone a light on food waste and composting these are two things that many of us can introduce into our daily lives with minimal barriers to entry. If we want to lower our environmental footprint the single most important thing we can do iseat more plants. I approached this film with professional interest, not just as a News Fellow with Stone Pier Press, but as someone trained in biology at college, regenerative farming at the Rodale Institute (three of the films agricultural experts work/ed here), and food systems at graduate school. Our current farming methods are simply not sustainable. Get our weekly editors newsletter & special offers delivered right to your inbox! Hosted by Robbie Lockie, Plant Based News delivers pioneering vegan news and ethical views weekly. There is not enough money in the world to get me to move from Gods country, North Dakota! The first point that I think deserves our attention, before getting into the science on the reversal claim, is the way the producers wanted you to see holistic grazing. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It took a Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady cameo to hit this point home. Tying the message of Kiss the Ground to voting for policymakers who will systemically change the way the country incentivizes regenerative agriculture and reversing climate change would have been an obvious and easy leap to make. Starring: Woody Harrelson. Kiss the Ground is a new, feature-length movie that explores key soil health and regenerative agricultural principles, and features interviews with a wide range of authors, experts, farmers, researchers and scientists. From rehabilitating entire ecosystems to growing home victory gardens, there are plenty of ways to get involved in regenerative agriculture. In fact, the documentary claims that greenhouse gases are sequestered (stored/drawn down) in grazing herds, due to the generation of healthy soils, but released in feed lots where the animals are not a part of the natural cycle. Regardless of the labelthat we choose to adopt, eating this way will nourish the soil, reduce emissions from agriculture, and at the same timereduce the burden of chronic disease in our communities. With that said, any time a new study, book, documentary, or other media publication is published, I read or watch with great interest. A Feb. 27, 2023, video of U.S. President Joe Biden purportedly shows him announcing a new national draft, in which 20-year-olds would be conscripted into military service on account of a growing . He also heard about the NRCS soil health effort and my role in encouraging the agency to bring more resources to support the regenerative ag movement. As Ian Somerhalder says in the documentary, Cows can be good. While many blame cows for carbon emissions, and rightfully so, they can actually be a part of the solution. But efforts have been made to restore the soils since 1994. I am alive!. Cited as the worst man made environmental disaster in history, by the end of 1934 about 200 million acres of croplands had been permanently damaged. To start tiny or full-size victory gardens, turn their lawns into meadows, petition their city councils to zone land for community farms/gardens, or donate to conservation nonprofits or farmland trusts? If you want to hear a bit more explanation of these, click here or scroll down. This form of regenerative agriculture is by no means the silver bullet that its so often portrayed to be and is certainly not what theworlds leading climate scientistsare most excited by. Carrie's ranch is comprised of 6,500 acres, Thank you to the @apnews for sharing an art. Your email address will not be published. These animals then emit greenhouse gases. In turn, this means shifting to more plant-based diets. Thank you for this article! One of the . If we adopt regenerative farming practices, we can reverse carbon release into the atmosphere and stabilise the climate, and it wont take long! With topsoils disappearing and temperatures rising, about 2/3 of the world is desertifying. Whats very interesting is the ability of grazing animals to regenerate grasslands from desert, and reduce desertification. The long term prognosis for our survival with business as usual is very, very poor . Or this breakdown of the many myths he perpetuates inThe International Journal ofBiodiversity. Integrating animals grazing the cover crops for their manure and the beneficial effects of their hooves. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 141(34), 310-322. doi:, Plus a recent LCA funded by General Mills: Learn how your comment data is processed. They correctly state that Bison would pass through land and not be seen for around a year. Two-thirds of the worlds land is currently desertifying leading to millions of climate refugees and further environmental destruction. Its absolutely good to love the earth and want to save the soil. Factory farms are good at one thing producing a lot of meat in a short period of time to feed a growing appetite for meat. Ive listed these below in short, and then we will go through each together looking at the claims made and where the science lies: (These have also been covered in detail with Environmental Researcher Nicholas Carter (co-author of this article) in episode 104 and 111 on thePlant Proof podcast). We all know that science has its failings. The trouble is, our farmers are not taught this; our growers know nothing about how the soil works or the basic ecological principles. The basic premise of Kiss the Ground is that the destruction of soil is contributing to the severity and intensity of climate change. Im not suggesting we should only be changing our diet but given it has greater potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions you would think it would have been given more emphasis than putting cows on pasture. Their mob grazing action and the impact of their hooves is important. Kiss the Ground features successful composting programs in San Francisco, Detroit, and Haiti. Use this compost for your beds rather than buying in compost or fertilisers. We have now decoupled these so farmers are either crop or livestock, and each are done on an intensive scale, with no natural cycles in place. Journal of Animal Science. They agreed and heres what they told me, How and why did you become involved the movie, Kiss the Ground?. Kiss the Ground members are the grassroots stakeholders that stand with us in the regenerative movement. This dirt then cannot store water, and heats up massively under the sun with no protection, baking the soils and exacerbating the problem. And when it comes to the Savory Institute and Savorys claims Dr Garnett states that they are generally anecdotal, based on surveys and testimonies rather than on-site measurements. As Hannah Ritchie, Phd (Geosciences) puts it: Whether you buy it from the farmer next door or from far away, it is not the location that makes the carbon footprint of your dinner large, but the fact that it is beef.. This is why science is so important. Consumers falsely see meat as part of the solution, and although they may do their best to seek out regenerative meat ( Hemipelvectomy Amputee Woman,
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