His body lay outside for over 12 hours as people . Semiquincentennial of the Kentucke Magna Charta! Colonels Redefined: Independence, Equity, "Legal Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities" Work as a Licensed Kentucky Colonel. Famous Kentuckians First Colonels Historic Colonels Honorary Colonels Myth of 1813 US Newspapers Warrant Deeds Well-Known Colonels News American Colonels Kentucky Colonelcy Colonel in Congress Secretary of State Resources Bibliography Newspapers Topics Bourbon Cannabis Commonwealth Food Culture Kentucky Pennsylvania North Carolina People Places After that little is known of John Bowman except that he continued to commission new colonels until 1783. Selected the First Governor by a unanimous vote of fellow colonels. By the late 19th century, the title had become more of an honorary one assigning colonelcy duties to the ceremonial guard and recognizing civilians for their promotion of the prosperity of the state by commuting the Honorable title as an honorary colonel. Kentucky Colonel, Honorable Title of Authority, . His activity with the. The Colonels offer grants, scholarships, and more in the form of charitable donations from its membership. 250th Anniversary Medal recognizing the Kentucky Colonel Pilgrimage on the Wilderness Road to pay Tribute to Colonel Daniel Boone and the founders of Transylvania at Boonesborough. Prior to the signing of the Sycamore Shoals Treaty, Col. Henderson had hired Daniel Boone, an experienced hunter, to travel to the Cherokee towns and to inform them of the upcoming negotiations. American progressive bluegrass band that had a short but legendary career during the folk revival of the late '50s and early '60s. Soon thereafter, Kentucky colonels went to assist Colonel Sam Houston defend Texas in the Mexican War. Kentucky colonels are selected because they possess admirable characteristics, for recognizing the noteworthy achievements of thousands of great people and the most benevolent honorable deeds that support the best ideas and traditional customs forward in the Bluegrass State. Details: Your name is permanently etched on the gleaming surface of this finest quality polished brass plate. All Day (Saturday) Location. The history of colonels in Kentucky begins with the pioneer, Daniel Boone when he was commissioned by Col. Judge Richard Henderson of the Transylvania Company to blaze and establish the Wilderness Road with a company of men. Eastern Kentucky Colonels (20-12, 12-6 ASUN) at Liberty Flames (25-7, . Source: Gift of Eleanor Robertson Stokes and Rev. Membership: 502-266-6848. Shelby was elected to represent Washington County in the Virginia House of Delegates in 1779. Passionate about being compassionate. [citation needed] Originally title of "Colonel" was granted based on purchasing a colonelcy from a governor, earning it through service, being selected to head a militia to form a government or be recognized based on land ownership with a colonel title. Headquarters: 502-266-6114. They never would have called themselves a "Kentucky Colonel," but they were in fact the "Colonels" and they wrote laws that created the governments, made peace with the natives, surveyed the frontier and made their mark one that has survived to the present creating the customs and traditions we observe today. Semantic Legal Source and Origin of the First Kentucky Colonel is Col. Daniel Boone and the establishment of democracy in America, it is an allegorical fact. [27], Col. Russ Marlowe, a 70-year-old Bardstown resident, estimated that he had personally nominated about 500 recipients (mostly military veterans) and that none of his nominations had ever been turned down. 1998-2023 KENTUCKY COLONEL TITLE MARK, PEOPLE AND CIVIL OFFICE IN LAW, ESTABLISHED IN 1775. A sitting Kentucky governor noted in a letter to the Kentucky Colonels that he commissioned individuals as Kentucky Colonels as a Governors way of recognizing individuals for their service and accomplishments on behalf of others.. Special Price $60.00 . [20] The subsequent governors, however, have typically been much more liberal in issuing Kentucky colonel commissions. Free shipping for many products! He stands in spirit on a tall-columned veranda, a hospitable glass in his hand, and he looks over the good and fertile earth, over ripening fields, over meadows of rippling bluegrass. Later that year, he was commissioned a major by Governor. A Kentucky colonelcy can only be granted by the Governor and the Secretary of State based upon being nominated by another colonel, being recommended by a third party, or being individually recognized by the state's governor for a noteworthy act that commands the governor's attention (or the state). Kentucky Colonel is the highest civil Title of Authority and Honor bestowed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. While he was a colonel, Shelby assisted other colonels establish the State of Franklin before moving to his property in the Kentucke region. Lexington, KY 40508. Gentlemen, I give you, the Kentucky Colonel. His office staff referred to the historical accounting about the Real Kentucky Colonel representative to state history as a firestorm for the HOKC, the Kentucky Historical Society and the Governor's Office to resolve in the future, it was not a matter of the Office of the Secretary of State. Will the Real Frontiersman Please Stand Up? When the Facebook Group Members complained about the reversion, the Office of the Secretary of State removed the webpage entirely as not to propagate the Myth of 1813 promoted previously. In the finest sense, an epicure a patriot a man. Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels BRASS Membership Card & Paper Card 1997 B2. These first colonels were the architects of early. It is recognition of an individuals noteworthy accomplishments and outstanding service to our community, state, and nation. [10], In 1813 the Kentucky State Legislature commissioned Richard Mentor Johnson a colonel to form a mounted militia to support the campaign of the War of 1812, this was the state's first cavalry and first legislative colonelcy, this is well documented. [26] The certificate was downsized from the 10-by-15-inch (25 by 38cm) size to 8.5 by 14 inches (22 by 36cm). KENTUCKY COLONELS 943 SOUTH FIRST STREET LOUISVILLE, KY 40203. Ass o ciation as a user of our website(s) is Open-Source, that is free to all persons interested in learning about the customs, folklore . Kentucky Colonels are unwavering in devotion to faith, family, commonwealth, and country. In a shaker filled with ice, combine bourbon, dry vermouth, and orange bitters. Kentucky Colonel is the highest title of honor bestowed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and is the most well-known of a number of honorary colonelcies conferred by United States governors. Currently serving as Secretary of State, the Hon. No attacks on State Journal staff members or contributing writers. Merchandise: 855-214-8290 (toll-free) [45], This article is about the honorable title and Kentucky colonelcy. 675 Setzer Way. Steadfast to the case when it was revealed that the case was being dismissed with prejudice his office removed the Secretary of State's original "Kentucky Colonels" history webpage replacing it with a verified and collaborated edited copy of content offered by his Facebook Group which won its case through the dismissal of the civil complaint. From the Derby Eve galas of the 1930s to our trackside participation and post Derby Barbeques, and fall race days at historic Churchill Downs, the member colonels have historically found many ways to celebrate the Kentucky Colonels. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels - Diplomat's 1992 Membership Card at the best online prices at eBay! Colonels in uniform attended functions at the Governor's mansion and stood as symbolic guards at state events. Bradley could not resist officially designating the title as "Colonel"; he had been called "colonel" since his youth himself, having adopted the moniker in his community of, Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 07:26, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, promotes the subject in a subjective manner, Learn how and when to remove this template message. Join Us in Celebrating the Original Recognition of the Founding of America's 1st Free Colonial Democracy by the Kentucky Colonel with the 250th Anniversary of the Traditional Office of the Kentucky Colonelcy from 1775-2025 at Boonesborough on the Kentucky River. Shortly after his arrival in the region, North Carolina Governor Richard Caswell made him magistrate of newly formed Sullivan County and elevated him to the rank of colonel of the Sullivan County Regiment. The toast has since been ceremoniously presented at each of the Kentucky Colonels' Derby Eve Banquets: I give you a man dedicated to the good things of life, to the gentle, the heartfelt things, to good living, and to the kindly rites with which it is surrounded. "Docket for The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, Inc. v. Kentucky Colonels International, 3:20-cv-00132 - CourtListener.com", "Non-Military Registers and Land Records", "Traveler's Rest Home of Governor Isaac Shelby", "Kentucky Colonels: A War Measure by President Lincoln", "Las Vegas age. Regular Price: $120.00 . Kentucky big man Oscar Tshiebwe talks faith, basketball future. She said "The entire nomination process is handled by the governor. Passionate about being compassionate. According to The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, "Governor Isaac Shelby bestowed his future son-in-law Charles S. Todd the title of colonel in 1813 as his aide-de-camp after the War of 1812 during peacetime.However this account is debunked as pseudohistory, Col. Todd's . From the early 20th century, it was widely believed, at least since the 1930s, "that when the Kentucky Militia was deactivated following the War of 1812, Governor Isaac Shelby commissioned Charles Stewart Todd as one of his officers in the campaign, made him an aide-de-camp on the governor's staff with the rank and grade of colonel in 1813". 2 Beds. 2023 Kentucky Colonels. The commission of Kentucky Colonel is the highest title of honor bestowed by the Governor of Kentucky. itle is the highest form of recognition bestowed to individuals by the. "Commissions for Kentucky colonels are given on occasion by the Governor and the Secretary of State to individuals in recognition of noteworthy accomplishments, personal achievements, individual deeds and outstanding service in a person's community, state, or nation.". Our Colonels are Kentucky's ambassadors of good will and fellowship around the world. 02octAll Day Kentucky Colonels Cat Club Louisville, Kentucky (All Day: saturday) Event Type :Cat Show Location:Region 4 (Great Lakes) Time. How not to use the Title: Kentucky Colonel for fundraising. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, September 09, 1886, Image 6", "Looking Back: Kentucky Colonel Hotel, Broken Arrow", "Col. Matt Winn: The Man Who Saved the Kentucky Derby", Maker's Mark to restore alcohol content of whiskey, Kentucky Bourbon Trail Expands to Include Stop in Downtown Louisville, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kentucky_Colonel&oldid=1140886807. Then there are the social activities in which our history is indeed rich! Historically there have been cases where the governor has recognized noteworthy individuals as Kentucky colonels based on formal written suggestions by citizens and other officials of the Commonwealth. Kentucky Colonel HONOR "In addition to their collective charitable efforts, Colonels are Kentucky's ambassadors of goodwill and fellowship around the world." Appointed by the Governor of Kentucky, recipients are entitled to join the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels . are three big projects introduced to our website for January 01, 2023; the website and its members are now under the executive authority of the independent, non-state Kentucky Colonel Reconciliation Council; website users can learn more beginning February 02, 2023 coincident with Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney Pennsylvania where the announcement will be made. The Kentucky Colonels is a nonprofit organization with IRS section 501(c)(3) status. Clarence White (born Clarence Joseph LeBlanc; June 7, 1944 - July 15, 1973), was an American bluegrass and country guitarist and singer. Colonel" as well as many others. Today there are more than 300,000 to perhaps 400,000 Kentucky colonels living in over 70 countries, many organizations have been formed since the turn of the 20th century to promote activities, fraternity and social prosperity relative to Kentucky colonelcy. Bowman returned to Transylvania he commissioned Daniel Boone a "Lt. If youre a commissioned Colonel, you are a Kentucky Colonel for life. A Kentucky Colonel Commission (the certificate) is awarded in the name of the Commonwealth by the Governor of Kentucky to individuals with "Honorable" titular style recognition preceding the names of . When Col. There are currently organized fellowships (civil societies) located in the United Kingdom, Philadelphia, Switzerland, Spain, New York City, Toronto, Germany, and several other places. Commissions as Kentucky Colonels are presented for contributions to the community, state or nation, and for special achievements of all kinds. Other famous Kentucky Colonels include Muhammad Ali, Winston . Original Goodwill Ambassador Title of the Commonwealth. E. [26] John Carbone, a man from Philadelphia who later became a humorist in Kentucky, said that shortly after moving to the state in 1995, he struck up a casual conversation with a stranger while standing in line at a muffin shop, and was soon surprised to receive a Kentucky colonel certificate in the mail, as the man he had spoken with had been a member of the governor's staff and had submitted his name for the award. materials that can stop a bullet. Kentucky Colonels are unwavering in devotion to faith, family, commonwealth, and country. It is a replica of the badge used by the Kentucky Colonel Model Initiation Club in 1917, which was made of silver. This was reverted 30 days later and the commission's wording was reduced and the Kentucky Colonel Commission continued. Kentucky colonel is the highest title of honor bestowed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. While colonels today have no official responsibilities mandated, they are legally recognized reciprocally as the state's "ambassadors of good-will" due to their dedication to community service, contributions to the welfare of the state, and for improving the lives of others to make the world a better place for everyone. Can any Kentucky Colonel get listed as a colonel? Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii list of kentucky colonel recipients. To become a Kentucky Colonel, you must be recommended by an existing Colonel. State records indicate that his first colonelcy commission as a governor of the Commonwealth was granted to his adjutant general and military aide-de-camp, Col. Percival Pierce Butler in 1793. [44], While there were many notable historic and iconic figures such as Col. Daniel Boone and Col. John Bowman with the title Colonel in Kentucky, none of the original Kentucky colonels (from 1774 to 1815) were from Kentucky until after 1813 when the legislature commissioned Col. Richard Mentor Johnson to form the Kentucky Cavalry in the War of 1812. [28], In 2019, the unincorporated fraternal membership organization Kentucky Colonels International raised concerns and harsh criticism over the changes instituted by Governor Bevin, saying that the commission is a lifetime appointment as an honorary award and should not require colonels to donate annually to a particular organization in order to make nominations and retain their status or privileges. The recognition entitles the holder of the commission to enjoy the usufruct rights, privileges and responsibilities as the benefits of the Kentucky Colonelcy as their lifetime office. Call the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels at 502-266-6114 for inquiries regarding membership status. commission a Kentucky Colonel. Contact Governor Beshear. Greatest Civil Honor in the United States of America, the. [2] The story was proven to be a myth based in state folklore from the "Derby Colonels" which was challenged in U.S. Federal Court in 2020, when it was shown Chas. The mission of the first Colonel John Bowman and his designates was completed, they formed a civil government and designated one of their own as the new governor. Steadfast to the case when it was revealed that the case was being dismissed with prejudice his office removed the Secretary of State's original ", which won its case through the dismissal of the civil complaint. He was involved in surveying for the Transylvania Company in August 1775 working under Colonel Daniel Boone and Colonel James Harrod among other colonels, he was paid for his surveying work with a title to lands near Crab Orchard, Kentucky. Most of the laws established by these colonels and their colonists remain in common-law today and were included by other state constitutions. [1] A Kentucky Colonel Commission (the certificate) is awarded in the name of the Commonwealth by the Governor of Kentucky to individuals with "Honorable" titular style recognition preceding the names of civilians aged 18 or over, for noteworthy accomplishments, contributions to civil society, remarkable deeds, or outstanding service to the community, state, or a nation. SOLD FEB 17, 2023. According to the website, Kentucky Colonel is the highest title of honor bestowed by the Kentucky Governor. Given under my Hand & Seal, -Williamsburg this 21st day of December 1776, P. Henry, Jr.[citation needed], Bowman formed a company of 100 men and travelled from Williamsburg to Boonesborough and upon arrival bestowed the title of "Lieutenant Colonel" of Kentucky County to nearly any and all those who were already colonels in their own-right, and to many of his friends, stating that the territory is part of Commonwealth of Virginia and that Transylvanians were all part of Kentucky. Whether he does or not, he is now a Kentucky Colonel for life. Interested in helping us write new articles? [17], During this time Kentucky colonelcy gained considerable attention as a desirable honorific title that was even being awarded to women, until being harshly ridiculed and called a hollow title by Marsh Henry also known as Col. Henry Watterson, who had been a Kentucky Colonel for over 30 years already in 1920. Here he stands, then. Kentucky Colonel: Honorable & Official Title, If you know enough about Colonial and Early American History you will discover that there were literally hundreds of colonels commissioned, normally by other colonels; 1775 is when these colonels (first freemen) led their people to change the country under new colonial law. We recommend that all living and active colonels, identify themselves prominently using their Honorific Titles complimented by an ID Card, nameplate and wallet mounted badge when travelling or at work, however to promote that position we had to develop a handbook which is available only to Kentucky colonels that are actively employed. Clarence Edward "Big House" Gaines Sr. (May 21, 1923 - April 18, 2005) was an American college men's basketball coach with a 47-year coaching career at Winston-Salem State University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.Among his numerous honors for his achievements, he is one of the few African Americans to be inducted as a coach into the Basketball Hall of Fame. Actually, neither am I. All Rights Reserved. $55.00. Under the new head-of-state it was Governor Shelby became responsible for designating who would serve with him in government and who would continue to be acknowledged or recognized as a colonel. Colonels were known until 1793 to be the only authorized person to appoint a sheriff or designate a justice of the peace, when the colonists voted a colonel had to count the votes. The first honorary commission of a Colonel as an "Aide-de-Camp" by a Kentucky Governor is still unknown exactly. How did you become a colonel? On behalf of Governor Steven Beshear and Secretary of State Alison Grimes, the brethren were commissioned Kentucky Colonels on the evening of Tuesday . In 1815, Captain Todd became Inspector-General of the Michigan Territory under General Duncan McArthur who decommissioned him with the retiring rank of colonel before returning to his home in Kentucky. Kentucky colonels everywhere want to see the Kentucky Colonelcy awarded under more traditional and transparent conditions, because anything less makes the colonel themselves less significant. THE HONORABLE ORDER OF KENTUCKY COLONELS, INC. "The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, Inc. is irrevocably dedicated to and is organized and operated . Flem Sampson, 677; Gov. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Col. Daniel Boone is actually credited as the protagonist of the founder of the Transylvania Company, which was formed after Boone lost his son in his first settlement attempt in Kentucky. Morrow added 243; Gov. Most of the laws established by these colonels and their colonists remain in common-law today and were included by other state constitutions. The rare bottlings include Pappy Van Winkle Family Reserve 23-year, Colonel E.H Taylor Warehouse C Limited Release, and A.H. Hirsch, just to give you a small sampling of the kind of experience you . [5], After a person receives a commission from the governor they automatically become an honorary lifetime member of the organization and, via donation to and participation in the HOKC's charitable efforts throughout the state they can be considered an active member.[2][33]. in 1779. "Kentucky Colonel Commission," "Kentucky colonels" and/or "Kentucky colonelcy" as words or terms to describe [themselves], as an a honorary title, or for editorial, educational, informative, journalistic, literary , lawful or other non-commercial purposes. Kentucky Colonels Brass Membership Card. Col. Judge Richard Henderson of North Carolina befriended Boone, commission. Semantic Legal Source and Origin of the First Kentucky Colonel is Col. Daniel Boone and the, in America, it is an allegorical fact. David McAtee, a beloved community member who was blocks away from the protests, was killed by the National Guard. Recommendations can be made directly on the, amended the traditional process for nominating Kentucky colonels on the, website, making it easier to recommend someone for the award. He received the award, given to 4,000 to 5,000 . Many people even view it as a joke, but the, is not a joke it is quite the contrary; despite its history of 250 years the Office of the Colonelcy is very real, an attorney knowledgeable of this will tell you the Kentucky Colonel Commission is a Title of Authority, it is not just an honorary award despite the references. In the 25 years that followed, colonels were the ultimate authority in the New America until they replaced themselves with their own designates, fre, quently themselves to take new positions in government making their titles an honorable state of recognition within society, . The band was formed in Los Angeles in the early '50s by brothers Roland White, Eric White, and Clarence White (2) and their sister Joann. Nominations for the title of Kentucky Colonel must be made by an independent third party, it is not recommended that family members living at the same address make nominations because they may be rejected. Due to the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels making threatening legal demands against badge manufacturers it is difficult to have a Kentucky Colonel Badge manufactured by a US badge manufacturer. Col. Judge Richard Henderson of North Carolina befriended Boone, commissioning him a Colonel of the company that built the Wilderness Road (Wild Road) and Boonesborough. al. It's a refreshing drink that's perfect for summertime. Kentucky colonels (as individuals) may use. FEATURED ITEMS Great Seal Personalized Colonel Calling Card $25.00 Add to Cart Kentucky Colonels Brass Membership Card Add to Cart Shortly afterwards Kentucky County became the Kentucky District with three counties; before it became a state it already had Louisville, Frankfort and Lexington and nine counties by 1791 all subdivided by its Kentucky colonels. The recognition entitles the holder of the commission to enjoy the usufruct rights, privileges and, "Commissions for Kentucky colonels are given on occasion by the Governor and the, to individuals in recognition of noteworthy accomplishments, personal achievements, individual deeds and outstanding service in a person's community, state, or, The Governor of Kentucky bestows the "Honorable" title upon someone with a colonelcy commission through the issuance of, letters patent (Kentucky Colonel Certificate), . There is no reason that an organization with an 90 year history, established by a sitting governor, and raising millions of dollars per year for redistribution does . Interested in helping us write new articles? Governor Keen Johnson followed Governor Chandler's lead during his time in office from 1939 to 1943, commissioning only those select individuals who were deemed to have exhibited exceptionally noteworthy accomplishments and outstanding service to a community, state or the nation. Kentucky Colonel Identification (Photo ID Cards) Under the laws of the United States a person commissioned a Kentucky Colonel must possess evidence of their legal status in order to assert claims to exercise particular rights, privileges and responsibilities of their honorable title. That in itself must be newsworthy, or at least it should be if you are a. the honorable title. In 1776 under the new patriot laws Shelby found a commission from the Virginia Committee of Safety appointing him captain of a company of Minutemen. This serves as our website logo. Colonel Butler served in the role until 1817 under Governor Gabriel Slaughter, Butler was the first civilian uniformed commander of the Kentucky State Militia, however he was not the only colonel in Kentucky, or the only Kentucky Colonel. Most of Kentucky's counties today are named after the historic colonial and pioneer colonels that migrated there following Boone and Shelby. The title Kentucky Colonel became a lemma based on a demonym combining the words in 1833 based on the "The Kentuckian" a play in London. The Kentucky Colonel Cocktail is a bourbon-based drink that was created in the early 1900s. In 1957, soon to be Governor, Justice Bertram Combs said on the bench that a Kentucky Colonel is an officer of the Commonwealth with greater or equal powers than that of a Notary Public. If you cannot write well, just ask someone to write something for you in the third-person, if it is interesting and newsworthy we will publish it to our news feed starting in February 2023. dua to protect baby from evil eye. Vernon W. Robertson, The Filson Historical Society, Kentucky Colonel becomes its Greatest Statesman, In contemporary state history Col. Daniel Boone, is not recognized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky as its founding statesman, that title would go to, years earlier as a surveyor for the Transylvania Colony. As it was explained by the defense in the U.S. District Court in 2020, "the idea and image of the Kentucky Colonel and Kentucky colonels is inextricably intertwined with the state".[5]. Isaac Shelby the surveyor was paid in-kind with food, money and a deed for a parcel in the Transylvania Colony before returning to Southern Virginia on the Wild Road. Most of Kentucky's counties today are named after the historic colonial and pioneer colonels that migrated there following Boone and Shelby. The Kentucky Colonel may even be likely to have created the First Notary Offices. The generosity of our members enables the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels - as a recognized 501 (c) (3) tax exempt non-profit organization - to reach out and care for our children . "[22], Although commissioned Kentucky colonels are considered in Common Law to be aides-de-camp to the governors and members of their staff and thus entitled to the style of "Honorable",[23][24][25] Kentucky colonels are usually just referred to and addressed as "Colonel" and use the abbreviation "Col." or Kentucky colonel when the term is not being used as a specific title for an individual. Gist built the first modern hotel in. Facebook; Twitter; His commission certificate reads: You are therefore, carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of Colonel of the Militia, by doing and performing all Manner of Things thereunto belonging; and you are to pay a ready Obedience to all Orders and Instructions which from Time to Time you may receive from the Convention, Privy Council, or any of your Superior Officers, agreeable to the Rules & Regulations of the Convention, or General Assembly, and to require all Officers and Soldiers under your command to be obedient and to aid you in the Execution of this Commission according to the Intent & Purpose thereof. To keep hold of Kentucky in the war, President Lincoln and one of his own colonels, Col. John Marshall Harlan came up with a plan to post 1,000 civilian officers in uniform in Frankfort, Lexington and Louisville; which in reality were "citizen peace and goodwill ambassadors" for the Union being asked to wear the uniform to home and work, with no special duties. This has resulted in individuals working to generate goodwill towards the state of Kentucky and further recognition of the honorary title.
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