I applied through an employee referralI interviewed at K92 Mining (Port Moresby) in Sep 2021. Travel team and managing the domestic and international flights to site. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The Stage 4 Expansion PEA study outlines a 470,000koz gold equivalent per annum run-rate, <$450/oz (net of by-products) or <$690/oz (coproduct) life of mine average all-in sustaining costs and an After-Tax NPV5% of US$1.3 billion at $1,600/oz. endobj >Boilermaker/Welder >Human Resources Officer >Plant Mechanical Fitter >IT Support Officer >Chemist >Maintenance Fitter (HFO Power) >Electrician HFO Powerhouse Visit www.PNGworkForce.com to see full details. Announces C$5,000,040 Marketed Offering, K92 announces results, including 6.8m at 53.34 g/t Au, 106 g/t Ag and 1.16% Cu (56.45 g/t AuEq) in KMDD0049 - the most southerly hole drilled from Diamond Drill Cuddy 2 (DDC2), K92 Achieves Commercial Production at Kainantu Gold Mine, K92 Operations Update and Latest Drill Results, K92 Announces Further High Grade Kora Exploration Drill Results From Kora Northern Extension Including First Results From Second Drill Cuddy, K92 Announces Further High Grade Kora Exploration Drill Results from Kora Northern Extension, K92 Announces Further High Grade Kora Exploration Drill Results From Kora Northern Extension, K92 Defines First Mining Production Blocks in Kora North, K92 Defines First Mining Production Blocks In Kora North, K92 Reports On Warrant Exercises And Warrant Expiration, K92 Announces More High Grade Kora Exploration Drill Results And Ongoing Development Of Kora Northern Extension, K92 Ships First Kora Concentrate Under New Kora Offtake Agreement Which Includes A Provision For Usd $15 Million In Non-Dilutive Capital, K92 Mining Intersects Multiple High Grade Gold And Copper Veins In Kora Exploration Drilling, K92 Announces More High Grade Kora Exploration Drill Results Including 2.5m At 68.78 g/t Au, 86 g/t Ag And 0.37% Cu In Drill Hole Kmdd0017, K92 Reports Up To 20.04 g/t Au, 228.8 g/t Ag And 15.6% Cu From Rock Chip Samples At Blue Lake, Issuance Of Incentive Stock Options Exercisable At $0.65, K92 Announces Positive Final Results From Treating 2,050 Tonne Bulk Sample From The Kora Vein, K92 Announces High Grade Kora Exploration Drill Results Including 3.4m At 9.94 g/t Au, 55 g/t Ag And 5.97% Cu In Drill Hole Kmdd0016, K92 Announces Positive Results From Treating The Initial 800 Tonnes Of Bulk Sample From The Kora Vein, K92 Appoints Mr. Gavin Ferguson As Senior Vice President Operations And Mr. Chris Muller As Vice President Exploration, Underground Mining Operations, Including Kora Drilling From Underground Set Up, Have Recommenced At Kainantu Gold Mine And K92 Reaches Agreement With Landowner Group, K92 Mining Inc. Community Relations Update, K92 Mining Intersects Kora Vein In Cross Cut From Kora Exploration Drive, K92 Set To Commence Exploration Drilling To Follow Up On Kora Extension Discovery Hole, K92 Appoints Mr. John Lewins As Chief Executive Officer, K92 Production Ramps Up And Exploration Drilling To Commence To Follow Up On Kora Extension Discovery Hole, K92 Closes Oversubscribed Financing For Gross Proceeds Of $16,554,600, K92 Intersects High Grade Gold In Multiple Drill Holes At Irumafimpa, K92 Mining Inc. Various opportunities based in Lihir. The Judd main resource currently stands at 0.13moz at 11.0g/t AuEq Measured and Indicated and 0.18moz at 5.7g/t AuEq Inferred. Minor variations may occur during the addition of rounded numbers. K92 Mining owns the Kainantu Gold Mine located in the Eastern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea. Dismiss. Legal Notice | We are Proud to: Currently employ +1,500 people We also have a representative office in Port Moresby, PNG and a logistics facility in Brisbane, Australia. K92 Receives Second Tranche Funding From CRH Funding II Pte Ltd. K92 Holdings International Announces Appointment of Mr. Graham Wheelock To Board of Directors, K92 Completes Financing To Restart Its Kainantu Gold Project, Otterburn Resources Corp.: K92 Obtains License Approvals For 438.8 SQ KM Exploration Land Package Surrounding Mining License Area, Otterburn And K92 Announce Private Placement, K92 Mining Hires Peter Du Plessis As General Manager, Otterburn Announces K92 Completes Purchase Of Kainantu Mine From Barrick Gold Corp. And Files Initial Independent Technical Report And Resource Estimate. WebK92 Mining Inc. (K92), is a public company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol KNT, is a rapidly growing gold producer that owns the high-grade Kainantu , Posted: (5 days ago) 4 0 obj Resources were compiled at 1.75,2.5,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 g/t gold cut-off grades for Kora and 1.75,2.5,3,4,5 for Judd. Careers. Mar 2022 - Present 1 year 1 month. Cost Accountant MP Mining. The career list is updated regularly to ensure latest healthcare jobs recruitment can be shown up on site, creating more choices for our users, 2023 carehealthjobs.com. Proudly, more than 95% of our people are PNG citizens. , Job Description Labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov, Employee Job Satisfaction Questionnaire Pdf, For more convenience with applicants in the U.S for specific, we introduced a separated section to distribute information about healthcare jobs in different States of the America. Ltd. K92 Mining Inc. Signs Offtake Agreement For Concentrate And Reports On Site And Corporate Progress, K92 Mining Inc. The overlying Yaveufa Formation comprises basaltic and andesitic flows, agglomerates, volcanoclastic sandstone and limestone. These opportunities facilitate the development of an increasingly skilled local workforce with long-term and transferrable skills for future economic development. According to the Mineral Resources Authority, Porgera mine could be reopened after that expected date. Kainantu mine in PNG plans to create jobs for locals by Staff - Sunday, March 08, 2015 Advertisement The reopening of the Kainantu mine in September under new developer K92 Mining, will create new jobs enough to employ 300 - 400 locals in the area and the Highlands region. Guiding all Travel/Administration operation with efficiency including overseeing and supervising the. Please forward your expression of interest, resume and supporting documentation to: The Human Resource Department K92 Mining Limited P O Box 1290, LAE 411 Morobe Province or E-mail: recruitment@k92mining.com K92 Receives Second Tranche Funding From CRH Funding II Pte Ltd. K92 Holdings International Announces Appointment of Mr. Graham Wheelock To Board of Directors, K92 Completes Financing To Restart Its Kainantu Gold Project, Otterburn Resources Corp.: K92 Obtains License Approvals For 438.8 SQ KM Exploration Land Package Surrounding Mining License Area, Otterburn And K92 Announce Private Placement, K92 Mining Hires Peter Du Plessis As General Manager, Otterburn Announces K92 Completes Purchase Of Kainantu Mine From Barrick Gold Corp. And Files Initial Independent Technical Report And Resource Estimate. 67 jobs. We work hard and reward our employees with great pay and conditions. Red Cloud Financial Services Presents Pre-PDAC 2022 Mining Showcase. Our work is challenging and is guided by our core values: We care about our employees, business partners and our communities well-being. VIEW. applications per job advert - VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- K92 Mining Inc. ("K92" or the "Company") (TSX: KNT; OTCQX: KNTNF) is pleased to announce third quarter financial results for . K92 Mining Announces Record Annual Production, Achieves Guidance, Record Ore Mined, Ore Processed and Development. The gravity circuit, which is being optimized, produces a dore product. Take your chance with the search of Png Mining Job Vacancies and select the best option to start your future career. K92 Mining Inc. VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- K92 Mining Inc. (" K92 " or the " Company ") (TSX: KNT; OTCQX: KNTNF) announces that it will release its. The rapid progress has been truly remarkable, achieving commercial production in late-January 2018, exceeding production guidance in both 2018 and 2019, completing our Stage 2 Process Plant Expansion followed by a Stage 2A Process Plant Expansion underway, while also advancing our next stages of growth through the Stage 3 Expansion DFS and Stage 4 Expansion PEA in announced in 3Q 2022. Provide technical and operational . Kainantu has a large ~830km2land package in the land of large Tier 1 Gold Assets. In late-Q3 2020, the Stage 2 Plant Expansion Commissioning was completed to double mill throughput to 400,000 tpa. K92 is recognized as a TSX Top 30 performing company in 2022 Rapidly Expanding Tier 1 Gold Asset Large Land Package & World-Class Prospectiveity Significant Resource Growth Experienced Team with a Proven Track Record High Grade, High Margin Miner Socially Responsible Mining Johannesburg, Gauteng. New Lae jobs added daily. The property hosts many highly prospective vein field and porphyry targets. K92 Mining owns and operates the Kainantu Gold Mine in the Eastern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea. WebUrgent! Messenger / General Worker. DAVID Medilek has been appointed president and Warren Uyen chief operating officer of Papua New Guinea-focused K92 , Posted: (6 days ago) We are pleased to announce today our H2-2022 dividend of $100m Full year 2022 dividend amounts to $200m, which is 33% above the minimum commitment $99m . The Stage 3 Expansion DFS economics are robust, delivering capital expenditures fully funded from mine cash flow, Tier 1 peak production scale of 309 koz AuEq, Tier 1 costs averaging over the life of mine of $366/oz cash costs and all-in sustaining cost of $545/oz and a solid after-tax NPV5% of $586 million at US$1,600/oz or US$855 million at US$2,000/oz over a 7-year mine life. Mining Jobs in Png Jobs (with Salaries) 2022 | Indeed.com . The interviewer also wanted to know about my ability to partner with other departments and align the training and development team with the companys business goals. The party announced it will create 500,000 new jobs over five years, raise K3 billion in additional revenue from state agencies, reduce workers and company taxes as well as increase the personal income tax threshold to K30,000. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. 1mo. Announces Trading On OTCQB, K92 Mining Announces Conversion Of 2,500,000 Class A Preferred Shares By CRH Funding II Pte. Late Miocene regional scale low-angle thrust faulting followed, associated with the collision of the Finisterre Terrane. Hybrid remote in Santa Clara, CA 95054. Posted 30+ days ago. A cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t AuEq was used to define stoping blocks. Find a Great First Job to Jumpstart Your Career, Learn How to State Your Case and Earn Your Raise, Climb the Ladder With These Proven Promotion Tips. XhaP5gK_a9z7BzJ( ]o WB8tXQ:R3AlyNt 3Y0T2uyP[km=aX:kbU>QT1S3j6g5 2KC1nN 7%RSz-)EP\ARTib+r?$\$>5yW=,tc6O( =CgfYX 4SBVpX?YKZ Q~L.2zK1y6u&p[7J&KHR+`Zal$"MFXFP7(?H4f+OG7'8Ebb6z,6NSz}]teHdr9*7f4wg;Ifcn&}d;;8B]X&[#cpQET2UN+*D,IlhK(7!'$p]Gq/s.Sm~Gdl=g(?IQ:B\r& /r3r(Do\WWj+![%MIeTU ,+Dl/dIo<08/l|3 M=1#[lehV4Nt8|c oC6pQXR In August 2022, K92 announced at 10.8 moz Inferred resource or 4.7 blbs CuEq at its Blue Lake Porphyry. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Tq:EQ({~3O)p&,cE4gUrnU?--Q\t,gY)=ZPW=(?}R5IS*E7rZ?\Pz\Cgjw,4St}tn The mid-Miocene Akuna Intrusive Complex consists of multiple phases ranging from olivine gabbros, dolerites, hornblende gabbros and biotite diorites to granodiorites. The cut-off grade takes into account site operating costs, G&A costs, sustaining capital costs and relevant processing and revenue inputs. Privacy & Legal Policy, Clarification regarding inaccurate reports on recruitment. Edited by Red Cloud. The Independent and Qualified Person responsible for the mineral resource estimate is Simon Tear, P.Geo. The New Guinea Thrust Belt records an early Miocene or older ductile, tight folding event that was followed by middle Miocene intrusions. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 841.92 1190.64] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> This will help candidates to easily find suitable jobs near their placement, reduce the unnecessary costs when they get to find the occupation. 5. mining engineer coal mining mining jobs india first class mines manager with b e , mining i class mines manager mines manager mining diploma mining government opencast, mining back office. Otterburn Resources Corp.: K92 Holdings International Receives USD $2,063,132 From CRH Funding II Pte. K92 is operated by an experienced team of mining company professionals who, combined, have been involved in building over 20 mines and $5 billion in buyouts. Provides Operations and Stage 2 Expansion Update After Lifting of PNG COVID-19 State of Emergency, K92 Mining Inc. Reports Significant Resource Increase at High-Grade Kora Deposit, K92 Mining Inc. Positions include: Boilermakers, Heavy Equipment Fitters, Leading Hands, Community Coordinator, ERT officers. Reported tonnage and grade figures are rounded from raw estimates to reflect the order of accuracy of the estimate. Resume. It is also important to highlight that we see a tremendous opportunity to enhance the outcomes of the expansion plans through exploration in addition to other regional targets and have placed a major focus on this., - CEO and Director, John Lewins endobj The remaining 5% is owned by Mineral Resources Enga (MRE) Limited. Today's top 27 Lae jobs in Papua New Guinea. Provides an Update on Trading Activity, K92 Mining Inc. K92 Mining strongly believes it is very important to provide economic opportunities for Papua New Guineans. The Kainantu area is underlain by greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks of the Early Miocene Bena Bena Formation, which are unconformably overlain by the Miocene age Omaura Formation consisting of volcano-sedimentary units and limestone lenses. Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 3V7, Privacy Policy | 3 - 5 years relevant experience within the Minerals Processing Industry or related is essential. Sort by: relevance - date. Mining Jobs in Hidden Valley QLD 4816 - Mar 2023 | SEEK All work types paying $0 to $350K+ listedany time Related searches bhp jobs mining no experience jobs fifo jobs entry level mining jobs truck driver jobs construction jobs fifo mining jobs underground mining jobs 3 jobs Sorted by relevance Showing jobs within 50 km of Hidden Valley QLD 4816 Otterburn Resources Corp.: K92 Holdings International Receives USD $2,063,132 From CRH Funding II Pte. Barrick (Niugini) Limited ("BNL") provides the following clarification regarding inaccurate reports on recruitment at the Porgera Gold Mine in Enga Province. Join now Sign in K92 Mining Limited's Post K92 Mining Limited 21,331 followers 5mo Report this post . 4th Street, Lae. The Kainantu property is located within the New Guinea Thrust Belt, close to its northern contact with the Finisterre Terrane. O}1oU{u5hj e6f>|{ym)v~&jO}kbvL(#0d~ #OLLvL/fN6aL ^-Wit2TfI@M)\Gv5a Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea Report to Senior Metallurgist/Operation Superintendent. Recoveries of 92.8% for copper and 89% for silver. - CareHealthJobs. We are the single largest employer in the Western Province, and employ more than 40% of our people from the Preferred Area which encompasses three districts in the Western Province and the Telefomin District in the Sandaun Province. Releases 2019 Q2 Financial Results, Increases 2019 Production Guidance and Decreases 2019 Cost Guidance, K92 Mining Inc. WorldScienceJobs. Geopacific Resources Limited (ASX:GPR) is currently focused on developing the 1.6MoZ The Woodlark Gold Project in Papua New Guinea is a high margin gold project located in on the Woodlark Island in the Milne Bay province. Click here to view our latest Job Vacancies. 208, Approve / Reject candidates at the click of a button, Shortlist on application when you add a questionnaire to advert, Send bulk SMS or Emails to candidates of success/or interview plans, Only download the CVs or Cover Letters you want to keep, Use multiple recruiters to shortlist via your electronic account, Download shortlist into an excel spreadsheet to share, Make electronic notes on candidates in your account/ share with team. Releases Strong 2020 Q1 Financial Results, K92 Mining Inc. Bachelor's Degree in ManagementBusiness Administration and Management, General3. In May 2017, a near-mine infrastructure discovery of Kora North was made. Estimates are in Technical Report titled, Independent Technical Report, Mineral Resources Estimate Update Kora and Judd Gold Deposit, Kainantu Project, Papua New Guinea. Extra Low Voltage/Orange Card. Mining, Oil and Gas | Papua New Guinea Wood is currently seeking expression of interest from Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) Superintendents to join our team in PNG on a rotational schedule. About Ok Tedi Mine. Mining is focused on the Kora vein system, consisting of two dominant veins and the Judd vein system consisting of four known veins with one vein being mined. Clarification regarding inaccurate reports on recruitment Estimates are based on Technical Report titled, Independent Technical Report, Mineral Resource Estimate Blue Lake Porphyry, Kainantu Project, Papua New Guinea. CHRISTOPHER Kinver has been appointed project director of K92 Mining Ltd's Kora Expansion at the Kainantu gold mine in Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea . Copyright 2021 Porgera Joint Venture. US$ unless otherwise noted. The Independent and Qualified Person responsible for the Mineral Resource estimate is Simon Tear, P.Geo. Jobs may fill your pockets . OTDF is mandated to ensure wise and sustainable use of the wealth created from mining operations for the betterment of future generations of Western Province. Blue Lake is a discovery by K92, with nearly every hole intersecting mineralization and at a discovery cost of <$1/oz. page 1. As a 100% owned PNG company, we focus on responsibly generating profits to provide continuing benefits to the people of Papua New Guinea. Freshers having diverse qualifications are called to apply for Assmang Vacancies for Black Rock Mine Positions. Provides Community Relations Update, K92 Mining Inc. Provides Corporate And Site Update, K92 Mining Inc. (Formerly Otterburn Resources Corp.) Reverse Take-Over Completed. In October 2021, a Stage 2A Plant Expansion was approved to expand plant throughput a further 25% to 500,000 tpa. "+SC43e>ktP|+(jUv-g1=#21=1 Ausmech Pty Ltd. Singleton NSW 2330. The Stage 4 Expansion PEA outlines a run-rate production of +470koz AuEq pa, average AISC of $687/oz (co-product) or $444/oz (net of by-products) and After-Tax NPV5% of US$1.3b at $1,600/oz or US$1.8b at $2,000/oz. The minimum qualification requirement into PJV's graduate program is a Bachelor's degree in a relevant field. Gold price US$1,600/oz; Silver US$20/oz; Copper US$3.75/lb. Metal prices Au: US$1,200/oz, Ag: US$22.26/oz, Cu US$3.03/lb. Mission , Employee Job Satisfaction Questionnaire Pdf, For more convenience with applicants in the U.S for specific, we introduced a separated section to distribute information about healthcare jobs in different States of the America. Multiple targets are being drill tested concurrently. 2 0 obj K92 Mining Inc. Receives CDN $1,600,000 From CRH Funding II Pte. Yes they look after their staff good company to work for. Disclaimer, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Gold & Copper Drill Results at Kora-Kora South and Judd-Judd South; Multiple Dilatant Zones Intersected, K92 Mining Announces Promotion of Chris Muller to Executive Vice President Exploration, K92 Mining 2022 Fourth Quarter and Annual Financial Results Conference Call Details, K92 Mining Reports Strong 2023 Operational Guidance and Expansion of Exploration Activities, K92 Mining Announces Record Annual Production, Achieves Guidance, Record Ore Mined, Ore Processed and Development, K92 Mining Announces Executive Promotions of David Medilek to President and Warren Uyen to Chief Operating Officer, K92 Mining Announces Extension to Mining Lease 150 and Approval of the Kainantu Gold Mine Stage 3 and Stage 4 Expansions, K92 Mining Releases Strong 2022 Q3 Financial Results - Record Cash Balance, Ore Mined and Ore Processed, K92 Mining Announces Filing of Technical Report for Kainantu Gold Mine Integrated Development Plan, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Underground and Surface Drill Results at Kora-Kora South, Judd-Judd South and Kora Northern Deeps, K92 Mining Announces Strong Q3 Production Results, Achieving Record Mine and Mill Throughput, K92 Mining Announces 2022 Third Quarter Financial Results Conference Call Details, K92 Mining Announces Filing of Technical Report for Maiden Blue Lake Resource Estimate, K92 Mining Announces Inclusion in the 2022 TSX30, K92 Mining Inc Announces Robust Kainantu Gold Mine Integrated Development Plan, K92 Mining Announces the Kainantu Gold Mine Operating as Normal After Experiencing Regional Earthquake, K92 Mining Publishes Third Annual Sustainability Report Outlining Significant Achievements in ESG, K92 Mining Releases Strong 2022 Q2 Financial Results - Record Cash Balance, Mine and Mill Throughput, K92 Mining Declares Maiden Inferred Resource of 10.8 Million oz AuEq or 4.7 Billion lbs CuEq at the Blue Lake Porphyry, K92 Mining 2022 Second Quarter Financial Results Conference Call Details, K92 Mining Announces Strong Q2 Production Results - Record Mine & Mill Throughput, Significantly Exceeding Stage 2 Expansion, K92 Mining Closes CAN$50 Million Bought Deal Financing, K92 Mining Announces Voting Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, K92 Mining Announces Independent Proxy Advisory Firms, ISS and Glass Lewis, Recommend K92 Shareholders Vote FOR All Proposed Items at the Upcoming Annual General Meeting, K92 Mining Announces $50 Million Bought Deal Offering, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Underground Drill Results At Kora And Judd, K92 Mining Appoints Christopher Kinver as Project Director, Kora Expansion at Kainantu Gold Mine, K92 Mining Releases Strong 2022 Q1 Financial Results - Record Cash Balance and Record Monthly Throughput, K92 Mining 2022 First Quarter Financial Results Conference Call Details, K92 Mining Announces Strong Q1 Production Results at Kainantu Gold Mine - Record Throughput of 1219 tpd in March, K92 Mining Appoints Nan H. Lee to The Board Of Directors, K92 Mining Announces Filing of Technical Report for Updated Kora Resource Estimate and Maiden Judd Resource Estimate, K92 Mining Releases Strong 2021 Q4 & Annual Financial Results - Record Cash Balance, Throughput & Production, K92 Mining 2021 Fourth Quarter and Annual Financial Results Conference Call Details, K92 Mining Reports Significant Resource Upgrade at High-Grade Kora Deposit and Maiden Judd Resource Estimate, K92 Mining Announces High Grades, Record Thicknesses From Maiden Surface Step-Out Drilling Results at Kora South and Judd South, Airborne Geophysics Defines Extensive New Targets, K92 Mining 2022 Operational Guidance Forecasts Significant Production Increase, K92 Mining Announces Record Annual and Quarterly Production, Exceeding Updated Guidance, and Strong Performance From Judd, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Underground Drill Results at Kora, Including Step-Out Drilling to South and North, K92 Mining Releases Strong Q3 Financial Results and Achieves Stage 2 Expansion Run-Rate Throughput in September, K92 Mining Announces Voting Results of Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders, K92 Mining Announces High Grade Judd 1265 Level Development Results - Total Strike Extension of 211 Metres Averaged 21.69 G/T AuEq at 3.9 Metre J1 Vein Width, K92 Mining 2021 Third Quarter Financial Results Conference Call Details, K92 Mining Publishes Latest Sustainability Report Outlining Significant Achievements in ESG, K92 Mining Announces Strong Q3 Production Results With Stage 2 Expansion Run-Rate Throughput Achieved in September, K92 Mining Announces Stage 2A Expansion to Increase Throughput +25% to 500,000 Tonnes Per Annum at Kainantu Gold Mine, K92 Mining Sends Information Circular in Connection with Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders, K92 Mining Announces Inclusion in the S&P/TSX Composite Index, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Surface and Underground Drill Results at Kora, Including 6.45 M at 106.95 g/t AuEq, 5.30 M at 96.85 g/t AuEq and 6.35 M at 75.72 g/t AuEq, K92 Mining Announces High-Grade Judd Vein System Drilling Results, Including 8.51m AT 49.93 g/t AuEq and 3.70m at 53.63 g/t AuEq, K92 Mining Announces Maiden Judd 1265 Level Development Results - 83 Metre Strike Averaged 16.48 g/t AuEq at 3.5 Metre J1 Vein Width, K92 Mining Releases Strong Q2 Financial Results and Record Mill Throughput, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Drill Results at Kora, Including 3.0 m at 71.64 g/t AuEq & 5.35 m at 37.98 g/t AuEq, K92 Mining Announces Q2 Production Results and Record Plant Throughput at the Kainantu Gold Mine, K92 Mining 2021 Second Quarter Financial Results Conference Call Details, K92 Mining Releases 2021 Q1 Financial Results - Record Net Cash & Process Plant Throughput, K92 Mining Announces Resumption of Expatriate Fly-In Fly-Out Travel Between Papua New Guinea and Australia, K92 Mining Announces Grant of Stock Options, K92 Mining 2021 First Quarter Financial Results Conference Call Details: May 14, 2021, K92 Mining Announces Q1 Production Results and Record Plant Throughput at the Kainantu Gold Mine, K92 Mining Releases Strong 2020 Q4 & Annual Financial Results - Record Net Cash, Revenue & Throughput Following Commissioning of Stage 2 Plant Expansion, K92 Mining Fourth Quarter and Annual 2020 Financial Results Conference Call Details: March 29, 2021, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Drill Results at Kora, Including 7.20 m at 64.88 g/t AuEq, K92 Mining Hosts Visit by State Delegation Including the Honorable James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, & Receives Approval of Community Development Tax Credit Scheme, K92 Mining Announces Judd Underground Development Extension Results - Average J1 Vein Grade of 18.70 g/t AuEq at 3.8 m Width, K92 Mining Provides 2021 Operational Outlook, K92 Mining Achieves Record Annual and Quarterly Production, With 29,820 oz Gold Equivalent Produced in Q4, K92 Mining to Receive the Prestigious Thayer Lindsley Award for Best Global Discovery, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Drill Results at Kora, Including 9.80 m at 84.92 g/t AuEq, K92 Mining Reports Higher Grades From Judd Underground Development and Positive Grade Reconciliations & Recoveries From Processing of Judd Bulk Sample, K92 Mining Files Amended Technical Report For Kora Stage 3 Expansion PEA, K92 Mining Inc Releases Strong 2020 Q3 Financial Results, Including Record Net Cash & Throughput Following Commissioning of Stage 2 Plant Expansion, K92 Mining Announces Initial Phase 1 High-Grade Judd Vein System Drilling Results, Including 7.25m at 258.01 g/t AuEq, K92 Mining Inc. to Announce Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results on November 16, 2020: Conference Call Details, K92 Mining Announces Maiden Karempe Vein System Drilling Results and High-Grade Epithermal Vein Mineralization, K92 Mining Conditionally Approved to Graduate to TSX, K92 Mining Achieves Strong Gold Equivalent Production of 22,261 Oz in Q3, Commissioning of Stage 2 Expansion Plant & Multiple Throughput Records Exceeding Design, K92 Mining Announces Bulk Sample Preliminary Results at Judd Vein System and Commencement of Phase 1 Judd Drill Program, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Drill Results at Kora, Including First Hole From Most Southerly Drill Cuddy, K92 Mining Inc Releases Strong 2020 Q2 Financial Results Including Records for Revenue, Cash Flow and Net Cash, K92 Mining Inc Files Technical Report for Kora Stage 3 Expansion PEA, K92 Mining Inc Announces Robust Kora Stage 3 Expansion PEA, K92 Mining Inc to Announce Second Quarter 2020 Financial Results on August 13, 2020: Conference Call Details, K92 Mining Inc. Appoints Anne Giardini to the Board of Directors, K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Drill Results at Kora, K92 Mining Inc. Achieves Record Gold Equivalent Production of 26,847 Oz From Kainantu Gold Mine in Second Quarter, K92 Mining Inc.
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