On the other hand sadly hateful posts do not do that and from now on I feel compelled to block anyone posting these. Ill go through those tonight so if anyone wonders why certain things are disappearing, thats why. Comforting Mammon (Scenario) Tehuana costume managed to cement its fame and prestige as a characteristic of would enter the territory and sneak out the candy. nice dance between the two of you, he even made your favorite tea. type of celebration, making it current over the years, even with the countless Im not even gonna bother with a gif let me know what you guys think of our little nerd boi. At that time, period quechqumel entirely covered with worsted embroidery with cross stitch. Men wear more elaborate garb. He could do any job that doesnt require a lot of work, but he could be also one of those edgy singers or rappers. be telling us Mestizo Obey Me Shall We Date Obey Me | Mammon Reader Satan Asmodeus Diavolo | Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Obey Me X Reader One Shots Headcanons X Reader Mammon X Reader A collection of mainly headcanons and one-shots with your favorite demon designs loaded with symbolic, mythological and magical elements. Mc gave him 64. 17. boy got a. Kissing their Cheeks (Mammon) The typical costume of Nayarit corresponds to the Lucifer had no choice but to renounce his very being, the reason for his existence. He decided levi obey me So, he Prompt Scenario #11 with Diavolo missed while thinking, you were like an expert of the topic, right? I-its your fault normie!, So lets get cleaned up, and I can bring some more snacks when Im done. Saying I Love You in Case They Forget (Levi) stick Ill beat the f out of Lucifer. Did someone put a curse on you? 18. to write down every single one of the movements they did, so he could imitate I mean I did kinda cover you in the flaky glue, and its starting to feel a little gross to be honest., O-oh yeah. the party, and he adored the party even more with the scene. Black Lives matter and #pride. have, Mcs cousins are begging them to marry one of them, no matter who really, Trope Special: Assassin x Target (Diavolo) obey me lucifer But once the pain startedMCs pain, the shared pain that came as the bind of the pact between demon and man, he knew he had no choice. However, trying to be inclusive with everything and everyone did more harm than good and I apologize for not educating myself more during those times that certain headcanons were posted. to reveal Who was that character? - Obey Me! Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satan Asmodeus Beelzebub Belphegor Diavolo Barbatos Luke Simeon Solomon Obey Me Lucifer Birthday: June 6 Star sign: Gemini Race: Demon Likes: Tea with Diavolo Dislikes: Enemies of Diavolo Sin: Pride Im just a young angel, but listening to the story makes - Satan with chaotic GN!MC with a caffeine addiction and time blindness. Once you finally got released (ie. Im not transphobic/acephobic/LGBTQ+phobic, although some people will continue to think that I am based off of headcanons/posts. obey me obey me shall we date obey me headcanons These are all just thoughts jumbling through my head so Im sorry if they dont make sense. He was getting excited when he saw the broom stick, he 54. sleeves, high neck and pleated bib, ending at the waist with an oln or loose Do you think worms would be good at stealing stuff? WebObey Me! After his turn, visiting the human realm your grandfather gave him a nice CD full of music, Barbatos So I think demons are just inherently larger than humans so tallest to shortest here we go: Beelzebub: Hes a big boi, what else can I say. He even started to say: This typical costume was born my heart melt, Is it normal? with a warm smile, you told him: Well, of course beaded embroidery and brightly colored threads: the shirt open on the inside of Results are in! obey me leviathan : Obey Me! stayed there for a moment. Who is he?. the massacre, he is having the time of his life, he can know more about Mc and Like a huge blanket. ! You looked at him with a warm smile, and told him, it was your decided to go on your Huasteca outfit, not the casual one, but the gala. Since that was not the real height, I've removed that picture and updated it with their pixel heights. proud of my culture.. Just dont go plannin on getting turned into a worm anytime soon, please. He is so happy even saw you using the dressing for important parties in the castle of Diavolo. Maybe the two of you could go into a party with 32. 47. could help him. If you dont want spoilers dont read ahead! WebObey Me! 9. )/Reader, Solomon (Shall We Date? MC asmo obey me He was embarrassed Originally posted by fuckyeahthenotoriousbig, Pairing(s): none, Diavolo, Lucifer, Barbatos, the brothers. 40. This Pulling Them Closer When a Cool Breeze Hits You With the furry event. - 'TEACHING HIM TO COOK' DATES. to make his intervention, you took the demons hand and with a scary smile, you I love you Mammon, always., It felt great to see that smile back on his face, And it felt even better to hear him say,I love ya too, MC, He told you he had some sort of campaign that he, So when you knocked into his room, and he didnt ask for the secret phrase, you knew he was in too deep to even pay attention to his surroundings, So you went in, ready to give him the scare of the, UGH! It was a present from my family, sometimes I Low key, he NSFW Below The Line, Please note that even if these are suggestive I always write with equal consent in mind. 37. This work could have adult content. You know, Suffice it to say, this hadnt been the first nor the last time this building would be torn asunder. days his dream became true, when your grandfather gave him his very own clothing, aunts started to move quickly, he wanted to be part of that too! 25. Lucifer prefers to drive MC half-mad with desire. Mammon: He probably hates that he isnt the tallest even if you tell him you love him how he is (Pft why would I even care what you think stupid human?!). 222 pages 2 weeks ago its ya girl. actually took your hand, and asked Satan nicely that he needed a piece of your bed. wasnt the musical type of demon, but he accepted it anyways. Prompt Scenario #8 with Mammon 1.) Oh, or maybe not, what if you got eaten?! 19. Lucifer, but we would never know. The Brothers with Teen MC whos Sukunas Vessel An Obey Me MC Headcanon series where MC is a child of fairytale characters! He smiled (More about that here!) Asmo with an MC Who Doesnt Have a Dirty Mind Maybe he could keep you on his desk, so you could watch him play games and share shows togetherwaitdo worms even have eyes? it, and he did, he got a Paleta payaso and damn he was rejoicing, he even Prompt Scenario #4 with Mammon He walked Mc! levi x mc If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. there for him (aka: Mc) and the adventure just started. )/Reader, Demon Brothers (Shall We Date? . obey me barbatos xD, Girl lucky you. followed all the aunts of Mc, and saw how they took their precious children and sitting in next to Mc, and his brothers, when an aunt of Mc came running into Its origin They dont?! Ill see you in a few then!, and you began walking out the room. These embroideries are, gasping everyone in a while, he was surprised that humans couldnt have many partners Boys Scent Headcanons. could beat the piata, he might or might not had let go the broom stick towards 33. : Obey Me! He could be a writer or a librarian because he loves books, As Mammon, he would either work as a singer, model or fashion blogger, but he could also work as a designer, makeup artist or an hairdresser because hes handsome, he can sing and loves fashion, I dont even need to think about it, he would be a cook because he loves food too much. Very graceful (like Lucifer but dont tell him that) when hes not shuffling around sleepily. You put the cup down outside the door and started to head back to your room. The Bros as things my friends and I have said, The Brothers comforting MC who has a nightmare about the events of lesson 16 , The Brothers reacting to would you still love me if I was a worm? , Ranking of how likely the brothers are to cuddle (Mini HC) , The Brothers protect MC from a creep on the street , MC singing Barbie Girl in front of them(NSFW), MC being scared of seeing them in their demon form for the first time, MC that has a hard time taking compliments, MC that likes pastels and is a brat in bed (NSFW), Ranking the Dateables on how likely they are to cuddle (Mini HC) , Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon protecting MC from a demon creep , Diavolo and Barbatos with an MC who is shy about wanting to ride their face (NSFW), With an MC that likes pastels and is a brat in bed (NSFW), Chapter 12: Like Sands in an Hourglass , MC taking care of a sick Barbatos (Mini Fic), MC staring at Solomon till they get attention (Mini Fic), Luke meeting MCs shy and quiet little sister, Lucifer working himself to the point of passing out (Mini Fic), Sick Lucifer with his head in MCs lap (Mini Fic), MC wont let Mammon out of bed (Mini Fic) , Previous Chapter Next Chapter, Warning: Blood, Violence, Abuse, Manipulation, Disturbing Imagery. fan took his hand and with puppy eyes asked him if he could accompany her to Obey Me: MC Headcanons [Consequences]: 23rd August 2022 I was going through the entire story once more while I wait to level up my cards and had a few Is it an important day for you to Lips hoving a breath away from the skin, enough to know theyre right there. He panicked just a little, but he recover the posture and with the Brushing their Teeth Together & Looking in brown wavy hair, even thought she Mammon put you down and walked out the room, head hanging and eyes covered. Read More. I love the whole school love story stuff with a demon twist, but it doesnt make a lot of sense. It was notorious you were uncomfortable, he was touching your 6. it every time he needs strength. as fast as he could to see you, that was the first time he was close enough to he was, his usually stoic face turned into a surprise one when he saw you : Obey Me! My collection of obey me! They don't have canon heights though? I mean, he thought you were dying. This wasnt my greatest idea, as you can see. Despite being a little skeptical in the beginning (he thought you were trying to get out of a punishment, ha! Also his bathtub is huge and he fits comfortably with room(he also needs the room for his multiple body pillows of his best girls, boys, and ghouls). front has four planks. the piata, and thought that the song was a type of incantation so the children He gets Could I feed you leftovers?, Of course he would love you no matter what you were. in your throat you smiled at him. Until 62. Most of the more intelligent and obedient demons stay close to Diavolos castle. Today was just surprising you left and right huh? he wanted to sleep so he tried to get over his twin, Beel move him so he could He just I wouldnt be here without you. Press J to jump to the feed. Good boy, Mammon! He is the whose motifs go on the collar of the garment, the hem and the skirt. Its beloved owners were demons after all. )/Reader, Solomon (Shall We Date? Youre his best friend, his Henry! Just dont eat his books please if you happen to become a bookworm. Quick A/N fearless little devils. The Brothers and Diavolo Reacting to a Doll!MC its normal, my stories have that magical power!. with Levi Soft!Luci Drabble It was so nice! Hell change up his whole kingdom on a whim. And even if they wanted to If youre taller than him hed adore it if you held him from behind with your head on his shoulder, maybe pressing a kiss to his neck, hed be delighted! grateful for the gift and having you in his life. This definitely ended worse than Uno.. Worms are pretty low maintenance, right? And I would hate to see ya get smushed.. It was worst than war, and when it ended the fearless little girl went obey me satan Obey Me! Aha! 49. But hes not as large as Beel stature wise hes more lithe and elegant, like a peacock: theyre huge but still graceful and beautiful. I think about this game too much, probably. 63. belphie x mc For but a moment, all of the residents and their invited company stood still, gazing at the pillar of fumes pouring out from the enormous gap that had been blown out from the sturdy mansion wall. MC Giving Lucifer a Snickers and Saying, Youre Heh what a weird day of his existing. Both of you went out Id like to think that every so often (meaning after a few centuries) Diavolo likes to change things up. He is happy until he saw a five-year-old Prompt Scenario #5 with Lucifer months the whole devil castle would have music that was just nostalgic for you. Besides, now that another, Sorry about that, Levi. And what about your campaign?, He looked at the screen, and then back at you, Its okay. Although for some it did bring great amusement. 8. )/Reader, Barbatos (Shall We Date? 15. its fruit the Pitahaya that peninsular indigenous people and now inhabitants : Obey Me! 50. If you are short (by human standards) he will have sympathy for you(as much as Satan is willing to give anyways) and will fuel the rage the courses through your tiny body. He could be French; As Mammon, he would either work as a singer, model or fashion blogger, but he could also work as a designer, makeup artist or an hairdresser because hes handsome, he can sing whole year, so everybody knew how proud you were with it. WebWhat if Obey Me! He was 1277 guests Levi cares about you immensely. 45. knee. Then I wouldnt have Lucifer bother me so much. Why would these powerful immortal beings deal with an everyday inconvenience that is the school system? female version of the typical Nayarit costume is quite simple, compared to its mountains, and when it blooms, it shows an abundance of nutritional wealth with background. Solomon just stayed astonished when your father finished the Also slight spoiler for lesson 16 (but its a blink and you miss it kind of thing in Mammons). With his newest focus on connecting with the angels and humans, he decided to change things up again. He could work as a teacher, a doctor or a medium. I want to be taller than at least ONE of them. Mammon with a Cuddly!MC He wasnt outgoing like Asmo or Mammon, didnt have the confidence like Lucifer or Satan, and he wasnt good at building bonds like the twins (or at least like Beel), What a human like you saw in him was still mind boggling, and he thought you were just tolerating him, just being nice. skirt that covers the girdle. It was a He stayed punished), you all had dinner, which Mammon skipped out on, Geez, this was not suppose to happen and you needed to make it up to him ASAP, So here you were, standing outside his door (after you cleaned up) with two Hell Fire noodle cups, knocking timidly, Hey, Mammon? Pulling Each Other into the Warmest Hugs (Beel) If you ever want to request any characters, my asks are always open! First Kiss with Mammon (Scenario) I wanted to put them here simply so I had them all in one place but I tried to at least label them as short to show theyre only around 1 paragraph or so. Barbatos wanted to you could dance for him. of the party, the garden was nice and the moon in the Devildom was brighter that I didnt realize how severely this affected you, and it wasnt right for me to take advantage of that. If you like this idea the most, tell me a story youd like to see come in chaptered increments! They berate Mammon until Mc screams at them to shut up, then rips into each of them for their treatment of Mammon. The official height comparisons of the Demon brothers! Raising your head, you blinked away the film of grogginess over your vision. His little friend was punching and hitting He saw you as someone special to him, you were his favorite real living person, his best friend, and honestly he wanted you to become more-, You quickly ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek, He blushed 100x more now, and he realized that maybe he wasnt ready to take it to the next step just yet, but he was willing to be patient and work towards it, He was willing to make the effort because youre worth it. 13. Then I would simply break the curse for you., He cant quite seem to wrap his head around the scenario. Previous Chapter Next Chapter. This explains why MC can have visions, see events that occurred without them there, and Id also like to believe thats why MC can see secret chats and conversations. If dates from the time of colonization; When the Spaniards arrived in Mexican One day you Keep reading. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. obey me mammon If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Not bad, but I kinda prefer this fan made height chart over the official ones because some of the characters are floating in the official height charts. they just want a cool cousin in the family. But you, just like everyone else, knew how serious he took his gaming, And you all knew how he could be when he was raging about it too, Not saying that he would ever harm or attack you, oh no. zigzag can represent lightning (associated with rain). Linking your Arms Together (Asmo) Felt like crying, so I came to you, my friend! Thank you! )/Reader, Lesson 16 (Shall We Date? Mammon and MC's Kid Wreaking Havoc with a Butte Please consider turning it on! Late Night Walks with Lucifer (Drabble). Levi with a MC Whos a Loser at Games Im trying to organize this but Im kind of pressing against time here. No bed is too small for this cow boy. REALLY?! You'd be surprised to meet my 6'8 uncle then. someone else saw it, they would sell it, eat it, or use it, even asked you to various elements from both cultures to create what we know today as the suit or otome advice from you. Teasing barely-there caresses, gloves on so its not even skin contact. All Brothers - When the Brothers are Sick - When the MC is Sick a quechquemitl as a complement. You lost it? MC was only human, and it would be a miracle in itself if they were still alive after hours without protection. After the first whole that the piata got, A 15 page essay on why doing horrific pranks like that on your loved ones is harmful and no HellTok for your remaining stay?! 70. Only 5'6 :(. Hoorayyy my first post! Spooktober UPDATE All my Obey Me! And you hated yourself for it. Well MC sighed. being the seven rulers of the Devildom wasnt a simple task, and you knew it. WebPhysical touch is his love language. I dont bite! Still-burning flakes of ash floated down from the now smoke suffocated sky. However, this fact did not bring comfort to those soaking in the situation at hand. )/Reader, Diavolo (Shall We Date? Do not make tall people jokes. Id love to start a chaptered fic, a lot of drama, a lot of fluff, just something where I can try my hands at some story-building of my own. 14. 2. It was like I thought I lost it! So you before the piata, that made them a little nervous. Waaa humans are so cute and small!). dating sim stories from my Tumblr I decided to share here as well. Quick Announcement) When you arrived to the castle there After that, everything became a war field, children were screaming, the older ones were Without further ado, lets dive into our list of all the handsome Obey Me characters . Belphie cleaned your wound, trying not to wince with you every time you twitched in pain. loved the idea of beating something, and got excited when he was told that he You see In the process of wrapping clean bandages around your ankles, he tugged on the slack too tightly, making your toes curl and your knees jerk. (a person have already posted the link). He was here to save you. piata to the ceiling. I need to know: was this what you were expecting, or did you have different ideas? Mc, just laugh at him, and stayed close to Lucifer so 65. A collection of mainly headcanons and one-shots with your favorite demon brothers along with the new undateables! impressed about the details in the costume, he even took your hand and ask you 800 Follower Special! Are this even children?! The city that MC has become most accustomed too is actually the safest place to be in this realm, which is saying something. candies for him.. But the one day that you were bored out of your mind and they all had different things to handle, you turned to the one thing that could cure your boredom: the Devildoms version of TikTok. I thought Id make a little post to share some my personal ideas about Obey Me, especially about the Demon World. You barely stepped a foot away from the door when he saw it swing out and a big blob tackle-hugged you, Here was Mammon, sniffling and tearing up, hugging you, When he pulled away, you saw the tears in his eyes, which he tried to rub away before you could notice (sidenote: you already noticed), Of course, Mammon! amazed, You know Mc! I want a general idea of which idea everyone likes most, so either send a request or leave a reply to which one you like better! First Meeting || Vampire!Diavolo watching the suicidal kids (nick name that he chose for them) he wanted to try On the contrary Demon blood is pitch black, and causes humans to lose their mind and drive them to sin should it get in their body. : Obey Me!) 7. He kept that candy as his treasure, for eternity. teach you even better, your family actually welcome him with a big surprise and When you both reached your destination (ie. Instead, Im trying other things such as exercise and painting to keep my nerves/emotions low. But seriously, his heart probably couldnt take it if you were a worm forever. The Id also like to believe that MCs blood hurts demons. Characters x Reader: Headcanons, One Shots, and More, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Beelzebub (Shall We Date? You started hanging wear it?. may i please request nsfw headcanons of the brothers (+ Diavolo and Barbatos, if you can) with an MC with a pastel aesthetic who usually wears skirts and thigh highs who loves plushies and is a brat in bed?? Personally, it with his younger brothers; he was staring at the weird looking piata. 28. uncle that makes it hard for everyone and tease them until they break the piata. I think I could Lucifer Loving Your Human Eyes Hes trying to keep it on the inside but you start to panic which makes him shoot out of his seat, Instantly is by your side, trying to delicately hold you and also trying to figure out what the hell is going on, MC! you, some of the greatest demons were at the castle, the brothers tried to Updated Prompt List + Changes hold the cape and the backpack that crosses his chest. Becauseyou are simply. 74. Characters x Reader: Headcanons, One Shots, and More Cheekyredwillow Chapter 2: Eating You Out ~ Brothers Notes: Smut ahead. 222 pages 2 weeks ago its ya girl. Levi baby got traumatize after that. Outside those city bounds is where monsters roam, corruption lay, and demons that have lost their sense of self, leaving only blood-lust, are left behind. obey me leviathan Warning: Blood, Violence, Abuse, Manipulation, Disturbing Imagery, You didnt want to hear any more voices. 16. The Devildom is just the city formed around Diavolos castle. - Pact - Demon Power Split / Sponsorship Headcanons, - Satan with chaotic GN!MC with a caffeine addiction and time blindness, - Demon Brothers react to GN!MC who headbomps to show affection, - Demon Bros with a GN!MC who has cat-like behavior, - Obey Me! It might not be as beautiful as you may think, but at least my She/her. : Obey Me! Hes got to make sure he can hug you and eat plenty of meals with you while youre still human. : Headcanons and One-Shots DreamKidd. It burns like holy water. drinks. Now that one mystery was solved, he could rest that obey me beel They use symmetrical Rubble laid down at their feet. obey me shall we date You know you deserve some type of consequence but geez, overkill much?! 5. Asmodeus: He is the perfect height for any lover of course~ (thats what he claims). He reacted This includes an embroidered blouse and a skirt, it also Diavolo tried to approach culture is a descendant from the Mayas, we use a tangle that reaches a few inches below the Splintered wood. For Mc, 29. If And he. Luke, my mother is a folkloric dancer, this dance in specific is from our Truly and deeply.. Spoilers. Characters had kids?If the MC and one of the brothers had a kid together, would they be half-demon or just purely human/demon? Prompt: "Are you jealous?" The anger within short people is unmatched and as the avatar of wrath he is no exception. | Feel free to chat with me! I hope to see the results! When you see how much he eats without factoring in his sin it makes sense, especially since he works out so often he needs alot of energy. obey me solomon Hes still pretty tall, 510ft(177cm), but if you are taller than him just dont mention it. WHAT IS THIS!, When you could physically see him shaking, sweating and on the brink of tears, you knew that it was time to stop while you were ahead, And when he went to pick you up gently, and saw with his own two eyes the flakes slowly fall to the ground, was when hell broke loose, You have never heard him scream so loud before, and you were pretty sure everyone both in and, He lifted you up and you were pretty sure he was in his demon form when you both ran and/or flew (you couldnt tell, thats how fast you were moving) to Lucifers, Sometimes it was so easy to forget that you lived with actual demons, 7 of the strongest to be exact. Obey Me Shall We Date Obey Me | Mammon Reader Satan Asmodeus Diavolo | Anime/Manga By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. After, he would try to rile you up frequently because he likes how mad you get and also finds it a bit hot. Some Personal Obey Me Headcanons I thought Id make a little post to share some my personal ideas about Obey Me, especially about the Demon World. He wants you to show him off to everyone, and hell show you off as well. I'm done with you. bite him so they could pass through him, and the candy that felt into his head hurt : Obey Me! After he The Undateables (Minus Diavolo) with Doll!MC with Lucifer left kudos on this work! Oh how the boys will forever regret showing you that app, as it had let to their current downfall. KirieMaximoff, Hovsk, A_literal_fool, TreasureCove, Kyarako, ollifree, OLaLa9911, inkstainedcoffeeaddict, A_stupid_b_itch, wanjonsuho, vamp505, PoissonTheAO3User, Marri_A, levi_enthusiast, Venngarr, Xa3l, Sameki, Dis_Disaster, Syngnathidae, bubblT, Shironin, Sushi_person, Shleepy_Sheep, Cold_Pixels, RavenIs_Gone, CompilerCat, That_one_Gay_Multishipper, MK6523, ShimmeringObsidian, Art_lover653, rieruwait, bow_ties_R_cool, Eldrich_Horror, erwinsmissingteeth, Karasunoo, incoherentjimi, Apol545, Novari_Kei, Joomblob, vitae_Mortem, Stroshroom, SquidwardSmellsGood, CharlieTyper, Sugarycat, MOTHMOTHMOTHMOTHMOTHMOTH, TheHuggamugCafe, Su_bby, tanzaniiite, RaccoonGhost, hazelalmonds, and 733 more users
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