Females were about six times more likely than males to patronize CHPS compounds (adjusted OR=5.98, 95% CI 2.55, 14.0, P=< 0.01). All psychosocial health variables were correlated with GPIU, with the exception of shyness; however, general loneliness was the only significant predictor of GPIU. Contrary to the majority of published research, this study did not find a positive correlation between BV and preterm birth. All articles made use of continuous and descriptive data. As prescribed in 14.201-6(p)(1), insert the following provision: Descriptive Literature (APR 2002) (a) Descriptive literature, as used in this provision, means information 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Descriptive Literature. PMID:25424803. In total 312 questionnaires were completed. The 23 products selected in the Panel Review of Products (PROP) in 1972-1973 and the dissemination recommendations made are discussed, and product descriptions are provided. Both variables change in the same direction. Of 364 patients, mean age was 63.1 (12.3) years and 36% had previous heart surgery. Analytical predictions of hub shears for main rotor harmonics 2p, 4p, and 6p generated by C81 are used in conjunction with 2p OLS measured control loads and a 2p lateral tail rotor gearbox force, representing downwash impingement on the vertical fin, to excite the NASTRAN model. PMID:27171756, High-Alpha Research Vehicle Lateral-Directional Control Law Description, Analyses, and Simulation Results. Quadratic correlation filters (QCFs) operate directly on the image data without the need for feature extraction or segmentation. This work is based primarily on barium strontium titanate (BSTO) ferroelectric thin film based tunable microstrip filters for room temperature applications. Motivating the Notion of Generic Design within Information Processing Theory: The Design Problem Space. The findings from the current study will help develop appropriate interventions for these students and inform future research. It is suitable for describing digital systems at gate, register transfer, and major combinational block level. The scope of this article is to provide a comprehensive system of metadata descriptors for the description of a 3D microstructure. In this sense, the QCFs retain the main advantages of conventional linear correlation filters while offering significant improvements in other respects. Finnish Prenatal Study of Bipolar Disorders (FIPS-B): overview, design and description of the sample. 47 Telecommunication 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Video description and emergency information COMMISSION (CONTINUED) BROADCAST RADIO SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY OF VIDEO PROGRAMMING Apparatus 79.106 Video, 2015, all apparatus that is designed to record video programming transmitted simultaneously with sound Multidetector-row computed tomography enterographic assessment of the ileal-anal pouch: descriptive radiologic analysis with endoscopic and pathologic correlation. Prevalence of depressive symptoms among schoolchildren in Cyprus: a cross-sectional descriptive correlational study. Biases can appear in any phase of a study; they can affect the sample, the development of the study, or the measurement of the results. Nonlinear finite element simulations were performed to evaluate the effect of various boundary conditions, loading configurations, and material orientations on the geometric precision of geometries representing typical internal/external surfaces commonly incorporated into inflatable pathfinder system. Correspondingly, the time required to recommend an efficacious treatment for phase III is quicker. Correlational research is designed to discover relationships among variables. This is in striking contrast to the Stokes flow, in which the resistance is independent of and proportional to the fluid viscosity. Because of the field`s relatively small reserves (mean 118 mmbbls), the performance of each of the 10 or so horizontal wells is highly important. This article provides a systematic and robust journey through the philosophical, ontological, and epistemological perspectives, which evidences the purpose of qualitative description research. For a time condition analysis of a pretestposttest nested cross-sectional trial design, we show that statistical power considerations based upon a posttest-only design generally are not an adequate substitute for sample size calculations that incorporate both types of intracluster correlations. As prescribed in 14.201-6(p)(1), insert the following provision: Descriptive Literature (APR 2002) (a) Descriptive literature, as used in this provision, means information 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Descriptive Literature. Increase in diastolic BP (DBP) correlated with a significant increase in cholesterol level (P = 0.002) and BMI (P = 0.006). When this interaction distance is small, the optimal free theory provides an effective description of the low-energy physics of the interacting model. The program can be used to define design requirements such as weight breakdown, required propulsive power, and physical dimensions of airships which are designed to meet specified mission requirements. In this method, the functionality and the timing of the circuit block is defined directly by describing their behavior by the HDL. This prospective clinical trial aims at correlating miniscrew implant (MSI) micro/macro architecture, the method of placement, and biologic markers in peri-MSI crevicular fluid (PMICF) as indicators of bone response. Descriptive and correlational research methods are the major types of quantitative research used to collect data and if need be, determine its relationship to a certain phenomenon. We concluded that pain intensity in outpatients with chronic LBP in the Neurology Clinic at Adam Malik General Hospital Medan correlates with the patients quality of life. Frequency Based Design Partitioning to Achieve Higher Throughput in Digital Cross Correlator for Aperture Synthesis Passive MMW Imager. A retrospective chart review was done to collect CONCLUSION The role description developed as a result of this study brings clarity to the medical directors role in Canadian LTC facilities; the functions outlined are considered important for medical directors to undertake. The average stoma-related knowledge score suggested moderate levels of knowledge (45.112 13.358). 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Descriptive Literature. The Internet and architects facilitated learning about. The GDR are defined in terms of Caltech Intermediate Form (CIF), which is a geometry-description language that defines simple geometrical objects in layers. Another challenge when considering qualitative description design is differentiating qualitative description from other qualitative approaches. Descriptive research attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service or programme, or provides information about , say, living condition of a community, or describes attitudes towards an issue. In 2 separate studies, and in 2 types of data sets, clear versions of the Big Five factor structure were found. The introduction of defects may generate states within the gap, and substantially improves the conductance, specially of finite branches. A distinction is made between journals that are entirely tangible and those that contain, Bergman, Lawrence David (Inventor); Mohan, Rakesh (Inventor); Li, Chung-Sheng (Inventor); Smith, John Richard (Inventor); Kim, Michelle Yoonk Yung (Inventor). Most of the research published in Brazilian physical therapy journals used levels II and III of evidence. Geoscientists should address this challenge by using flexible and efficient tools and platforms. However, with current adoption rates being reportedly low, the potential of IATs might remain under-expressed as long as the reasons for suboptimal adoption remain unaddressed. The results provide novel correlates not available in other questionnaires: religiosity, political orientation, and attitudes about sex in a relationship. DDL translator output can be used for the hardware implementation of the digital design. Sample size formulae incorporating 2 types of intracluster correlations are examined for the purpose of planning future trials. This study received exempt Institutional Review Board status. Moreover, temporal correlations significantly affect the dynamics of coupled epidemic processes unfolding on the network. Our construction of the optimal free model is non-perturbative in nature; thus, it offers a theoretical framework for investigating strongly correlated systems. This turbine description is intended to bridge the gap between the NREL 5 MW and DTU 10 reference turbines and thus contribute to the standardisation of research and development activities in the offshore wind energy industry. A range of parameters suitable for the satisfactory description of key magnetic properties is determined. We show a simple, analytic equation describing a class of two-dimensional shapes well suited for representation of aircraft airfoil profiles. A decrease in theory-testing research from 1985 (32%) to 2010 (21%), and in theory-based studies from 1985 (31%) to 2010 (22%) was noted. This theory was supported by his observations of clinical remission in patients with acromegaly in whom he had performed hypophysectomy. Nonlinear batch simulation analysis shows the control law exhibits good performance and meets most of the design guidelines over the entire range of angle-of-attack. In the present work we use the free-electron-gas model to describe exchange and correlations in Ps collisions with molecules similar to the approach widely used in the theory of electron-molecule collisions. Correlation effects are enhanced on the Ni sites via filling the oxygen p states and reducing the Ni-O-Ni bond angle. Their performance with respect to bias and standard error is compared to the unblinded estimator. Based on the new Green Building Evaluation Standard which came into effect on January 1, 2015, the evaluation index system of green building design scheme is constructed taking into account the evaluation contents related to the green building design scheme. Similarly, there is no accord among statisticians on Optimization of a hybrid exchange-correlation functional for silicon carbides, Oda, Takuji; Zhang, Yanwen; Weber, William J. Of 29 nurses, 86.2% were very comfortable managing chest tubes and oozing/non-secure dressings, but only 41.4% were very comfortable managing clogged chest tubes. A questionnaire and interview are asking the information about subjects characteristics, diagnosis, medical history, pain intensity and quality of life-based on WHO QoL criteria were used to collect the data. Taking into account the first non-Markovian correction to the Balescu-Lenard equation, we have derived an expression for the pair correlation function and a nonlinear kinetic equation valid for a nonideal polarized classical plasma. Five research questions were formulated to frame the direction of this study, including: (1) How did healthcare leaders learn of innovations in design? The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of depressive symptoms and its association with the number and the severity of self-reported stressful life events among university students in Cyprus. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated. Waveform sets with good correlation and/or stopband properties have received extensive attention and been widely used in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. Conclusions The demonstrated. Little research has been conducted to compare these measures based on their explanatory power as predictors of nursing-sensitive outcomes. Hallin, Karin; Haggstrom, Marie; Backstrom, Britt; Kristiansen, Lisbeth Porskrog. The product descriptions present information as to what each product is, what it does, and whom it is designed to serve. We then assessed 517 transcriptions (257 Alzheimer's disease [AD], 217 HC, and 43 mild cognitively impaired samples) according to their informativeness and pertinence against this referent. So it is very difficult to design a good infrared optical system. The smaple was composed of 25 preterm infants who were bottle fed. Importantly, this domain decomposition method does not take into account structural properties of the protein. Similar to certain correlated single-determinant WFT methods, BLYP and other GGA functionals underestimate ionic terms needed for a correct description of polar bonds. PMID:25579081. In Study 1, involving 37 mothers of 5- to 8-year-old children, mothers' verbal mind-minded descriptions of their children were positively correlated with their mind-minded descriptions of their current romantic partner. This document focuses on the Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) System Design and Architecture. This report contains a description of a lateral-directional control law designed for the NASA High-Alpha Research Vehicle (HARV). The Importance and Role of Intracluster Correlations in Planning Cluster Trials, Preisser, John S.; Reboussin, Beth A.; Song, Eun-Young; Wolfson, Mark, There is increasing recognition of the critical role of intracluster correlations of health behavior outcomes in cluster intervention trials. Girls reported higher scores in "Depressive mood", "Negative self-esteem" and "Anhedonia" subscales, while boys scored higher in "Interpersonal difficulties" and "Ineffectiveness" subscales. However, a key study by Geschke, Sassenberg, Ruhrmann, and Sommer [2007] found that concrete descriptions of belief-inconsistent behaviours actually had a greater impact than abstract descriptions, a finding that does not fit easily within the linguistic bias paradigm. Because power in cluster randomized designs is a function of many different parameters, it has been difficult for applied researchers to discern a simple rule explaining. We used a parametric paradigm in which the amplitude of the N170 was modulated by varying the level of noise in a picture, and identified regions where the percent signal change in fMRI correlated with the ERP data. Data collection included questionnaires of personal characteristics, learning style preferences, determined by the Dunn and Dunn Productivity Environmental Preference Survey, and videotaped complex nursing simulation scenarios. The first of these, called the sensitivity parameter, is defined as the incremental change in center frequency with incremental change in maximum applied electric field (EPEAK) in the filter. Copyright 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Trinary signed-digit (TSD) symbolic-substitution-based (SS-based) optical adders, which were recently proposed, are used as the basic modules for designing highly parallel optical multiplications by use of cascaded optical correlators. Survey research allows you to gather large volumes of data that can be analyzed for A normalization approach, normalization for cross correlations, a system's description with block diagrams, and system's applications are discussed. Each of the three research designs has specific strengths and limitations, and it is important to understand how each differs. Bivariate correlational analyses showed that older women with poorer functional ability experienced greater chronic daily stress, reported more frequent use of emotion-focused coping strategies, and had a higher chance health locus of control. However, more parents of children with disabilities reported difficulties in, Stereo Orthogonal Axonometric Perspective for the Teaching of Descriptive Geometry, Mxas, Jos Geraldo Franco; Guedes, Karla Bastos; Tavares, Ronaldo da Silva, Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the development of a software for stereo visualization of geometric solids, applied to the teaching/learning of Descriptive Geometry. 41 CFR 101-29.503 - Agency product descriptions. Continuous assessment with OSUBRS through videos has a chance to give more precise data, while the Houpt categories can easily demonstrate children's behavior during procedures. Not Being Able to Talk was Horrid: A Descriptive, Correlational Study of Communication During Mechanical Ventilation. Intra-cluster correlation for the association between two variables was smaller than the descriptive intra-cluster correlation of each variable. We addressed the neuroanatomical correlates of 54 right-brain-damaged neurosurgical patients on visuo-spatial design fluency, which is a measure of the ability to generate/plan a series of new abstract combinations in a flexible way. Weekes DP, Kagan SH, James K., et al: The phenomenon of hand holding as a coping strategy in adolescents experiencing treatment-related pain. The present research addresses the issue of reliance on decision support systems for the long-term (DSSLT), which help users develop decision-making strategies and long-term planning. This teaching material, This document is a description of the energy efficient designs for new schools in the Alief Independent School District of Houston, Texas. Particular attention is given to the degree to which different designs meet the five criteria for making causal inferences. Lack of correlation between preoperative and intraoperative liver hemodynamics: a descriptive analysis. Gastric reflux leading to pulmonary aspiration is a frequent event in mechanically ventilated, gastric-fed patients, which can lead to ventilator-associated complications and pneumonia. Intra-cluster correlation coefficients were estimated for descriptive outcomes and for associations between outcomes and predictors and were compared across two independent samples of GPs drawn three years apart. Hypotheses about causation from descriptive studies are often tested in rigorous analytical studies. Three important uses of descriptive studies include trend analysis, health-care planning, and hypothesis generation. Hydrodynamic description of transport in strongly correlated electron systems. Novakovich, Jeanette; Shaw, Steven; Miah, Sophia. Hence, designs have been suggested that allow a reassessment of the sample size in an ongoing trial. Despite the limited number of treatments required by the correlation scheme, computational time and resources are relatively high. . Evidence failed to support the hypothesis that greater availability, through the experimental manipulation of lag, would result in increased frequency of co-occurrence judgements. From a medical point of view, it is important to identify time delays between contractions, which may be of potential diagnostic significance in various pathologies. Transcriptions and audio recordings of the Cookie Theft picture description task were used. Local Descriptors of Dynamic and Nondynamic Correlation. Ienca, Marcello; Wangmo, Tenzin; Jotterand, Fabrice; Kressig, Reto W; Elger, Bernice. The proposed joint spatial encodings allow one to reduce the SS computation rules involved in optical multiplication. Asif, Muhammad; Guo, Xiangzhou; Zhang, Jing; Miao, Jungang. Marin, Dario; Madotto, Eleonora; Fabbro, Franco; Skrap, Miran; Tomasino, Barbara. [Digital Design Language for computer aided design and test of LSI. Scores on a picture naming task were associated with difficulties in word retrieval in connected speech in AD, while scores on a task of semantic verbal fluency were less useful in predicting measures of retrieval in context in this population. Methods: By using stratified random sampling in terms of nature of wards/units and working ranks, 139 full-time nurses who were working in the 400-bed private hospital for at least 6 months and provided direct nursing care were recruited in this study. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (SPSS 10.1 statistical package). Pairs generally displayed reduced bias and increased variance compared to individuals, however the variance dropped significantly when they used the sommelier card.
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