This is a medical drama where emphasis is placed on medical skills and knowledge is given far more importance than the resources available. He portrayed a nurse that just does his work wholeheartedly. ;-). Required fields are marked *. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); This is only 0.6 percent behind the dramas highest viewership ratings, recorded during the final episode that aired on January 16. Like, does he even have any conscience? Right at that moment, In-bum walks in, and the atmosphere becomes tense. Like you, I used to have my senior/ boss like Teacher Kim (still have though) but it made us becomes strong and stronger. Required fields are marked *. Also, a unique character where he didnt follow his fathers want for him to do, I like how he approached that way. Given the short-staffing, there's been no chance of them getting time off at the same time to talk in private off-site even if she had been ready and willing to do so. version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2 Thanks for your Deep Thoughts, too! There he would see her again. 1. Romantic Episode 3, Your email address will not be published. Oh and really frequent amnesia. google hiring committee rejection rate. Also in this episode, Kang Dong-joo officially joins the surgery department of the hospital where he was once an intern. Man, after watching 7 episodes, I feel bad for Seo Jung for dealing with all of these man-child around her all the time. Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim) adalah seri televisi Korea Selatan tahun 2016 yang dibintangi oleh Han Suk-kyu, Yoo Yeon-seok, dan Seo Hyun-jin. However, hes unable to gain any information about him. Romantic Episode 1. User/Viewer Ratings 4.94 (18 votes) Cast She has a strong desire to be recognized more than anyone. It's not matching with the title. Romantic is coming I love the drama I watched 6@x more season to come, The main lead Han Suk-kyu, the key character of the whole series, revolves around Teacher Kim, and yet the article headline doesnt mentions Han Suk-kyus name. Graceful Family (Korean: ; Hanja: ; RR: Uahan Ga) is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Im Soo-hyang, Lee Jang-woo, and Bae Jong-ok.It aired on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 23:00 time slot of MBN and Dramax from August 21 to October 17, 2019.Besides receiving critical acclaim, Graceful Family became the highest-rated drama in MBN network history at the time . window.fbAsyncInit = function() { Teacher Kim says that his attitude is all messed up, and that he let his useless thoughts interfere with their mission to save the patient. According to statistics released by Nielsen Korea on January 18, the prequel episode scored nationwide ratings of 27 percent. The ending was absolutely perfect. A few minutes later, another patient enters the ER, prompting Teacher Kim to rattle off some instructions before he tells Seo-jung to treat the stabbed patient. Teacher Kim steps up to mark his territory, and tells Dr. Song that it isnt about the size of the hospital, but the competence of its doctors. When Dong Joo and Seo Jung meet the quirky Teacher Kim, their lives and careers will never be the same again. He only focused on himself and how he did well. Left alone to exchange barbs, In-bum asks if Dong-joo is still kissing up to Dr. Song, even at Doldam. CEO Shin calls to confirm the safe delivery of his end of the bargain. Besides, I'm sure Teacher Kim is all soft and marshmallowy on the inside. appId : '127538621120543', Delivery Man. Don't disappoint me!). I'm hoping this signals that she's coming to grips with her feelings of disloyalty towards Dr. Then he suddenly left the hospital because of the death of a life. Love the way Han is playing Doctor Kim. He was then the lead in Abyss and then he was the lead in Dr. Seo Hyun Jin has a way to sometimes show so much emotion through her gaze. She retorts that her relationship to In-bum is similar to her relationship with Dong-joo: Theyre just a hoobae and sunbae. People that believe that winning against someone is a fight with his or her pride on the line. Nurse Oh also impresses Dong-joo for knowing immediately all the things Dr. Kim would ask of her. I strongly suggest, her character is like a real person and for me, shes a very believable character in the drama. Dr. He seems unsure when she questions the classification as she stands up to look at him. Han Suk-Kyu in Dr Romantic & Dr Romantic 2 - The tough but subtly soft ways of showing love and care to all the characters (Even towards the antagonists of season 2), really showed his acting prowess as a veteran actor. I like that doctors arent portrayed as perfect or infallible. Nurse Park seemed like just a nice cutie guy, but he showed some strength later on as he surprised everyone when he threw a punch at some bad guy. She then becomes a doctor at Doldam Hospital. He creates chaos in the hospital until hes restrained. She injured her wrist which is a death sentence for the career of a surgeon. He is engaging and I feel like I need to make an effort to understand him just like the rest of the young doctors. Romantic starring Han Suk-kyu, Yoo Yeon-seok, and Seo Hyun-jin. Seri televisi ini disiarkan di SBS setiap hari Senin dan Selasa pada pukul 22:00 ( WSK) mulai tanggal 7 November 2016 . episode 2 Bad news is broken to Seo Jung with her newly injured arm. Specifically, the Korean entertainment industry has recently accumulated a huge number of fans and followers across the world. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. I love the character Dr. Boo Yong-joo aka Master Kim. Your email address will not be published. With his new identity, he starts work as a chief surgeon in a . It was still nice to get some hint at Teacher Kims love life. - Dr. Boo Yong Joo. Required fields are marked *, One is always asking me out whenever our eyes meet, and the other one is writing himself a makjang drama about his family. Despite the emotional baggage they carry around (and our leads have A LOT of baggage), they are doing all they can, to be, not a good doctor, but the best kind. Later, after he's been kicked out of the OR, she applies salve to his busted lip, courtesy of In-bum's punching him in the kisser. In this case, its all about the characters and how they literally became part of my life. And although it isnt clear if hes heard the threat, Teacher Kim looks down at a cassette tape made for him before answering back, Come at me, then.. They are joined by people who have their own agendas and backstories that led them to work in that hospital. He really executed it in a way we want to really hate him. She made her acting film debut in The Whispering and the television series Not Alright, But It's Alright.She had lead roles in My Healing Love and I Hate Going To Work. Romantic tells the story of Bu Yong-joo, a doctor who changes his name to Kim Sa-bu after an unfortunate incident in the hospital he was working at. The medical cases were very interesting and appeared realisticalthough Im no doctor. He has engaged in banter with Dong-joo that came across to me as less high-and-mighty and more instructive. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { But then he loops everything he knows about Teacher Kim together, and struggles to reconcile all the disparate bits of information. Do Yoon wan really made us feel angry as he does his dirty works and always ready to destroy anything that stands against him. I always look forward to watch it every monday/tuesday night I hope Seo-jung and Dong Joo will go on a date soon ;). All he had was a good memory, a healthy body and the persistence and perseverance to push until he had to make a decision. Just the sight of Doo-jung sends her on a psychotic break of hallucinations, overdoses, and suicide. It is fantastic series, and unforgettable in so many ways. Actually, all the characters were real heroes. Han Suk Kyus performance is absolutely outstanding. Romantic featuring Yoo Yeon Seok, Seo Hyun Jin, Han Suk Kyu and more completes 6 years of premiere. That dark past is more like Dr. Song's weakness than Dr. Kim's. Thanks for this because you just simplified everything I want to say about Teacher Kim. Yoo Yun Suk (Pemeran Kang Dong Joo) Pemain utama lainnya dalam serial Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim ini yaitu bintang film tampan Yoo Yun Suk. His voice then turns serious as he warns Director Yeo to shut his mouth and do nothing. In response, Dong-joo asks whether In-bum would be better at him at anything if not for his father and all his connections. I'd watch the hell out of that, and be cheering her on, every cut and stitch of the way, as she lives out her dream. They are both skilled, stubborn and tenacious, and they get in conflict right away but it becomes obvious quickly that they are similar: they are both willing to go against rules to save a patient. When nobody moves, the man shouts for Teacher Kim to stop the operation, and grabs Seo-jung closer as the blade inches toward her. Yoon Seo Jung (Seo Hyun Jin) is a passionate young surgeon who is haunted by a mistake from her past and tries to get over it. Back with the unconscious patient, it looks as if Seo-jungs recommendation paid off since the patients heartbeat is back up, but hes still not awake. This was a life-changing experience for her. Read ahead to know more. Han Suk Kyu as Kim Sa Bu Han Suk Kyu as Kim Sa Boo. She doesn't flinch. This cartoon artist idea was genius, in my opinion! He then growls at Seo-jung to drag Dong-joo and In-bum over ASAP. Cast: Lee Jong Hyuk, Lee Seung Gyu, Jung Jin Woo, Sung Ryung, Park Si Young, Lee Jung In, Lee Jeong Chan, Yoo Seong Yong, etc. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access Click here to learn for free in about 60 minutes! Ki-tae says that even though its unfortunate, his hands are tied. to see more interactions between the men and watch them grow (me looking at you DJ!! Out in the hybrid room, the patient with no heartbeat continues to flummox the ER team. I even found a gif: Teacher Kims expression and Nurse Ohs outfit whoa! Dr. Song echoes Dong-joo and warns Teacher Kim not to operate before receiving consent from the patients guardian. and why Dr. Kim doesn't say anything about it? Dong-joo links that information with his memory of his first encounter with Teacher Kim, where he nearly chopped off his hand. The prequel episode follows the appearance of Lee Young Jo (played by Kim Hye Soo) at Dol Dam Hospital to ask Kim Sa Bu (played by Han Suk Kyu) to help her treat a patient with AIDS. I really like this show so far, but I would appreciate a litte more continuity. Head nurse at Doldam hospital. It was based on the country hospital of Doldam, and the story revolved around a genius doctor named Boo Yong-joo, a.k.a Teacher Kim, (Han Suk-kyu . She has a strong desire to be recognized more than anyone. Romantic 1 [01X21] 153 ViewsJan 26, 2023. With the combination of its great story, pace, and cast, its no wonder this drama got an average of 20% in viewership ratings. Biodata : 2. He fumbles for the right words, but finally says that theirs is special.. Why? in accordance with our Privacy Statement. The main theme of the series on the whole,in my opinion,is leading the followers to question the philosophy and ethical issues related with medical practice.The romance part adds only spice&sauce to the plot. dr romantic yoon seo jung father. Seo-jung falters at his rising temper, and Dong-joo pipes up to check In-bums disrespectful attitude. Maybe, In-bum's father will have something else evil planned for Dr. Song. A General Surgeon doctor, intelligent and armed with excellent skills, he has a strong desire to succeed but is held back due to his poor family background. synonyms: idyllic, picturesque, fairy-tale. Cha Eun Jae (portrayed by Lee Sung Kyung) is also a talented doctor which is overshadowed by her anxiety and because of that she cannot be in the OR as either she will faint or throw up. After learning about their skills and struggles through other doctors, he decides to recruit them. Part 7 of Boundless - Dr. Team Dramabeans: What we're watching (March 4, 2023), Politics and peril in The Secret Romantic Guesthouse, You can only pick one: Friends-to-lovers drama, First script reading for tvN's Stealer: Seven Joseon Coins. Kim Min Seok as Do Kyu Jin. Inilah beberapa drama korea yang bisa kalian tonton pada Bulan Maret salah satunya The Glory yang tayang dengan season keduanya. Were big fans of studying Korean but also doing it in a fun and interesting way. appId : '127538621120543', He gained recognition for his main roles in the Korean dramas Still 17 (2018), Abyss (2019), Dr. The way I see it is that she has regrets and trauma, also she feels ashamed about her weaknesses, and its why she works so hard to be acknowledged. The story also showcases the reality of politics in the medical industry. He then hands Ki-tae a paper formalizing the latters promotion to Section Chief Administrator at Doldam, which is basically just a move by Dr. Song to try and get Ki-tae to be his little informant. Thats not quite the right screenshot, but when she stares into space with tears in her eyes, shes so moving. Who in their right mind would be kissing while there's a gunman roaming around the hospital? While Dr. Kim is performing the surgery, Kang Dong-joo is mesmerized by how fast and skilled he is. She is the only one who can stand up against Master Kim when necessary. Diseo y fabricacin de reactores y equipo cientfico y de laboratorio Dr. Nam carries the man to the ER, where Teacher Kim assesses five stab wounds across the mans abdomen and immediately puts the team to work. Dr. Song cuts right to the chase and asks for the dirt on Teacher Kim, then offers the possibility of transferring Ki-tae over to Geodae if all goes well. Dong-joo is in the bathroom inspecting his lip when that murderous man in black walks into the bathroom. In-soo takes the opportunity with to ask why Seo-jung stayed at such a dated hospital all this time. I used to hate fierce but awesome mentors like Teacher Kim when I was more junior because I'd be so stressed before going to work with them. like i saw her in another miss oh, and she's pretty, but i feel like in this drama she's gotten even prettier! He also did impressive acting as Nurse Eun tak. I like how Yoon Seo Jung is strong and weak at the same time. My thoughts are on my blog but beware there are SPOILERS for episode 8, Respect is something you earn. I appreciate that Seo-jung is very aware, and understands how childish both Dong-joo and In-bum are acting. She is ashamed of her weaknesses, always has regrets and the trauma she felt, she stills works hard to be acknowledged. Teacher Kim then tells In-soo to keep administering CPR before he goes back to the stab wound patient after Seo-jung discovers a sixth stab wound on the mans back. A woman with a strong sense of being able to stand still against Kim Sa-bu. The battle between Kang Dong-joo and the Dos (both father and son) begins in tandem. In that sense, I strongly relate to her and for me shes a very believable character. I was satisfied with the finale, but like I said before, I was sad because I knew I would miss the characters. Dr. Kim taught him that if he wants to take revenge, he must be a better person and beat those people with his skills as a doctor. Unlike in the past, she answers that its because of Teacher Kim. If youre wondering about the romance line, its to be had in the roles of Yoo Yeon-seok and Seo Hyun-jin. Yoon Seo Jung Fictional Character Edit this Page She has a strong desire to be recognized more than anyone. Drakor bertema medis ini dibintangi oleh Han Suk Kyu, Yoo Yeon Seok hingga Seo Hyun Jin. Dr. Songs second directive (also given by Dr. Do) was to get rid of Teacher Kim permanently, using whatever means necessary. Master Kim and Dong Joo operates on Seo Jung's wrist as she cuts herself. Romantic ( Hangul : ; RR : Nangmandakteo Gimsabu; lit. I wish Dr. Song didn't ever come to Ddoldam. I really likedanesthesiologistNam Do I and how everyone at Doldam, especially Teacher Kim trusted him although he was (wrongly) accused of malpractice. She loves films, music, art, and food! He has no life in the world worthy of death. Please enter your username or email address. Seo-jung tries to send the man away, ignorant of his plans, but he parks himself down and refuses to leave. The question shakes In-bum, who remembers his fathers very similar choice of words. This character is an interesting one because he is conflicted. She has a strong desire to be recognized more than anyone. Yoo Yun Suk lahir pada 11 April 1984. Dong-joo notices and practically eggs In-bum to hit him. While she admits that she doesnt know why she makes him so uncomfortable, she hopes they can get along. 1.1k 1.4k 700. TV 4", "2020 Baeksang Arts Awards Honor The Best Korean Dramas And Films", "10 '2017KDA' , '' 5()", "[SBS ], 5 ..'' 7 ()- ", "SBS Drama Awards 2020 Nominees - Dramas",, Excellence Award, Actress in a Genre Drama, Top Excellence Award, Actor in a Genre & Fantasy Drama, Excellence Award, Actor in a Miniseries Genre/Action Drama, Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries Genre/Action Drama, Top Excellence Award, Actor in a Miniseries Genre/Action Drama, Lee Myung-haeng as a psychotherapist (Ep. Not only the main ones, but even secondary characters had depth. The final episode of the SBS drama "Dr. Season 1 was released on 7 November 2016 on SBS TV on 16 January 2017. Tags: Episode 7, featured, Han Seok-kyu, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Seo Hyun-jin, Yoo Yeon-seok, Your email address will not be published. Well said, Michykdrama tough love is what I've been thinking, too. After the death of his junior in Geosan University Hospital, he isolates himself and moves to Doldam Hospital to become the Chief Surgeon there. As always, thanks for your real-life insight. Meanwhile, Kang Dong Joo (Yoo Yeon Seok) became a doctor to make something of himself after growing up poor, and he seeks out VIP patients to achieve the success that he desperately wants. So maybe thats the beauty of Doldambecause there isnt a timeframe for mending your heart. The characters in the drama, both the leads and the side-kick type characters, are excellent. So far, she has written close to 3000 articles. Yikes. and did anyone else feel like it suddenly got REALLLLLY hot when dong joo asked seo jung to date him? I do wonder sometimes if the characters are being written to ham it up a bit so that the impact of Teachers Kims lessons seemingly hit harder. He created a phenomenal surgical success rate of 97% by combining his unique skills in Korea. Dr. Boo Yoong-joo aka Master Kim aka Dr. I couldn't figure out whether it was on the hip or butt. Hopefully she sees soon that these are not people who should be put on a pedestal. Caught up in his self pity, he accidentally bumps into a surly man dressed in black lurking outside the ER. I loved her sudden anger bursts and how she sometimes needs to act as a mother who reprimands her kids. Moon crack a smile with her mettle. Cut to the present, the boy Kang Dong-joo is now a doctor taking his internship in the hospital where his father died. She gets swayed by Dong-joo's romantic confession and feels guilty after the death of her boyfriend. or S1, Ep2 8 Nov. 2016 He is the type of senior doctor we used to have (and still have) that you have to earn the respect of before he gives you the time of the day. Teacher Kim guesses that In-bum thinks he wants to torture him, and by extension his father, Dr. Do. Or should I say: what an actor! In-soo explains that the device uses targeted temperature management to achieve and maintain a specific body temperature in a person for a period of time, which can reduce the risk of tissue injury following lack of sufficient blood flow. Is Dr. I'm having a difficulty liking his personality too. Dr Romantic 2 (1 Mac 2021, dengan sarikata berbahasa Cina); Find Me In Your Memory (17 Mei 2021, dengan sarikata berbahasa Cina); The World of the Married (2 Ogos 2021, dengan sarikata berbahasa Cina); Special Labor Inspector, Mr.Jo (18 Oktober 2021, dengan sarikata berbahasa cina); 2022. It just looked like a regular medical drama, with nothing special. 19- "If there's something worse than failure, It's regret.". So It'd be nice if they do something about it. During the internship, the guy who always walked around alone without being able to get along with the crowd , but the guy who seems to be quitetalented is Kang Dong Joo. @Michykdrama has stated her opinion and I agreed with her. Sinopsis Drama Korea dr. At the beginning of the week, Seo-jung was a pill-popping PTSD nut case with limited hand mobility. That's my wish too. Romantic 2 Kisah bermula ketika dua dokter muda bernama Cha Eun Jae (Lee Sung Kyung) dan Seo Woo Jin (Ahn Hyo Seop) yang dipindahkan tugasnya di Rumah Sakit (RS) Doldam. He asks for her confirmation that the stabbing patient is inside. Aside from the story, the entire cast is enjoyable to watch. The second leads, be it male or female, generally follow a pattern of either love loss or vengeful narrative depending on the genders. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Indeed, Teacher Kim was a very appropriate cartoon hero! The fact that he was saved by CEO Shin and created some awesome artwork featuring the Doldam team was so heartwarming. He learns from a staff member that the police had come by because they suspected that the stabbing patient is a victim of some gang activity. and certainly Teacher Kim isn't a benevolent nurturing type of mentor, but I'm enjoying seeing them struggle with their insecurities as they try to attain their dreams, right the wrongs in their world and I'm starting to really root for them to triumph. The SBS drama follows the lives of doctors at the Dol Dam Hospital. homes for sale in fishersville, va; 22 . The highest real-time ratings broke the record at 32.8 percent. In any case, I know Im not alone in sorely missing that the bright-eyed heroic firecracker we met in the first episodesomeone who even made a hardass like Dr. Before Dong-joo can answer, In-bum walks out of one of the rooms, and Dr. Song begins fussing over him as he complains about the subpar quality of their accommodations. She stares at the door longingly, yearning to be in there, then turns and notices the man she had shooed out of the ER earlier. Yoon Seo Jung is a passionate young surgeon who is haunted by a mistake from her past and tries to get over it. Always in conflict with Dong Joo, reprimanded by Teacher Kim, he will soon realize that he can only rely on himself and his skills at Doldam. dr romantic yoon seo jung father. 21- "Don't get revenge with anger, but with skill.". Ia dikenal akan kejeniusannya dalam menyembuhkan pasien. Be first to post one! Dorama Netflix dots Double Patty Doyoung NCT dp dp 2 dr Lawyer dr romantic 3 Dr. Its not surprising since Doldam hospital doesnt have the staff for it to be anyone else. Gong Yoo and Seo Hyun Jin in talks to lead romance Lee Seung Gi, Yoo Yeon Seok, SEVENTEENs Joshua, H Yoo Yeon Seok, Lee Sung Min and Lee Jung Eun confi Can We Be Strangers? Elsewhere, a bleeding man stumbles into Dr. Nams yard, then collapses. She finds Dong-joo and briefs him on the stab wound patient, but interrupts herself after she notices the cut on his lip from In-bums attack. Her last words prompt him to pause as a troubled expression crosses his face. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. Edit Translation English Arabic Espaol Romn Related Content Make sure you check out the prequel episode to catch Kim Hye Soos cameo, as well as to see how things all began for the Dol Dam Hospital family! }); That was some do-si-do she did with Dong-joo. The plot unfolds, and grips you - the wonderful filming, and production. He is not easy to like, but he grows a lot throughout the series. He was the doctor who knew better than anyone that you are good. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Dong-joo pointedly asks why In-bum ended up in the same place as him even though In-bums got all the connections. But at times we do get some adorable second lead couple who threaten to steal the thunder from the main leads like Goo Seung Jun & Seo Dan in Crash landing On You. A genius surgeon with a flair for romance and a scarred past moves two struggling doctors away from the operating table manual and teaches them the true value of saving a life. Dok. The first season aired on SBS TV from November 7, 2016, to January 16, 2017, every Monday and Tuesday at 22:00 (). The doctor realizes the man requires surgery, and the nurse suggests they go to the hospital she works at, Dol Dam Hospital. He was the top scorer in the certification examination that allowed him to join that department. I am looking forward for SJ to overcome her PTSD and get to do a combined surgery with Teacher Kim. His rebellion doesnt last long, and he finally resigns himself to his fate. It was just fine, although not exactly necessary. Which is unfortunate, because Teacher Kims tirades are often extremely compellingI only wish they were given the proper amount of emotional weight they deserve. Hate the hospital politics, but this show continues to keep me hooked. Also, he became a doctor in Doldam following a failed plan made by his father to be a spy on Doldams operations that is also against his will. Hes put assigned to the team of an experienced female doctor, Yoon Seo-jung. Romantic (Korean: ) is a South Korean television series starring Han Suk-kyu as the title character with Yoo Yeon-seok, Seo Hyun-jin in first season, Ahn Hyo-seop, Lee Sung-kyung in second and third season. In-bum cuts her off and growls at her to stop acting so familiarly with him. He's so unbelievably annoying. As they sterilize themselves for surgery, Teacher Kim advises In-bum not to fight with his handsif he needs to fight with someone, then he should kick them instead, or let himself be hit. Of course, Dong-joo isnt happy about it, but Teacher Kim tells Dong-joo that he can sit out if he doesnt like it. In-bum doesnt deny it, so Teacher Kim tells In-bum to stop talking nonsense and focus on the surgery at hand. Let me know your thoughts! Nama: / Yoon Na Moo js.src = "//"; Ahn Hyo-seop as Seo Woo-jin; Lee Sung-kyung as Cha Eun-jae; Kim Joo-hun as Park Min-gook; Dr. all excellent actresses that made the . Romantic (2016 & 2020) The first season is a story about Boo Yong Joo (Han Suk Kyu), a triple-board certified surgeon, who was once at the top of his field and used to work at Seoul's top . In the shared office, Dong-joo stews alone, refusing to be second to In-bum. Directed by Yoo In-Slick. Later, Nurse Oh harasses Teacher Kim in his office, demanding to know if he will allow the Geodae transplants to stay at Doldam since its clear what their ultimate aim is. He is disappointed and disgusted with the environment of the new hospital hell be working at. She acted that in a perfect way she can portray a nurse. The other reason I wasnt inspired by this drama is that I didnt know any of the actors, and I wasnt really attracted by any of them from the posters I saw and the trailers I watched. Without the fierce mentors, we are probably living in a very comfort zone :P. Totally with you. Secondary characters were so interesting as well. I get that he's wiser than Dong joo and has the right to tell him off, but he also says that he wants an equal to work with as a surgeon which doesn't add up because he treats everyone else like children. Taking the batteries out of their phones when they do not wish to be contacted, instead of switching them off like normal people do. Diseo y fabricacin de reactores y equipo cientfico y de laboratorio I have more thoughts about episode 8 where I was very impressed about some of the topics the drama decided to touch on, but I shall (im)patiently wait for the next recap to touch on it! ;-). 2. It contained a total of 20 episodes. Kang Dong Joo is an interesting character because he is conflicted, makes mistakes, acts like a jerk sometimes but always keeps his strong sense of justice.
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