We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Credit: Courtesy of Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office. [3] The system educates more than 102,000 students at 138 schools with more than 14,000 full-time employees and 6,000 teachers. Sauce served as principal of Chamblee High School within DCSD, and as an elementary principal within Fulton County Schools. 0000033049 00000 n 0000045146 00000 n You can see when your region's superintendent will host their town hall here, or see below. The Regional Office is responsible for conducting the initial training required for all new school bus drivers prior to getting a bus permit and the annual refresher workshop required in the 12-month period prior to renewal. 0000088629 00000 n 0000037460 00000 n School officials said the choice to return to classrooms is based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as feedback from principals, staff, and parents. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. DeKalb, IL 60115 endstream endobj 582 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[453 15]/Length 22/Size 468/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream She earned National Board Certification in 2008 and has a Master's degree and a Specialist degree in Educational Leadership. The regional superintendents will have fewer schools they are responsible for, which will give them more time to devote to underperforming schools.. 0000027537 00000 n Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Assistant Regional Superintendent Phone: 815-217-0461 FAX: 815-217-0467 DeKalb County Regional Superintendent of Education. Supervise school buildings for health and life safety and condemn buildings if necessary. 0 0000036940 00000 n Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 0000005682 00000 n This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 468 0 obj <> endobj DeKalb County School District Regional Superintendent Bernetta Jones was placed on administrative leave last month for an incident that happened recently, DeKalb County School. Sauce supervised and supported the 11 elementary schools and principals within GSCS, and the Districts Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) program, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program, elementary Gifted Education program, and elementary counseling program. 0000087039 00000 n 0000028012 00000 n "School buildings will be open on Jan. 4. 0000040251 00000 n "The ask of all of us during this time has been to practice compassion over compliance and to be flexible and patient.". xref 0000039180 00000 n This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. [2] The interim superintendent/CEO is, as of May 18, 2022, Dr. Vasanne S. . DeKalb County School District Cascading Goal Structure 2What's going on with our students' learning? 0000020604 00000 n The district said it will offer in-person learning five days per week for all students and expand its FLEX Academy to include middle- and high-school students for the 2021-22 academic year. "Our human resources staff, our regional superintendent, and our principals have been charged with actualizing this approach and to work with each teacher and staff member to best assess and accommodate your unique situations," the superintendent said. Her two primary passions are centered around play and inquiry-based learning in the early grades and equity/inclusion in classrooms and schools. And I know that the adjustment to returning to the building may be difficult for some," the superintendent said during her video address. Green,who typically does not comment on personnel matters, would not discuss what prompted the investigation. The DeKalb County Regional Office of Education is committed to providing high quality services for our communities and stake holders. "You have my pledge that we will continue to proceed thoughtfully, strategically, and transparently while being flexible, patient, and compassionate.". Conduct hearings for School Districts reorganization. 0000028729 00000 n Christensen was caucused in as a candidate by the DeKalb County Democrats Committee. 0000006304 00000 n Sunday, a group advocating on behalf of teachers gathered at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. 0000038340 00000 n 0000003400 00000 n The candidate forums; one hosted by the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce at the Egyptian Theatre, and another by the League of Women Voters DeKalb County Chapter in the DeKalb city council chambers were well publicized. She began her tenure at Aurora University in 2005 where she taught in both the teacher preparation and General Education programs. DeKalb County Schools strives to make our website accessible to everyone. 0000003573 00000 n %%EOF But manyteachers have said they arent ready to return. 0000040073 00000 n achristensen@dekalbcounty.org, Community Outreach Building Region 4 Superintendent: Antonette Campbell, Region 5 Superintendent: Triscilla Weaver, Region 6 Superintendent: Candace Alexander. Our School Districts. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Issue, register and renew teacher certificates. Genoa-Kingston #424. Assist the Illinois State Board of Education in the evaluation and recognition of public schools, and private schools who ask to be recognized. Stone Mountain, GA 30083 | P: 678.676.1200. 0000086319 00000 n FAX: 815-217-0467 She admitted she made a mistake. Miriam completed her Ed.D in Leadership in Curriculum & Instruction in 2017. 0000040352 00000 n Amanda taught in the area of English / Language Arts for 15 years at Granger Middle School in Aurora, Kishwaukee Education Consortium, and then at DeKalb High School. 0000038518 00000 n It does not store any personal data. PAC Council Members; PAC 2022-2023 Minutes and Agendas; PAC Resources; PAC Contact Us; Administration. Administer the G.E.D. DeKalbs five regions were reorganized into smaller regions and Superintendent R. Stephen Green has appointed the following leaders to the new regions: Triscilla Weaver, Region 5 Superintendent; The new organizational effort will provide the district the opportunity to: Increase the number of schools demonstrating improved academic achievement and growth as defined by CCRPI, Expedite completion of school-based work orders and identification of schools for deferred maintenance status, Reduce the number of high needs schools, Increase district and division support of students, teachers, and schools, Each and every day, DeKalb County School District is finding innovative ways to move onward and upward, said Green. 0000004480 00000 n Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Amanda Christensen, DeKalb County Regional Superintendent of Schools. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. That number doesnt include the nearly 3,000 antigen confirmed cases. 0000090566 00000 n 0000021004 00000 n 0000027929 00000 n The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". For more information, visit www.dekalbschoolsga.org. 0000086825 00000 n Amanda Christensens victory in becoming the new DeKalb County Regional Superintendent of Schools received an assist from her performance during the candidate forums. Assist with cooperatives, special education programs and vocational programs. We act collaboratively with the Illinois State Board of Education to advance safe, efficient, and effective schools. 0000041521 00000 n Principal Advisory Council bring schools and communities together to solve education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the decision-making process. Dekalb Academy of Technology & Environment. 0000045534 00000 n Any parents who feel uncomfortable sending their children to school will still have the option of continuing to have them learn virtually. Dr. Norman C. Sauce III began serving the DeKalb County School District (DCSD) as Region IV Superintendent in November 2022. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The DEKALB COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION is committed to providing high quality services for our communities and stakeholders. 0000028632 00000 n 0000002670 00000 n These comprehensive unites are outlined by grade-bands on the. Hold public hearings on topics vital to education. DeKalb County School District Regional SuperintendentBernetta Jones was placed on administrative leave last month for an incident that happened recently, DeKalb County School District Superintendent Steve Green said Wednesday. Visit the website for the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools. 0000036885 00000 n 0000021549 00000 n 0000040429 00000 n "We recognize there are staff members with underlying health concerns, some who are caring for a family member or staff member who have child care challenges. 0000021193 00000 n DEKALB COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION, DeKalb County Collaborative for Young Children. Hiawatha #426. Upon arriving in the Midwest, she served as a home bound tutor, substitute teacher, and ACT tutor. 0000038263 00000 n 2500 N. Annie Glidden Rd., Suite C 0000037670 00000 n As of Sunday, the state reports 36,546 cases in DeKalb County since the start of the pandemic. We want to do everything that we can to see that all of DeKalb students succeed and were providing additional resources and attention to those areas that need more, said Dr. Melvin Johnson, who represents District 6. Interim principals will be named to Narvie J. Harris Elementary and Clarkston High schools until school officials and parents work together to find new principals for those schools, Johnson said. Download the FOX 5 Atlanta appfor breaking news and weather alerts. (FOX 5). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. <<3B1B23C284DC4F48A13277ABC494B8ED>]/Prev 772403/XRefStm 3400>> Jones was appointed as interim region V superintendent in the summer of 2017 before receiving full-time placement in September. Before returning to DCSD, Dr. Type above and press Enter to search. Strengthened by diversity, our district will foster partnerships of The chambers forum was broadcast live on WLBK 1360AM radio and the League of Women Voters was broadcast live on the public access channel provided by Comcast cable. Principal's Advisory Council. Supervise and assist in transportation programs, scientific literacy programs and other staff development programs. 0000041803 00000 n [info]Unofficial election results from the office of the DeKalb County Clerk and Recorder.[/info]. Chris has a bachelors and masters degree related to Family & Child Studies. Her dissertation research examined the experience of underrepresented minority students who learned mindfulness. She is the founding director of Resilient Mind Consulting, a non-profit dedicated to helping communities implement contemplative practices, and a board member with the Coalition of Schools Educating Mindfully (COSEM). Last Tuesday, hundreds of parent, teacher, and student protesters lined up along the road near the entrance to the DeKalb County School Districts main office. 0000005607 00000 n DEKALB COUNTY, Ind. School Board Member; Regional Superintendent; Principal; 6th Grade Assistant Principal ; 7th Grade Assistant Principal; 8th Grade Assistant Principal; Social Media Guidelines for . DeKalb County School System is now hiring a (Superintendent Office) Region 7 Regional Superintendent in Stone Mountain, GA. View job listing details and apply now. }G^A9Zz ' /9knTI~-,o|'/~ Press Esc to cancel. learn more 2500 North Annie Glidden Rd Suite C DeKalb, IL 60115 | 815-217-0460 Fulton County health officials say people should trust the coronavirus vaccine to be safe and people should not mistrust it. Approve and issue building permits and occupancy permits. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get the latest news updates from OCGNews. If you are ready to return to set up your classrooms, you may do so at that time," the superintendent said in the video post to the districts YouTube channel. 0 The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Our goal is to expand the walls of the classroom by providing access to information and programs anytime, anywhere for anyone in a 21st century learning environment. 0000024626 00000 n DeKalb County School District Superintendent Cheryl Watson-Harris handed out book bags during the 37th annual DeKalb County Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration and food distribution event at James R. Hallford Stadium on Jan. 18, 2021. .
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