Passive checks are performed by external processes and the results are given back to Nagios for processing. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. This file location depends on the configuration you've done, in my case it is in /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg. As this tutorial is based on Debian 9, I will show as an example how to install it, but you can find instructions for any distribution. It also defines Nagios user and group under which Nagios instance is running. The files and information on this site are the property of their respective owner(s). Nagios understands the following exit codes: A program can be written in any language to work as a Nagios check plugin. Monitoring Website URL Status . The object needs to have the passive_checks_enabled option set to 1 for Nagios to accept passive check results over the command pipe. Up To: Contents I take a slightly more brute-force direction than @Zoredache, I login to the nagios server and do "while true; do ps awwlx | grep NAGIOS_CHECK_NAME; done", while I force a re-check of the service, where NAGIOS_CHECK_NAME is either part of the check name or the IP of the server I am looking for. This cant be done as an active check as reading the device takes a lot of time to completelarger disks might require several hours to complete. That is superb artile I was looking for! ##### # Sample object config file for Nagios # # Read the documentation for more information on this configuration file. Nagios Enterprises makes no claims or warranties as to the fitness of any file or information on this website, for any purpose whatsoever. A user nagios is created for both localhost and for any host. It is called NSCA (Nagios Service Check Acceptor). Always remember, prior to reloading Nagios, check that there are no errors in the configuration. These checks are scripts and progams which take input (for example, which host to check, tresholds), do a check and then return an exit code and some performance data. The NRDP addon allows administrators to migrate from using NSCA to NRDP fairly easily. 03-16-2010, 10:31 AM . The object file localhost.cfg allows for parameters to be passed to check_ssh. I just used that simple script as an example, any language can be used to write your own custom plugin. Also, MySQL would not let just any host to connect to it. Thanks for contributing an answer to Server Fault! Previous parts of this book often mentioned Nagios performing checks on various software and machines. These checks are useful when you cannot monitor hosts/services on a regular basis. Nevertheless, in response to your comment, I don't think there's an error in that, as Bash variables are untyped. Once again, we are dealing with open source software, and Nagios purpose is aimed at monitoring computer systems. Note: Certain nodes in the above example have combined check results, such as memory/virtual, memory/swap, and processes. For this reason, the only way to perform such a check is to schedule them from the systemfor example, using the cron daemon (visit Use Puppet environments. It says -S is for version. In the left navigation pane, select "Process Info" and then "Disable Notifications" and "Commit.". Services that are checked can be in one of four different states: Service checks are performed by plugins, which can return a state of OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, or CRITICAL. rev2023.3.3.43278. Nagios check_by_ssh returns status 3 even though running the command manually works? Line 1 ##### 2 # Sample object config file for Nagios : 3 # 4 # Read the documentation for more information on this configuration file. i'm very new on that kind of progamming what does this line ", " means i really want to lear some but i need help please helpme. The script should then post results to the Nagios daemon. How can I get it to work with https with Nagios4 and plugins 2.x? (1)Nagios. We want Nagios to monitor this database, and as the application is already using it, we can add a module that reports this to Nagios. These types of checks are called Active Checks. Periodically when these checks are processed, notifications or alerts are sent depending on the information in check result. Check WMI Plus allows you to check multiple services, here is an example that checks for two services that are running. NSClient++ allows you to check multiple services, here is an example that checks for two services that are running. An external application checks the status on hosts/services and writes the result to External Command File. I am gettinr this error in nagios3. Nagios, the Nagios logo, and Nagios graphics are the servicemarks, trademarks, or registered trademarks owned by Nagios Enterprises. November 2012, by Simon Krenger. # Plugin commands (service and host check commands) # Arguments are likely to change between different . Nagios can be used to monitor Apache web server as well. First, the servers are defined in Nagios. Establish a terminal session to your Nagios XI server and execute the following command: The Nagios passive check technique described in this article uses Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA) . 164060 Nagios HTTP/HTTPS check via wget (with/without Proxy) Check website accessibility by return code and execution time. This defines that check_nrpe is the command and check_root_home_du is the value of $ARG1$. A good example of such a test is checking whether there are bad blocks on a disk. Force a check and you will see exactly how the command is being run. To allow it to grow bigger before rotating, add more zeroes, for example. Another difference is that active checks require much less effort to be set up when compared to passive checks. It can be used to send results from one Nagios instance to another. If you don't make use of service dependencies, Nagios won't perform any on-demand service checks. check_command check_http -H MYIP -u http://MYIP/test.php Service status codes are the same as those for active checks0 for OK, 1 for WARNING, 2 for CRITICAL, and 3 for an UNKNOWN state. This allows for seamless integration of status information from external applications with Nagios. Otherwise we must rely on parsing the # output from the service management tool. 2022 Company, Inc. All rights reserved. This directive is used to perform scheduled checks of the hosts for the number you set; by default it is in minutes. First, install the Nagios Core server. JOB, $ check_http -H HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 332 bytes in 0.004 seconds |time=0.004144s;;;0.000000 size=332B;;;0 2. I Have problem with the check_http when I try ur command test , I have the next message : By default Nagios supports URL monitoring and there is an command check_http, however if you want to monitor URL like SSL certification you can also do by extending the command options. Service or Daemon checks are system processes that run in the background, usually configured to start when the system boots. More information on the flap detection logic can be found here. So in the server set the files: /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg: /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/nrpeclient.cfg: Note that the ! In such a case, adding a module that reports current utilization along with the OK/WARNING/CRITICAL state to Nagios seems much easier than using active checks for the same job. -c 7 -w 5 -v. Any pointer if I am missing anything but obvious. Does anyone have a working example of a dependencies.cfg file for nagios? I've # provided some comments here, but things may not be so clear without further # explanation, so make sure to read the HTML documentation! Each of these options opens the Manage Service Template screen.The New option will have no pre-selected directive values, Copy lets you create a new template based on an existing templates properties, and Modify enables the editing of an . The following illustration shows how results from active and passive checks are treated differently by Nagios: In both the cases, a check result stating that the host is down is received by Nagios. Often, there are situations where active checks obviously fit better. Nagios can detect when services start flapping, and can suppress notifications until flapping stops and the service's state stabilizes. How Nagios process handles passive check results can be defined in the main Nagios configuration file. These will come through as an Unconfigured Object initially because Nagios XI has never received a Passive check result for this host/service. Start Nagios Daemon Using nagios -d Typically you would execute "service nagios start" to start the Nagios daemon, which really calls the /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios script. First as pending: To run a script on a remote client, you will need to set up the Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE). Like every Nagios plugin, you will want to check from the command line before adding it to the configuration files. The following is an example of the required configuration for a host that accepts passive checks and has active checks disabled: Configuring services is exactly the same as with hosts. Often, you have situations where other applications can report if a certain service is working properly or not. Nagios Core and Nagios XI has a features to monitoring website URL status. Nagios will ignore all check results for hosts that had not been configured before it was last (re)started. In this way, NSCA communication sent over the Internet is more secure. The following is a script that runs the dd system command (visit to read an entire block device. Format is minimum:maximum, Response time in seconds for warning state, Response time in seconds for critical state, Number of seconds to wait before connection times out. Nagios Core is an Open Source system for monitoring hosts, networks and services. Depending on the status received on hosts and services, appropriate action is taken. I will use a simple example. To turn on everything you want to set debug_level=4095. Nagios executes event handlers to handle hard states. Submitting passive host check results to Nagios requires sending a command to the Nagios external command pipe. Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video. Use Hiera. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Is it possible to check a web page through an authenticated proxy server? Nagios server in this example is hosted on and an example client is hosted on IP Learn more. All other servicemarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owner. It is vital to make sure only legitimate networks have access to the database. Nagios can monitor DNS service by asking the DNS server to either resolve a specific fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or by asking the server to use the dig tool. You might also want to give the 'capture' plugin a try. So the Nagios Core version is 3.5.1. It can also send reports after a database recovery, or periodically, even if connectivity to the database has been consistently available, so that Nagios has an up-to-date status. You'll see the following line inside the /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios script for the Nagios startup: $NagiosBin -d $NagiosCfgFile Nagios can check whether the server is online by running ping on the IP/name of the server as well as it can be set up to provide warnings in case the round trip time (RTT) to the server increases. The performance of on-demand service checks can be significantly improved by implementing the use of cached checks, which allow Nagios to forgo executing a service check if it determines a relatively recent check result will do instead. # Sample object config file for Nagios : 3 # 4 # Read the documentation for more information on this configuration file. You can tell Nagios to translate DOWN/UNREACHABLE passive check result states to their "proper" state by using the translate_passive_host_checks variable. Would you please be so kind as to help me? For any support related questions please visit the Nagios Support Forums at: Article Number: 775 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated by. }. debug_level=2048 With nagios in debug mode I simply tail the debug_log file debug_file=/var/log/nagios3/nagios.debug. define service{ # These are some example service check commands. The following file can be modified to do the job. NPCA includes a service module that can check if a service is running. Last updated on September 22, 2020 by Sarmed Rahman. Code-GPT is an extension for VS Code that provides you instant explanations for your code within the code editor using AI. You can check whether a SSL certificate of the website expires within the next X number of days as shown below. Follow these steps to install the plugin: Download the plugin. Detecting and dealing with state changes is what Nagios is all about. Check HTTP Check whether Apache HTTP is running on a remote server using check_http. This increases the security of the database. Default is 80, This will use HTTPS using default 443 port. Kaydolmak ve ilere teklif vermek cretsizdir. this is THE MOST comprehensive and straight forward turorial I've seen. See Also: Active Checks, Service Checks, Host Checks. There are no attachments for this article. The service check runs in a child process that was fork()ed from the main Nagios daemon. When a passive result check comes in to Nagios, Nagios expects that the result already has a network topology included. It says Unknown option specified in config file , check_http -I -p 8192 url=/MYServiceBus/ post= eregi=.Status_Code.0./Status_Code. If an application that resides on the same host as Nagios is sending passive host or service check results, it can simply write the results directly to the external command file as outlined above. To use a custom script as a plugin to run remotely through NRPE, you should first write the script on the server, for instance in /usr/local/scripts/ The previous script is a very simple example, checking the disk usage of the directory /root and setting a threshold for considering it OK, Warning or Critical. Can i specify what a valid response is, i.e. These are executed on regular intervals, as defined by check_interval and retry_interval. This can be done in addition to active checks, to identify critical problems earlier. You can create a host file inside the server directory of Nagios and mention the host and service definitions. An example shell script of how to submit passive service check results to Nagios can be found in the documentation on volatile services. External applications can submit passive host check results to Nagios by writing a PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT external command to the external command file. To figure this out I set nagios into debug mode with the configuration like this. The first parameter tells Nagios that it should check whether the results from the checks are up-to-date. Submitting Passive Check Results From Remote Hosts. We can also do it at a contact level, by disabling notifications . The plugins can be in any language, Nagios only cares They can be the following: 0: OK Note that all the configuration in this section is done on the client to be checked, not in the nagios server. Consider the following script ( Based on the information provided by the nagiostats tool, I assume everything is ok if there are five or less services in Warning state.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'howtoforge_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howtoforge_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'howtoforge_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',108,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howtoforge_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-108{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. A major difference between hosts and services is that service checks differentiate between soft and hard states. These are examples of the graphs that can be created and embedded using the graph generator in the Graphs tab. Contribute to vishalsingh17/GitiPedia development by creating an account on GitHub. When a host is reported to be DOWN as a passive check result, Nagios does not perform a translation from DOWN to UNREACHABLE. In general, if a check can be done quickly and does not require long running processes, it should definitely be done as an active service. We make use of First and third party cookies to improve our user experience. If the remote server runs only HTTP and not HTTPS, youll get HTTP CRITICAL Unable to open TCP socket message as shown below. I've: 5 # provided some comments here, but things may not be so clear without further . This is where the location of Nagios log file, status.dat file, lock file and host and services state update interval is defined. NRDP has several benefits over NSCA, including: The host or the services will be tested again and again till the time the status is permanent. There are many more services in Nagios which can be used to monitor pretty much anything on the running host. define service{ use generic-service host_name service_description Uptime check_command snmp_Uptime!-C public } Adjust the commands as required. For example sudo gedit /usr/local/nagios/etc/servers/ubuntu_host.cfg # Ubuntu Host configuration file Copy the configuration file to the Apache directory: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sample-config/httpd.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/nagios.conf Install the Nagios Plugins to have a set of tools to monitor your different services: apt install build-essential libssl-dev gcc More information on dependencies can be found here. /usr/nagios/libexec/check_http .. This way, Nagios can help monitor the accessibility of both MySQL servers and the database stored within the servers.
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