Information and photos courtesy of Paul Martineau, grandson. (Joe), First, I have a great husband and we got sealed in the temple. (Margaret), Seeing the family I baptized with my trainer, hearing that my trainee reactivated the father when she transferred down there and seeing that family get sealed in the temple the weekend before I came home my trainee and I were back in Hamilton together so was able to trade off and see the sealing unfold. We love you, Collins. President Schwendiman Senior told Bishop Austin "Let's get Fred and Lillian married and send them to NZ." Benson L. Porter 2008-11 Group: 2. Services were held Wed. Oct 2, 2002 in Salt Lake City. Even though Id been a member all my life, I was truly converted. Flipboard. 1. Auckland Mission President Pedersen 1987-1990 Group: 6. By referring or linking you to this website, we do not endorse or guarantee this content, products, or services offered. He also served on the Board of Governors of the Salt Lake Area Chamber of Commerce. Dad served with mom as President of the New Zealand North Mission where he loved his missionaries and the people of New Zealand as if they were family. My awesome companion and I got lost in the city on the way back from the transfer meeting. He presided over the Elders', Seventies', and High Priests' quorums in the same Stake. (Jodi), Auckland (North Shore and Manurewa), Hamilton, Rotorua. On Monday, February 27, 2023, President Cordon, Elder Matthew L. Carpenter of the Africa Central Area Presidency and local leaders met with Pastor Dorcas Rigathi Gachagua, the wife of Kenya's deputy president, Geoffrey Rigathi Gachagua. Shortly after its publication, Cowley was called to start the translation of other sacred texts. Later, we served a CES Mission in Brisbane and Sydney, Australia, and then two missions at BYUHawaii in the Religion Department. General Lasater attributes his uncommonly rapid rise in rank directly to the Lord's blessing as well as to the priesthood standards that have guided in his life. I then served as Vice President of the Medicine Hat College for 20 years and as a management consultant for many businesses and institutions We served as couple missionaries in the Cook Islands then as Mission President of the Christchurch/Wellington Mission-1989-1992. They will then be ready for their work at the (soon to be completed) Hawaiian temple." He loved most sports, especially BYU football and basketball, or anything his grandchildren were involved in. (Frances), Very area dependent. Mission Areas Africa Central Area Africa South Area Bill served his Church in many capacities throughout the world, and was loved everywhere he went. After the celebration concluded, a more spiritual meeting was held. Rachel is serving in the Australia Sydney North Mission (2004 - 2005). In 1976 he and Maxine returned to New Zealand to preside over the Auckland Mission. Wendys. President Schwendiman owned and operated Utah Printing Company. One of the first recorded incidents took place in 1902 when the mission president requested permission for various elders to perform weddings. After a small search I was able to find my Marriage Certificate listing the sealers name as C. Douglas Barnes. Mission President Jeffery Nikoia who oversees the New Zealand Hamilton Mission reported that efforts continue to make contact with Elder Williams and Elder Park, two missionaries who have been missing since the cyclone hit. Ive had many laughs with my companions and investigators. [5], New Zealand was already deeply religious with many Christian sects by the time Mormon missionaries arrived. (Nick), The Maori (New Zealand natives) prayed for the true church and his answer was they will travel in pairs and carry the book of our genealogy. Married: December 1, 1937 in the Salt Lake Temple to Ruth Hiatt (B. April 19, 1914 - living) This is a clip from the Church news announcing the new mission presidents. President Russell M. Nelson calls for a sustaining vote for 77 new Area Seventies during a leadership meeting at the Church Office Building auditorium on Thursday, April 1, 2021. (Keenan), Melting pot for culture and religion. 4. President Hoagland spent the rest of his life working in Salt Lake City on Maori genealogy and doing work for their dead in the Salt Lake temple. Christine Mary Patrick Dil. (Cherry), Meeting people and learning languages. Bill was born on October 22, 1924, in Winnsboro, Texas to Sam and Vera Cowser. What do you like about the place/people you served? A ward Relief Society president, she has served as Relief Society counselor, Young Women president's counselor, stake Primary president's counselor and Young Women adviser. Do you know what time it is?!? (Margaret), Auckland, Kaikohe, and Whakatane. I told her that as much as she wanted to return to her Heavenly Father, He wanted her to see her even more. Other theories attribute Mormon success in New Zealand to early Christian missionaries who first began to persuade the natives out of their traditional habits that were alarming to Europeans and contrary to Mormon standards of living (cannibalism, nudism, etc. The most notable translators were Ezra F. Richards and Sondra Sanders, although some records state that William T. Steward and James Jury were other notable translators. (Ryan), The. Excludes groups meeting separate from wards and branches. President Russell M. Nelson announced the exact location for the New Zealand temple during a devotional in Auckland on Tuesday. (Jodi), I trained a new missionary fresh from Samoa. He was very athletic and coached winning teams in rugby and basketball. Michael Alexander Roberts. (Crystal), Taken more pics and known how important it was to stay in touch with people. Bring a sturdy suite that you dont care will be ruined by the end of it. (Margaret), Im more social. (Chandler), Being obedient will bless your entire life and family. 1961: The Central British Mission is organized. President Kohler brings to us a wealth of experience in Church work. In their over 77 years of marriage they touched the lives of many through their service and generosity.They helped countless students at BYU achieve their educational goals and helped endow the BYU Center for Studies of the Family as well as other Church and community programs. My wife and I were married 6 June 1980 in the Salt Lake Temple. In 1918 President Hoagland was called to serve in New Zealand for the purpose of organizing the mission and branches so they could "properly account for the membership." (Chandler), Cold even in summer I was still sleeping with flannelette sheets. New Zealand Hamilton Mission. The following biographical sketch is adapted from the. No really!). And theyre tired of hearing about Lord of the Rings. (Nick), Rain jacket. (Keith), My companion and I were from the Philippines and were the shortest missionaries in the mission. She is a former stake missionary, secretary to bishop, activities committee chairman and member, stake meetinghouse librarian, Young Women president and counselor, Primary president and counselor, Primary teacher, and Young Women teacher. Which put all effort in to keeping me on a mission. As president he felt it important to developed leadership qualities in the Maori leaders. Jose Andres Bermudez and Tania Bermudez The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President Archie R. Boyack and Sister Hazel Noble Boyack succeeded President Fred W. Schwendiman and Sister Lillian Schwendiman in June 1964. (Cherry), Obedience brings blessings but exact obedience brings miracles. Load up on a ton of socks, garments and short-sleeve white shirts. And most church services are amazing with the singing. President Cummings came home to help with some land that the state was going to use. [7][10] In 1917, a temporary missionary ban was instituted. He served with three different presidents during the next nine years. (Meliame), The Maori and Polynesian people have a long, rich history with The Church. New Zealand Auckland Mission President, Garrick Parr, and his wife Susan Parr. He served in many local callings as well as in the Provo MTC Presidency, and as Regional Representative in Australia and in the US Central States area. The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has called 164 new mission presidents and companions; most will begin service in July. But because of an unusually persuasive personality he functioned in many fields. Kind, loving, respect missionaries, beautiful country everywhere you go. We both talk fondly of our missions. Youre biking and need one for all weather. When winter in NZ came, I bought some sweaters, a coat and long socks there. From that day on he was to report to that general's office as his executive assistant. People greet each other once eye contact is made. Previous Church assignments include former mission presidency counsellor, stake president, bishop, high councellor, and missionary in the Canada Vancouver Mission. He was born in Kent, Washington, to Bryan Lynn Welton and Pamela Joan Welton. ; Democratic Republic of the Congo Kananga Mission, a division of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Mbuji-Mayi Mission. And most importantly, I learned to be Maori hard. (Keenan), Hangi, kumera, anything with fruit not typically found in the US, Milo, KFC (haha! Trust that if you let go of YOUR ways and just DO what youre asked, you will find a whole new righteous you that you never knew. Clive Richard Jolliffe, 49, New Zealand Wellington Mission; Huntingdon Ward, Northampton England Stake; stake president; former counselor in a stake presidency, bishop, high councilor, stake mission president and missionary in the England Leeds Mission. What are some interesting facts about the AucklandMission? *Membership was published as a rounded number. (Cherry), Spiritual growth, Meet new people, Save many souls. Brother Villanueva is a bishopric counselor and institute teacher and former stake presidency counselor, bishop, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president and missionary in the Mxico Hermosillo Mission. Pork buns. Listening is the first key to loving others but you cant if your thinking of your life at home. Image by Aaron Thorup, Deseret News. She was born in New South Wales, Australia, to John Russell and Betty May Tipper Benson. [7] These first proselyting efforts began as part of the Australasian Missionary efforts. The following new mission presidents and companions have been called to serve by the First Presidency. The Ballis are the proud grandparents of eight. Dirk Smibert, 46, Mudgeeraba Ward, Gold Coast Australia Stake; executive director, PDC Group; mission president's counselor and former stake president and counselor, stake mission president and bishop; born in Victoria, Australia, to Donald James and Lola Lingard Smibert. Sister Kezerian has served as Ward Primary President, Stake YW Camp Director, Ward Young Women's President and currently teaches FACS classes at Canyonview Junior High in Orem. Loved those things. He has tried to remember this and has depended on the Lord in his major assignments, where much depended on his judgment. E-mail address:, Dean D. Baxter, 56, recently moved to Hyrum lst Ward, Hyrum Utah Stake. (Sarah), I wish Id initiated talking with random people earlier in mission, I ended up struggling with that the whole 2 years. This is Gods work, make it all count. She was born in Pocatello, Idaho, to Dean Guy Nielson and Koye Edwards Nielson. He was born in Provo, Utah, to Heinz Ludwig Horstmeier and DeAnna Smith Horstmeier. She currently serves in the Relief Society and has served in a number of stake and ward auxiliary presidencies. (Keith), A respected and loved the priesthood and my husband. That was my companions 3rd day. He served among the Maoris and ate with them, lived with them and learned their language. He first served a proselyting mission in NZ and learned the Maori language. We have been greeted so warmly and felt the power and strength of the missionaries and the members. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Aucklandmissionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments. (Chandler), It was hard to live the Gospel teachings, as I was the only member. Food is very rich so not for the weak stomachs. New Zealand Wellington Mission Reunion 2014 Group. The Lasater family has lived in Germany three times. Auckland Mission (Polokalama Tonga) Group: 5. Newman Neru Soloai, 60, and Luisa Kava Kavea Etuate Soloai, five children, Lynfield Ward, Auckland New Zealand Mt Roskill Stake: New Zealand Wellington Mission, succeeding President Roger C. Hudson and Sister Carol A. Hudson. Romney. We have served as temple ordinance workers in the Cardston, Hawaii and Edmonton temples. Despite this language barrier, Mori people recall being able to understand his talk with complete clarity. The 34-year-old star has revealed 'Christine . 14,644 likes. It has also been passed on to me that Sister Spackman is the daughter of N. Eldon Tanner. They are the proud grandparents of 10 grandchildren. [7]:53 [10]:296, In 1921, David O. McKay and Hugh J. Cannon began a Pacific-wide tour of the Church. During the April 2022 general conference, the President announced the intention to construct a third New Zealand temple in Wellington. Alejandro Villanueva and Olga M. Villanueva. They have the biggest hearts in NZ. It crept up on me and I wanted to be stubborn in certain ways. He and his wife Shirley served a mission to Denmark after their service in New Zealand. President Hudson was born in Utah, United States. The first noted church events under the MLA include the dedication of the LDS marae (community center) and wharenui (large ceremonial house). His loving wife Maxine died in 1982. Follow the promptings of the spirit Be nice to the members and theyll be nice to you. Each of the five points on the stars worn by generals in the military stands for a quality expected of men of that rank: honor, integrity, loyalty, service, fidelity. I explained the Spirit can be felt during this lesson and what it feels like. Before this order could be made official, however, the Napier earthquake of 1931 destroyed the building and ended its use. The First Presidency requested a couple be recommended to go to NZ from that Stake. (Michael), Nothing too exciting. Here are survey responses from New Zealand AucklandRMs, to give you a snapshot into what its like to live in the mission. Together they served as president and matron of the Ogden Temple, 1996-1999. It still gets cold in the winter. Click here. (Cherry), They were so warm and willing to give! She was born in Cortez, Colorado, to Tarcisio Santisteban and Luz del Carmen Valles. They were married in Salt Lake City in 1946. (Michalene), A Samoan sister missionary told me have a blessed evening was manuia le povi. Sister Bermudez is a stake Relief Society presidency counselor and temple ordinance worker and former stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Primary presidency counselor, Relief Society teacher, institute teacher and seminary teacher. [6] Formal LDS Church missionary proselytizing began on 20 October 1854 by William Cooke and Thomas Holden, under the direction of mission president Augustus Farnham. (Joe), Resolve issues and relationships at home before serving. Sister Deshler is a seminary teacher and stake missionary and former ward Relief Society president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Young Women presidency counselor and ward Primary presidency counselor. . A beautiful family unit. He spent the previous five years traveling to Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands to assist with leadership training, speaking assignments and establishing new congregation leaders. To access the official, up-to-date map for theAuckland Mission: Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the AucklandMission. The Mormon physician who medicated me, made the same effort." From 1925 to 1928 he filled a mission to Switzerland and Germany. It reported 116,883 members in 229 congregations in New Zealand as of 2021,[1] making it the second largest body of LDS Church members in Oceania behind Australia. Born 8 December 1931, Elder Lasater married the former Marilyn Jones of Samaria, Idaho. Called as an emergency replacement and served from 1 September 1996 until 30 June 1999. (Jodi), I love the people for who they are. In 1893 he served a mission in New Zealand. Like. (Nick), How to be comfortable approaching people. E-mail address:, We have 35 grandchildren and about forty greatgrandchildren. I loved seeing the actual country I was serving in rather than the same old city day in and day out. (Keith), All four seasons in one day. Four missionaries from Napier in the Hawke's Bay area on the east side of the north island were evacuated and sheltered in the home of a local Latter-day Saint family, President Thomson said. From the book, "Mighty Missionary of the Pacific" by David W. Cummings, it was written, "Accurate, detailed accounting of every transaction was a basic requirement in every building project; it reached its broadest scope in New Zealand, under the direction of Elder Stanford W. Bird. Born in Hyrum, Utah, to John Barnes and Norma Olsen Baxter. They discussed her focus on youth and promotion of traditional family values. Dads survivors include (edited out for brevity). (Jodi), I ran afoul of a gang leader who didnt want us teaching his daughter. They were in the MTC with my parents-in-law. He served his country during World War II as an officer in the U.S. Navy. This is a portion of his diary, which was furnished to us by Mike & Jody Jensen. Lose yourself in the work! Leo W. Russon 'Ole' Beloved husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, uncle and friend, Leo Wing Russon, age 84, passed away April 27, 2005 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their sons Fred A and Kay A Schwendiman were born in Auckland NZ. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. They always wanted to feed you and make sure you had all you needed to feel as at home as possible. (Cherry), Finding a dead person on trade off. He was also the ecclesiastical leader for Public Affairs Department for all of Australia and Papua New Guinea. In 1908, New Zealand Mission President Rufus K. Hardy began publishing a Maori translation of the Doctrine and Covenants in serialized form in issues of . (Sarah), Kina, fish and chips, sausage rolls, KFC, kiwis, and FEIJOAS!!! Benson L. Porter 2008-11 Group, Auckland, New Zealand MissionFacebook Group, New Zealand Auckland Mission Pres. (Jodi), I learned to speak off the cuff and get to know people. Norman died of diphtheria at age four. He presided over the Groundbreaking and Site Dedication of the New Zealand Temple on 21 December 1955, joined by Wendell B. Mendenhall and George R. Biesinger. South Africa. Richards. Imagine if they had announced 17 new humanitarian centers around the world to help with refugees, homelessness and joblessness. She is branch Relief Society president and has served as early morning seminary teacher, accompanist, Young Women president's counselor, Relief Society instructor and counselor in stake Primary presidency. (Margaret), Be an awesome trainee. President Brad Markus (left) and Susan Markus (center) with missionaries in Yakama, Washington, USA, are called to the Fiji, Suva Mission. As a young man I served in the New Zealand Mission, mostly in the Cook Islands. [7] The mission was again divided in May 1958 to include a New Zealand South portion. E-mail address: Here are LDS-friendly educational videos about New Zealand. (Keith), I truly gained a strong testimony of the gospel and going to the temple often. Plus, Im getting married next week to a very worthy priesthood holder ;). E-mail address: (Crystal), Fruits, Island food, fast food (Michaelene), Carls Jr.!! 2. All Blacks (rugby) are king. Mission Areas Africa Central Area Africa South Area Africa West Area President Harold B. Lee called John Lasater to that position and blessed him with a wonderful promise. He married Lillian Millard Austin, June 6, 1918 in the Salt Lake Temple. (Ryan), Teaching, Patience, Understanding others needs and perspectives, Compassion. Glen L. Rudd served for four months after President Luckau passed away, until President Stirling arrived. He graduated from BYU and achieved his MA and Ph. Auckland Mission Pres. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. New Zealand Auckland Mission Carl B. They would be like, What are you doing?! It is the best mission in the world. Its much like southern California weather. George was very willing to hear a talk to be able to hear another song. The two-match series ended in a 1-1 draw, with England having won the first test in Mount Maunganui by 267 runs. Links to the couples brief biographies will be added as they are published in the coming months. The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has called 105 new mission presidents and companions who will begin service in July. Its a fantastic experience! (Ha,Ha) [Bio courtesy of Les Howe]. Copyright 2022 Deseret News Publishing Company. Married Kerry Lee Elkins, six children. Elder Richards spoke at his funeral. Clive Richard Jolliffe, 49, New Zealand Wellington Mission; Huntingdon Ward, Northampton England Stake; stake president; former counselor in a stake presidency, bishop, high councilor, stake mission president and missionary in the England Leeds Mission. Bill met and fell in love with Shirley Healey during WW II, and they corresponded until he came home from the war, having served in the Pacific in the US Navy.
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