A few showers developing late. The most recent indictments returned by the Franklin County grand jury. Joseph ONeal Stults, 18, Phil Campbell. 1 0 obj There was a problem saving your notification. Jeffery Wade Campbell, 53, Phil Campbell. Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney Matthew Becker said the grand. The following are the most recent indictments returned by the Franklin County Grand Jury: Jimmy Harold Ables, 73, Lexington, TN. Joseph Adam Newcomb, two counts of possess methamphetamine, Dec. 7 and Nov. 21, 2014; and possess two or more precursors with the intent to manufacture methamphetamine, Dec. 7, 2014. Mercado is accused of escaping from detention and fleeing from police in Ashtabula on Sept. 24. Gequan Wykeith Crews, breaking and entering, Nov. 26, 2016; take, steal and carry away goods and chattels having a value of $200 or more, Nov. 26, 2016; and one misdemeanor count of destroying, defacing or damaging property having a value less than $1,000, Nov. 26, 2016. Unlawful possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Charlie Joe Britnell, 22, Phil Campbell. Unlawful possession of a controlled substance, driving under the influence of a controlled substance and illegal possession of prescription medication. Spruce Valley was also indicted for allegedly maintaining a drug involved premise from about 2016 and continuing through June 2020 at 105 Avon Valley Road in Avon. The Columbus branch of the NAACP issued a statement Thursday applauding the grand jury's decision and saying it was "troubled to learn that some feel that the community should not celebrate such victory while mourning their loved ones. Would you like to receive our daily news? The indictment, issuedby a Franklin County grand jury, charges Meade, 43, with two counts of murder and one count of reckless homicide. Sign up now to get our FREE breaking news coverage delivered right to your inbox. He and his co-conspirators are accused of realizing in excess of $13 million over six years through the illicit sale of marijuana. Jackie Eaton, 43, Red Bay. Randy M Beres, of 1525 West 8thStreet, Ashtabula, and Tyler P Johnson, of47 South Elm, Jefferson, were indicted on involuntary manslaughter, a first degree felony, corrupting another with drugs, a second degree felony, and trafficking in heroin and trafficking in a fentanyl related compound, fifth degree felonies. Indicted on conspiracy to commit money laundering were Burgess and Lucas and Alisa Sirois. Terrorist threat. Three counts of unlawful possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Devon Faye Lynn Purvis, 32, of Frankfort, three counts of false statement/misrepresent to receive benefits over $100, a Class D felony. Crystal Marie Latham, 36, Russellville. https://t.co/l5tpgcf5ov. Lucas Sirois, 41, of Farmington is alleged to have been the leader of the criminal organization, according U.S. Attorneys Office release on Oct. 27. Indicted on a charge of conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute a controlled substance were: Sirois; his estranged wife, Alisa Sirois, 43, of Kingfield; his father, Robert Sirois, 68, of Farmington; former Rangeley Selectman David Burgess, 53, of Rangeley; former Franklin County Sheriffs deputies Bradley Scovil, 33, of Rangeley and Derrick Doucette, 29, of Jay; Brandon Dagnese, 27, of Scarborough; and Ryan Nezol, 38, of Farmington. According to the lawsuit, Goodson's estate is seeking damages for wrongful death and the violation of Goodson's civil rights, alleging the sheriff's office did not properly train or supervise Meade. Meade was not wearing a body camera, a piece of equipment that Franklin County deputies did not and still don't have. Her address is 114 Willow Drive, Winchester, TN 37398. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Two counts of theft of property first degree, five counts of theft of property second degree, theft of property fourth degree, breaking and entering a motor vehicle, escape third degree and destruction of state property. Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to read or post comments. It is a determination by jurors that enough evidence exists to warrant a trial. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Ultimately, the special grand jury can't issue indictments on its own. Lucas Sirois was indicted on a second charge of conspiracy to commit honest services fraud, along with Scovil and Doucette. James Samuel Rucker IV, with the intent to maim, disfigure, disable or kill, attempt to cut or wound another person, March 9; impede the blood circulation or respiration of another person by apply pressure to the neck of the person, resulting in the wounding or bodily injury of the person, March 9; take, steal and carry away an automobile having a value of more than $200, March 9; two counts of taking the credit card of another person without their consent, March 9; assault and batter a family member, March 9; take, steal and carry away goods and chattels having a value of less than $200, March 9; and possess klonopin, March 9. Please subscribe to keep reading. Thomas Albert Gilman Sr., possess methamphetamine, Feb. 16; possess a firearm while possessing a Schedule I or II narcotic, Feb. 16; possess a concealed weapon, Feb. 16; and transport a firearm while a protective order was in effect, Feb. 16. Federal grand jury indicts 11 of 12 defendants in alleged illicit marijuana grow, distribution and money laundering scheme in Franklin County, Manage your Advertiser Democrat Subscription, Manage your Livermore Falls Advertiser Subscription, Manage your Franklin Journal Subscription, Manage your Rumford Falls Times Subscription, Manage Your Rangeley Highlander Subscription, Sun Media Groups Western Maine Weekly Subscriptions, illegal marijuana distribution and money laundering scheme, Six defendants accused in marijuana grow, distribution and money laundering conspiracy appear in court, Last 6 people allegedly involved with illegal marijuana operation, money-laundering scheme appear in Bangor court, Feds charge former deputies, a cop, prosecutor and town official in Farmington pot conspiracy, Livermore repairmen tackle vandalized headstones in Jay, Area roundup: Polands Nolan Garey finishes 3rd in 55 hurdles at New Englands, Womens basketball: CMCC rolls past Paul Smiths College in conference semifinal, Girls AA final preview: Oxford Hills not overlooking Gorham, NHL roundup: Sabres extend Lightnings losing streak to 4, Six from Portland Boxing Club reach finals at New England Golden Gloves, Man accused of stealing pot, starting fight at Auburn cannabis store, Lewiston man charged in Poland homicides expected in Maine court next week, Dont let it be in vain: Memorial held for slain teen. FRANKLIN COUNTY, Va. (WDBJ) - A Franklin County Grand Jury has indicted a Marine deserter for killing his mother's boyfriend in 2019. Franklin County Prosecutor Gary Tyack hired veteran Columbus lawyers H. TimMerkle and Gary Shroyer as special prosecutors to present the case on Goodson's death to the grand jury. Hours after Meade's indictment, a federal civil rights lawsuit was filed on behalf of Goodson's estate by his family in U.S. District Court in Columbus. The 12th person, Kayla. The following are the most recent indictments returned by the Franklin County Grand Jury: Edward William Adams, 57, Semmes. A Lawrence County grand jury on Monday returned 20 indictments on charges ranging from drug trafficking to theft, according to Prosecuting Attorney Brigham Anderson. Unlawful possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of marijuana second degree. Brenner Matthew Benefield, 23, Phil Campbell. Unlawful possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and unlawful possession of marijuana second degree. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. ", Meade shouted repeatedly for Goodson to show his hands and drop the gun, Collins wrote, but Goodson "turned and looked in Jason's direction while lifting his right arm back toward Jason, pointing the barrel of the gun in Jason's direction.". If you wish to contact the Foreperson, please call 967-2923 (Clerks number) to leave a message and telephone number for the Foreperson. We won't share it with anyone else. "We do tough investigations all the time but from the beginning," Yost tweeted at the time. Justice is a process. Published 12:37 pm Wednesday, February 27, 2019. Edith Denise Avery, 52, Russellville. Lawrence Edward Kirk Jr. and Lawrence Edward Kirk III, both of 655 North State Street, Painesville, were charged with tampering with evidence, athirddegree felony, and possession of cocaine, a fifth degree felony. Rex Allen Bennett, three counts of take, steal and carry away goods and chattels having a value of $200 or more, June 2, June 3 and Nov. 7, 2014. Kidnapping second degree, terrorist threat and destruction of state property. Failure to register as a sex offender. A Franklin County grand jury returned 62 indictments against 26 individuals Monday. Low 33F. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased Brandon Skylar Kilby, 22, Russellville. Attempt to commit a controlled substance crime. The fatal shootinga Black man by a white deputy led hundreds of people to block streets Downtown near the Ohio Statehouse in protests the following weekend. The fatal shootinga Black man by a white deputy led hundreds of people to block streets Downtown near the Ohio Statehouse in protests the following weekend. "It is not lost on us that this announcement comes only days before the one-year anniversary of the fatal shooting and planned protest Saturday at City Hall," wrote Brian A. Walton and Payne were flanked at the event by 15 other family members, all of whom wore shirts bearing images of Goodson. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Independent Contractor (Newspaper Carrier). Pedro Castro Castro, 18, Russellville. Domingo Delacruz, 35, Russellville. Theft of property first degree. United States of America et al Filed: March 1, 2023 as 2:2023cv00249 Plaintiff: Ronald Mitchell Defendant: United States of America and Reginald O'Neil Ryce Cause Of Action: 28 U.S.C. Anthony Keith Wilson, 50, Russellville. James Anthony Adams, 31, 460 Rayburn Drive, Russellville, first-degree attempted theft of property and two counts of first-degree theft of property. To view Madison County Circuit and District Court dockets by judge and date, click "Dockets" in the green menu bar and click on the judge's name. She is charged by complaint with tampering with proceedings and tampering with documents. Readmore Heather Renee Jones, conceal or take possession of goods or merchandise after having been convicted two or more times of larceny, Dec. 9, 2014. Sign up to get the breaking news, weather and traffic updates you need delivered to your inbox. Jeremy Randall Franks, 31, Red Bay. The Frederick County Grand Jury returned 14 indictments on Friday. A Franklin County grand jury returned 61 indictments against 33 people Monday. Jimmy Lee Wojtanowski, 35, Vina. Lawrence County Grand Jury met August 13, 2020 and handed down 23 indictments with wanton endangerment charges on a former Lawrence County Constable Billy Lemaster and other wanton endangerment charges including charges being on several minors. Eric Daniel ODell, 21, Russellville. Lucas Sirois, Burgess and tax preparer Kenneth Allen, 48, of Farmington were indicted on conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and impede and impair the IRS between March 2019 and July 2019. Collins told The Dispatch in a text message Thursday, "When my client rolled (Goodson) over, (the gun) was found beneath him.". Deborah Gail Batey, 51, Russellville. The majority of the arrests occurred. Carmen Rozanna Hester, 47, Red Bay. Derek Kendall Motes, 30, Phil Campbell. Former Columbus police officer Adam Coy was indicted in February in the Dec. 22, 2020, death of 47-year-old Andre Hill, an unarmed Black man who was shot as he emerged from a darkened garage at a Northwest Side home where he was an invited guest. He said Meade will pleadnot guilty, and they will ask for a reasonable bond to be set. 00:00 /. Low 34F. Lucas Sirois was indicted on one count of tax evasion from about March 2019 to at least July 2019 for having prepared or signed false tax documents for the calendar year 2017 and 2018. She was not indicted Tuesday. They are accused of possessing and attempting to conceal .32 grams of cocaine in Ashtabula County on Feb. 5. You can share 5 more gift articles this month. Sirois is said to have structured operations to appear as though they complied with Maines medical marijuana regime while he regularly sold bulk marijuana on the illicit market, including $1 million worth of marijuana for out-of-state distribution between 2018 and 2019, according to the release. If the green menu bar is not visible, click "Navigate" in the top menu bar, scroll down to the judge's name, and click on the name. Franklin Circuit Court indictments (May 31). An indictment is not a finding of guilt. A felony is a crime punishable by at least one year and one day in the penitentiary and may also include a fine of $5,000 or more. Mike King, two misdemeanor counts of failing to collect or truthfully account for and pay over the meals tax imposed by Franklin County for the months of October and November 2016, Nov. 20 and Dec. 20, 2016. Jessica Renea Sellers, take, steal and carry away goods and chattels having a value of $200 or more, Nov. 3, 2014. New Ferrum College president hopes to bring success to school and students, If county won't remove Confederate statue, Glenna Moore wants another statue to honor US Colored Troops, Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office ends affiliation with Reelz TV show 'On Patrol: Live', Stalemate postpones latest Franklin County solar farm vote, Train wreck readiness part of downtown Roanoke evacuation planning, 2 hospitalized in Missouri crash involving General Lee car from Dukes of Hazzard, Contaminant levels at Spring Hollow reservoir back up, water tests show, 4 charts that show where home sales are headed in Virginia, Community meeting set for proposed solar farm in Wirtz, Curtain falls on campaign with loss to No. There are a total of 12 properties in Farmington, Rangeley, Carrabassett Valley, Avon and Industry; seven vehicles, a boat, a motorcycle, a snowmobile and a trailer, with a total value of more than $295,000; and more than $1.3 million in cash and accounts in banks and credit unions. Man died Wednesday. David Lee Bell, 39, Huntsville. New Ferrum College president hopes to bring success to school and students, If county won't remove Confederate statue, Glenna Moore wants another statue to honor US Colored Troops, Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office ends affiliation with Reelz TV show 'On Patrol: Live', Stalemate postpones latest Franklin County solar farm vote, Train wreck readiness part of downtown Roanoke evacuation planning, 2 hospitalized in Missouri crash involving General Lee car from Dukes of Hazzard, Contaminant levels at Spring Hollow reservoir back up, water tests show, 4 charts that show where home sales are headed in Virginia, Community meeting set for proposed solar farm in Wirtz, Curtain falls on campaign with loss to No. 1 seed, A family wants its 132-year-old donation to the University of Richmond refunded, Family sues Loudoun County jail for $7M, claiming son was tortured, Hangman nooses found aboard Navy destroyer in Virginia, Bond denied for Ferrum man charged in death of two dogs he reported stolen, Global race is on to improve EV range in the cold, Richmond police demand $7,800 for copy of their general policies, Eli Lilly caps insulin cost at $35 a month. % This one belongs to CPD. 40-12-105, the following NOTICE is hereby given: Franklin County has 647 square miles. Amanda Riley, 29, Russellville. Allen was indicted on a charge of tax fraud for his alleged involvement in preparing false documents between March 2019 to at least July 2019. Dalton Hunter Palmer, 22, Hamilton. Once those policy guidelines are in place, the county commissioners will be able to place a purchase order. You have permission to edit this article. Eric Glenn Campbell, 48, Phil Campbell. //]]> Travis Edward Bolling, sexually abuse a child under the age of 13, Oct. 1, 2013; and by force, engage in sodomy with a child under the age of 13, Jan. 1, 2011. You have permission to edit this article. He's charged with 1st-degree murder; 2nd-degree murder; consp . Also indicted were Sandy River Properties and Lakemont for allegedly maintaining a drug-involved premise beginning on but no later than 2016 and continuing through June 21, 2020, at 374 High St., a former shoe shop in Farmington. Lacrissa Nicole Jacobs, 26, of Frankfort,enhanced first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance (methamphetamine), a Class B felony; enhanced possession of a controlled substance (heroin) and convicted felon in possession of a handgun, Class C felonies; possession of drug paraphernalia and enhanced third-degree possession of a controlled substance, Class D felonies; and two counts of second-degree persistent felony offender. Unlawful possession of a [] The two are also members of Lakemont. You can cancel at any time. Anyone can access the link you share with no account required. Katherine Nelson Bandy, six counts of obtaining money under false pretense and having a value of $200 or more, Aug. 3, Oct. 1, Nov. 1 and Dec. 1, 2014, and Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2015. Nicole Alyse Galloway, 30, Unlawful possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and illegal possession of alcoholic beverages. To get one, go to the subscriptions page. Namath Joe Jackson, 33, . Readmore, The charges against a Lauderdale County man accused of shooting a Franklin County resident in the hand in October have been dropped. stream Your real name will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more! Readmore Rosa Merie Sheffield, 22, Golden, MS. Burglary third degree and theft of property second degree. Donnie W. Carpenter, 53, of Frankfort, enhanced trafficking in marijuana more than eight ounces and less than five pounds, a Class C felony, and enhanced possession of drug paraphernalia, a Class D felony. Boys and Girls Ranches of Alabama. Dispatch reporter Bethany Bruner contributed to this report. Readmore, The following includes RBPD activity for June 2010 Readmore, The following includes RBPD activity for May 2010 Readmore, 41st Annual Miss RHS Pageant takes stage March 3, Franklin County students compete in annual cook-off, Chucky Mullins committee plans golf, youth sports, remembrance events, Ralph Bishop: Rec center name emphasizes former mayors commitment to community, NW-SCC baseball splits four games during busy week of action, Grow roses from cuttings for garden delight, February bids farewell with no snowfall in sight, Book Lovers spotlight historical women heroes, Money Matters: Go back to basics with your finances, Bridal feature: Allison and Isaac Spencer, From the Extension: Sending messages of love, Red Bay Police Departments Monthly Activity Report. Meade, a 17-year veteran of the sheriff's office,left the sheriff's office July 2 on disability retirement. endobj Feb 13, 2020. The three were also indicted on a charge of conspiracy to commit honest services fraud. Unlawful possession of a controlled substance. Your real name will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more! Dewey Dexter Nance, 43, of Private Drive 3367, South Point, was indicted on a charge of aggravated trafficking in 17.5 grams of meth, aggravated possession of drugs and . 2 0 obj Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. It is a determination by jurors that enough evidence exists to warrant a trial. "My emotions are everywhere.". Kessler is accused of substantially impairing the ability of law enforcement to respond to an emergency, as well as causing harm or attempting to cause harm to a person in Conneaut on June 29. Over the last two and a half years, Glenna Moore has spoken at all but one Franklin County Board of Supervisors meeting. Possession of drug paraphernalia, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree and unlawful possession of a controlled substance. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. Henry Lee Christian III, 37, Russellville. Shannon C. Barnes, 44,of Frankfort,first-degree possession of a controlled substance, a Class D felony; possession of drug paraphernalia, a Class A misdemeanor. The lawsuit alleges that Meade received significantly more training in firearms use than in any other area, including de-escalation, and that there was an apparent lack of review or supervision of the training. In alengthy written statement Thursday, Meade's attorney provided the first detailed explanation of the shooting, and what led up to it, from his client's perspective. Unlawful possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving while license is cancelled, suspended or revoked, no/improper tag/light and use restrict lamps on vehicle. The Franklin County Board of Supervisors reached a stalemate Tuesday when deciding how to proceed with a siting agreement for a solar facility. To view a yearly schedule of all courts, click "Court Calendar" at . Unlawful possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Read more Do you think the city commission should pass an ordinance in support of the CROWN (Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair) Act, which would protect Black residents from hair discrimination. Clear skies. The increase in a "forever chemical" is expected to be temporary, with replacements for a carbon filtering system on the way. Antonio Poole, of 464 North Broadway, Geneva, was indicted on one count of robbery, a third degree felony, and petty theft, a first degree misdemeanor. The Narrow Gauge Distributors "Keeping the Supply High" building is next to the Farmington Fairgrounds. | Add your comment, Over the course of two days this month, the Chucky Mullins Memorial Scholarship Committee will offer an array of way to honor and remember a Wilton police officer Kevin Lemay, 33, of Farmington was indicted on a charge of tampering with documents on July 21, 2020. Max David Anthony, possess oxycodone, Oct. 29, 2014. Mark Dylan Stanley, distribute heroin, Dec. 17, 2014. Trent is accused of possessing 36.46 grams of methamphetamine, .53 grams of tramadol, heroin and fentanyl and .77 grams of heroin and fentanyl on June 12 in Jefferson. We won't share it with anyone else. Andy Lee Porter, 36, Golden, Miss. Nicholas Thomas Holmes, fail to appear in the Circuit Court of Franklin County while charged with a felony, March 18. Ron Moore Jr.: Faith explained Part 2: The tunnel, Paul Sawyier Public Library News March 5-11, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints members visit Frankfort, meet with Beshear, legislature, SJ Digs: Abuse survivor speaks out part two. The District Attorney's Office no longer furnishes the age or city of residence of . I hope it gives the Goodson family momentary relief as we approach the 1-year anniversary of Casey's murder. 9, the local police union that represents Franklin County Sheriff's office deputies, Columbus police and other local law enforcement, released a statement expressing supportfor the grand-jury process, but also for Meade. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Alabama Sheriffs Association. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. Angela Marie Shively, after having been convicted two or more times of larceny, take, steal and carry away goods and chattels having a value of less than $200, Aug. 30, 2016. Sign in or Subscribe Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. The Limestone County grand jury recently indicted 26 people on felony charges ranging from chemical endangerment of a child to receiving stolen property, records show . Anthony D. Hill, 31, of Frankfort, second-degree robbery, a Class C felony, and fourth-degree assault, a Class A misdemeanor. Curtis Ray Schwartz, impede the blood circulation or respiration of another without such persons consent by applying pressure to the neck of the person resulting in wounding or bodily injury, Oct. 22, 2016; take, seize and detain another by force, intimidation and without legal justification, with the intent to deprive the person of their personal liberty, Oct. 22, 2016; two misdemeanor counts of assault and battery, Oct. 21 and 22, 2016. An indictment is not a finding of guilt. Rebecca Lynn Harbor, 22, Kansas. Unlawful possession of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree and possession of drug paraphernalia. The operation led to more than 80 grand jury indictments and arrest warrants with 50 subjects arrested and booked into the Franklin County Jail. Create a password that only you will remember. In accordance with T.C.A. Jason Michael Perdue, possess cocaine, Oct. 20, 2014. Brian Ray Ensor, 41, Haleyville. Five Kentuckians dead following storm system, Rain, wind barrel through Franklin County leaving thousands without power, Ribbon cutting for Lakeview Park bike track set for March 16, WesBanco Student of the Week: Frankfort's Pires receives KSBA First Degree College Scholarship, Rev. Escape first degree and destruction of state property. Steven Dray Hawkins, 27, of Lawrenceburg, first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance (heroin), a Class B felony; possession of drug paraphernalia and third-degree possession of a controlled substance, Class A misdemeanors; failure to wear seat belt, a violation; and first-degree persistent felony offender. Very little information has been released by investigators about the shooting, for which there are no known eyewitnesses and no video. Indictment also handed down for sodomy charges stemming back to November 2016, 2017 . We will notify the Foreperson of your message. Kristi Arlean Meeks, carry a concealed weapon, March 7; and recklessly handle a firearm so as to endanger the life, limb or property of another, March 7. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Independent Contractor (Newspaper Carrier). Robert Wesley Compton, take steal and carry away goods and chattels having a value of less than $200 after having been convicted once before of larceny, Sept. 17, 2014. Alisa and Lucas Sirois were indicted on a charge of bank fraud that allegedly occurred between about Jan. 10, 2020, to July 21, 2020. Some counties post their dockets and new indictments online. Russell Joseph Meyers, 57, Phil Campbell. After a little more than 8 months, on November 29, 1867, Colbert County was abolished and returned to Franklin County. You can cancel at any time. Kara Beth Hester, 30, Golden, Miss. Goodson's estate also call Meade a "religious zealot" in the lawsuit, saying he derived pleasure from being engaged in physical combat. Shawn Allen Scott, 33, Russellville. Andy Lee Porter, 36, Golden, Miss. May 31, 2022 Updated May 31, 2022. <> Unlawful possession of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree and possession of drug paraphernalia. A&-{sg!zS592?~/|'&i Tracy Lee Deaton, 48, Violation of community notification act. Domestic violence by strangulation or suffocation, unlawful imprisonment first degree, resisting arrest and fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer. The following people were indicted by a Franklin Circuit Court grand jury on Tuesday: Leshaun D. Manica, 38, of Frankfort, convicted felon in possession . The lawsuit also alleges that Goodson's grandmother, who was inside the home at the time of the shooting,suffered a stroke later that same evening. Jessee Lee Koning, possess methamphetamine, Dec. 7, 2014; possess two or more precursors with the intent to manufacture methamphetamine, Dec. 7, 2014; possess marijuana, Dec. 7, 2014; and two counts of carrying a concealed weapon, Dec. 7 and 30, 2014. Chemical endangerment of a minor and unlawful possession of a controlled substance. Dudley Chase Davis, 31, Phil Campbell. Former Columbus police Vice Officer Andrew Mitchell was indicted in April 2019 in the Aug. 23, 2018, death of 23-year-old Donna Castleberry,who was shot three times in the backseat of Mitchell's parked, unmarked police vehicle in Franklinton during what prosecutors described as an undercover prostitution encounter. Steel, FOP vice president. Hamilton is accused of possessing 15.67 grams of fentanyl intended for sale or resale, selling 1.13 grams of methamphetamine, and fleeing a police officer in Ashtabula on Aug. 20. An indictment is not a finding of guilt. An officialwith the Fraternal Order of Police Capital City Lodge No. See Offers. It will be up to Willis to determine who to pursue charges against. McLamb was fired from his job as Dixfield town manager last week for his alleged involvement in the case. Winds light and variable.
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