Riverbend Ranch Featured on American Rancher. VanderSloot, chief executive of wellness and nutrition company Melaleuca, is one of several wealthy and politically engaged Americans on whom the Republican Party is counting to fuel the 2016 campaigns, operations that are expected to collectively run into the billions of dollars. The goal is to create lines producing cattle with balanced traits while excelling in areas where a customer wants to focus, explains Frank. Just 12 days after the attack, the Idahoan found an investigator digging to unearth his divorce. "[11][14][40][62][63][64] In 1997, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration sent Melaleuca a warning letter for "false and misleading" claims about two of its supplements. [6] [157][158], In 2002, VanderSloot and Melaleuca contributed more than $50,000 opposing the election bid of Democrat Keith Roark, a former Blaine County prosecutor, for Idaho Attorney General. He joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints when he was 16, and went on a two-year mission. [11][12][13] He contributed $1.1million and helped to raise between $2million and $5million for Romney's 2012 campaign. [7][8], In 1993, VanderSloot served on the Taxation Task Force of the White House Conference on Small Business. 2560. [14] According to VanderSloot, he raised between $2 million and $5 million for the Romney campaign. VanderSloot landed 98th on the list with just over 158,000 acres. Its not that easy to put up a slaughterhouse and takes years of planning and permitting, Enright says. According to the site, "The largest landowners in the United States are John Malone, the Emmerson Family, Ted Turner, the Reed Family, and Stan Kroenke. This isnt the first time VanderSloot has saved a regions agricultural industry and its surrounding farms. Our customer investment program has also proven to be a great success. "[2] This resulted in "a new policy that reduced payments to those who didn't either bring in new converts or help others do so. Eismann. ", The magazine The Land Report, recently listed the top 100 land owners in the U.S. Frank VanderSloot. In 1993, two dairymen showed up at Melaleuca unannounced and informed VanderSloot that Kraft was closing the last cheese factory in the area. [187][188][189] In October 2015, the court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants, finding that "all of the statements at issue are non-actionable truth or substantial truth",[190][191][192] although the judge also criticized the magazine's reporting in the article as "non-objective" and "biased. This means local beef will be served at schools, hospitals and prisons across the state. VanderSloot says that the company has a "business model for those people who want to supplement their income. [15] VanderSloot accused the Obama campaign of targeting him unfairly and said that he went through "living hell" as a result. Now, Hawaii Sustainable Beef CEO Frank VanderSloot has decided to squash the beef and replace the name "Kua 'Aina Ranches," but he needs help from the public on the company's new name. [169], VanderSloot stated in 2012 that "gay people should have the same freedoms and rights as any other individual"[184] and in 2013 that he supports equal rights for gay people but believes that the definition of marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Audits," Associated Press in, "Romney donor bashed by Obama campaign now target of two federal audits", "Big Political Donors Shy Away From Public Scrutiny", "Democrats, GOP debate political non-profits' donors", "Idaho businessman VanderSloot says Obama is smearing him", "Declarations: This Is No Ordinary Scandal", "Vandersloot Says Being on 'Enemies List' Triggered Audits", "VanderSloot to be audited by two federal agencies", Assem Mrque and Diaa Hadid, "VanderSloot Subject of IRS, Labor Dept. He not only bought the entire operation on the island of Oahu, but paid $1.5 million to the ranchers and several others who were owed money. But it was never wallet size that motivated him. [175], VanderSloot denied that he had outed Zuckerman, saying that he had attempted to defend Zuckerman's motives, and repeating that Zuckerman had previously publicly disclosed his sexual orientation, which was already being discussed in the local community. We are not operating on theory. His NC2 Media Company recently bought Lonely Planet guidebooks. "[4] Riverbend Ranch has operations in three other states,[75] including Fort Ranch Quarter Horses, a horse ranch in Promontory, Utah. He paid $14.3 million for that purchase back in 2016. [85][86] Brian was born June 28, 1974, in Seattle to Frank VanderSloot and Kathleen Zundel. [55] In Idaho Falls, Melaleuca has a local workforce of about 2,000 employees. He plans to invest several million dollars into the plant and greatly increase its capacity., This is the right thing to do. Mr. VanderSloot has never been audited for this, though two years ago his workers' ranch homes were inspected. "[196] The case settled in October 2015 after Zuckerman admitted in a sworn affidavit that statements he made about VanderSloot were untrue. "[3] However, according to the US Federal Trade Commission study on multi-level marketing companies, fewer than 0.29% of Melaleuca distributors make any profit and more than 99% of distributors lost money. We paid a small fortune for some of those cows, but it has really paid off, says Frank. Because of its historic development in the 19th century it is also referred to as the Krupp town. [108], In July 2012, VanderSloot said he was the subject of two new federal audits, one by the Internal Revenue Service and the other by the U.S. Department of Labor. [97], VanderSloot is on the board of directors and executive board of the United States Chamber of Commerce. [200] The Melaleuca Foundation has been a financial contributor to the Santa Lucia Children's Home (Hogar Santa Lucia), an orphanage in Quito, Ecuador. The Weekly News Source for Wyoming's Ranchers, Farmers and AgriBusiness Community, October 3rd, 2020 If someone wants a certain bull but a certain trait is a major concern, we let them know it isnt the bull for them.. Here's what happened", "VanderSloot Vindicated in Mother Jones lawsuit East Idaho News", "VanderSloot starts fund to defend conservatives against defamation", "Judge tosses VanderSloot suit against Mother Jones", "VanderSloot sues former reporter for defamation", "Businessman settles defamation suit with former reporter", "VanderSloot drops lawsuit after reporter admits false statements East Idaho News", "VanderSloot prevails in defamation settlement | Post Register", "A Special Cause: The Santa Lucia Children's Home", "Supplies headed south; New Orleans family finds refuge in Idaho Falls as eastern Idaho sends help to the Gulf Coast region", "Salvation Army 'The Others Award' Recipients, Melaleuca", "Ceremony Caps Renovation of New Sweden School,", "Public School in Rural Idaho Touts Patriotic Focus," Associated Press at Fox News, June 1, 2012, "Premier Technology's Sayer named Idaho Business Leader of the Year", "Frank VanderSloot Idaho Hometown Hero Medalist 2011", "Crapo to Receive 'Hometown Hero' Medal; Note Teen Dating Violence Efforts", "Idaho businessman Vandersloot receives Horatio Alger award", "Frank VanderSloot receives Horatio Alger award. #5 Irving Family 1,250,000 acres A logging family with a state-of-the-art $30 million softwood sawmill in Ashland, Maine. ", "Marissa Bodnar, "VanderSloot Responds to Allegations of Threatening Media," KIFI Local News 8, posted February 21, 2012; updated March 1, 2012, screen 1", "Responsible Journalism or Misleading Propaganda? Our focus is not only on carcass merit and performance, our bulls must also excel in maternal traits so commercial cowmen can improve their herds by keeping their daughters, Dale says. We were able to get some through dispersals and sometimes through the goodness and generosity of breeders who were willing to share their best genetics with us, Frank continues. Ranchers typically send weaned calves to feedlots on the mainland, where they are slaughtered, processed and sold. [29][53][207] He was inducted into the Idaho Hall of Fame in 2007[208][209] and received the Idaho Hometown Hero medal in 2011. [110] VanderSloot said that the timing of the audits was curious and questionable, claiming that he received notice of the IRS audit two months after he was "singled out by the Obama campaign." The path we were on wasnt going to allow a future without Frank stepping in and helping us get back on track, Farias tells EastIdahoNews.com. [109][125][126] The critiques, two of which were authored by Wall Street Journal contributor Kimberley Strassel, were disputed by television host Rachel Maddow,[127] Lewiston Morning Tribune editor Marty Trillhaase,[128] and David Shere of Media Matters for America[129] but were supported by the editorial page of National Review[130] and Henry Reske of Newsmax. Frank VanderSloot is the CEO of Melaleuca, an online wellness and nutrition retail club headquartered in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Contact Us. YouTube ", "SUPREMA SPECIALTIES INC, Form 10-Q, Quarterly Report, Filing Date Feb 13, 2001", "New Jerseys Suprema Specialties Buys Idahos Snake River Cheese", "Cheese changing hands Sartori Foods completes deal to purchase Blackfoot firm", "VanderSloot-owned company merges with DePatco", "Crack sealing is under way on Idaho 33 east of Newdale", "Forbes names VanderSloot one of the richest 400 people in America", "GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY ANNOUNCES NATIONAL FINANCE CHAIRS AND CO-CHAIRS", "Governor Mitt Romney Announces National Finance Chairs And Co-Chairs", "Money is on the unofficial agenda at the Republican National Convention", "Behind the curtain: A brief history of Romney's donors", Todd Dvorak, "VanderSloot Subject of IRS, Labor Dept. HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Oahus Kua Aina Sandwich Shop claims a company owned by an Idaho billionaire is wrongfully using its name. There werent any major suppliers of bulls in this area, at least not the kind of bulls we felt were needed. Frank Leonard VanderSloot (born August 14, 1948) is an American entrepreneur, radio network owner, rancher, and political campaign financier. [59] In December 2009 VanderSloot and his wife contributed $10,000 to the Direct Selling Association's political action committee (PAC). (The ranch was fined $8,400, mainly for too many "flies" and for "grease build-up" on the stove. In June 2020 the FTC sent a warning letter to Melaleuca regarding false and deceptive earnings claims during the COVID-19 pandemic that were unsubstantiated and inconsistent with earlier FTC findings that less than 1% of Melaleuca distributors realize any profit with the vast majority losing money. COVID Weekly Update: 4,075 New Cases Reported Statewide, Human Remains Discovered on Idaho Property are, U.S. Coast Guard searches for possible missing, VIDEO: Coast Guard tracking Russian vessel off coast, 80 Acres of Federal Land Transferred to Hawaiian. Kealia Land Co. LLC, a company with ties to Frank VanderSloot, the founder and CEO of Melaleuca Inc., closed on the more than $38 million Kealia agricultural land deal in late October. He not only bought the entire operation on the island of Oahu, but paid $1.5 million to the ranchers and several others who were owed . We are operating on experience. Two weeks ago, VanderSloot held a special dinner in Hawaii for all Kunoa Cattle Company ranchers to pay them their past-due checks. John Malone is the largest landowner with about 2.2 million acres of land across the country, including in Maine, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. Frank VanderSloot: A history of looking out for his neighbors, https://www.idahofallsmagazine.com/2014/01/dairyman-frank-vandersloot-saved-my, https://www.redcross.org/local/idaho/about-us/news-and-events/news/When-disasters-strike-Melaleuca-delivers-supplies-hope.html, https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/02/billionaire-unveils-fund-to-defend-people-from-medical-debt-collectors.html, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2019/10/vandersloot-rescues-jobs-gives-ranches-1-5-million-in-game-changing-move-to-save-hawaiis-cattle-industry/, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2019/03/melaleuca-honored-by-red-cross-for-charitable-giving-during-real-heroes-event/, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2019/08/new-bonneville-county-fairgrounds-ready-to-open-including-melaleuca-4-h-events-center/, https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2017/10/21/this-billionaire-pulled-himself-out-of-poverty-by-living-in-a-laundromat-and-teaching-dutch/?fbclid=IwAR0J7uRTM7uviBfnURh-SvYORfnq2EMg_ccyQmcC1QHAzY8eYBre1URHNWU&sh=5fe722411681, https://www.melaleuca.org/causes/santa-lucia-orphanage/, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2013/08/ceremony-caps-renovation-of-new-sweden-school/, https://apnews.com/article/61b493a32a79bcce29afdfd6fd33c4ad, https://horatioalger.org/members/member-detail/frank-l-vandersloot/, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2017/09/puerto-rican-woman-rescued-melaleuca-plane-lord-answered-prayers/, https://www.redcross.org/local/idaho/about-us/news-and-events/news/melaleuca-delivers-snack-bars-to-families.html, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2016/08/melaleuca-donates-600000-products-louisiana-flood-victims/, https://melaleucaawards.com/award/the-others-award/, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2017/09/watch-melaleuca-plane-packed-with-generators-jerky-on-the-way-to-puerto-rico/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21p7dxaY-Ck&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=Melaleuca, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ICt61yEWdc&ab_channel=Melaleuca, https://www.melaleuca.org/updates/melaleuca-food-drive-sponsorship-helps-hundreds-of-thousands-of-families/, https://www.melaleuca.org/updates/melaleuca-helps-purchase-freezers-to-fight-hunger-feed-families-in-need/, https://www.freedomcelebration.com/about/, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2017/08/east-idahoans-donate-over-33000-pounds-of-food-for-hurricane-harvey-victims/, https://localnews8.com/news/2019/10/11/ifpd-presents-melaleuca-with-community-partner-award-for-donated-office-space/, https://melaleucaawards.com/award/circle-humanitarians-award/, https://www.cabcattle.com/the-milk-cow-that-changed-a-beef-business/, http://www.angusbeefbulletin.com/ArticlePDF/CAB-Riverbend-10_16-ABB.pdf, https://www.kitv.com/story/41162146/idaho-ceo-gives-ranchers-dollar15-million-in-gamechanging-move-for-hawaiis-cattle-industry, https://hanahou.com/23.2/the-cows-come-home, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2020/02/vandersloots-receive-adams-award-from-alturas-institute/, https://www.idahopress.com/eyeonboise/after-hours-long-hearing-vandersloots-bill-to-crack-down-on-medical-debt-collectors-easily-clears/article_279a6aa9-e9e5-5c5e-8ff0-f521131e1642.html, https://localnews8.com/news/local-news/2020/01/17/vandersloots-to-be-honored-by-alturas-institute/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SZhPkLxklU&list=PLwKbB2t1mt0HZ4CTTHkn1tEBGwIh1vNr0&index=7&ab_channel=Melaleuca, https://www.melaleucanews.com/frank-vandersloot-random-act-of-kindness/, https://www.melaleuca.org/updates/frank-and-belinda-vandersloot-receive-preservation-award-from-bonneville-county-heritage-association/, https://www.eastidahonews.com/2016/08/bonneville-county-sheriffs-office-opens-ammon-field-office/, http://storyofasteak.com/a-steak-and-stake-in-every-skillet/, https://www.wylr.net/2020/10/03/one-size-does-not-fit-all-riverbend-ranch-utilizes-trait-specific-lines-to-meet-customers-different-needs/. [127], In January 2013, VanderSloot filed a defamation lawsuit against Mother Jones magazine and two of its employees, seeking nearly $75,000 in damages, alleging that the magazine depicted him as a "gay-basher" in a February 2012 article titled "Pyramid-like Company Ponies Up $1 Million for Mitt Romney" and in two tweets promoting the article. "Butch" Otter. At least five candidates have traveled to his out-of-the-way Idaho homestead to curry favor with the entrepreneur. He noted that he did not think that the President was directly behind the audits. [142] Melaleuca was the top contributor to the PAC fund, giving $6,827 while VanderSloot and his wife contributed an additional $2,000. He was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the age of 16. In fact, if there is anything you dont like about your bull, we will give you full credit, less his salvage value. jordan ranch katy homes for sale; gwendolyn mumma landes; dalziel and pascoe wieldy; leicester city gnomes; curtis brown obituary; necrologi oggi conversano; judge gale welsh; city and guilds 2360 part 1 and 2 equivalent; MAIS. [83] Kraft had operated the plant since the early 1920s. The cattlemen need a processing plant in Hawaii and were in the position to make it happen.. He told Fox News host Bill O'Reilly that Melaleuca had lost about two hundred customers in the first two weeks after the Obama website's reference to him;[104][107] Two days later he told the Idaho Statesman that "unbelievable" and "unexpected" national support in the intervening period was turning out to be good for business. Enright says its particularly important that Hawaii Meats is located on the island of Oahu, where 85 percent of the states population lives. The family lived in Sheridan, Wyoming and Hardin, Montana before moving in 1949 to Cocolalla, Idaho, where they lived on a ranch. VanderSloot also serves on the board of directors and executive board of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce . Blends Payweight 1682 with the Dam of Herdsires and $5 Million producer Sandpoint 8809 Full Siblings include the $730.000 half interest Power Play 7018 . Your email address will not be published. VanderSloot was born on August 14, 1948, to Peter Francis (Frank) VanderSloot (1913-1982) and Margaret May Christensen Sindberg-Woodley VanderSloot (1915-2004). [210][211] VanderSloot received the Horatio Alger Award and became a lifetime member of the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans in 2015. Daily News Updates If people trust and have faith in the program, they come back. Tax Filings by Year. The ranch also runs 3,500 to 5,000 commercial cows and feeds about 11,000 head each year. Instagram. Contact Us Frank and Belinda VanderSloot Owners 208.528.6635 (office) 208.528.6636 (fax) Dale Meek Purebred Operations 208.681.9840 dale@riverbendbulls.com Rhett Jacobs General Manager 208.681.9841 rhett@riverbendbulls.com Chris Howell Director of Customer Service 208.681.9821 chris@riverbendbulls.com Andrea Bradley Director of Marketing VanderSloot also contributed $2,700, the maximum allowed by law, to the GOP presidential campaign of former technology executive Carly Fiorina. Frank L. VanderSloot is an American entrepreneur, rancher, radio network owner and a political campaign financier. Sign me up for Hawaii Travel News! The Simplot family "Own 422,164 acres, or about 660 square miles,more than eight times the size of Boise. The next year, VanderSloot sold his interest in the company to Suprema Specialties[85][88] after Beatrice broke its lease. Carrie Underwood's Denim and Rhinestones Tour, Take a Look Inside Of Arron Pauls Remarkable Idaho Dream Home, Study Features the 2 Happiest Cities in the Treasure Valley, National Day of Unplugging: 3 Best Ways to Unplug in Idaho, We Need These 4 Popular Regional Fast-Food Chains In Boise, Two In Hospital After Shooting & Hit and Run, Caldwell Man Arrested, This Caldwell Teen Has Been Missing For 100 Days Now. VanderSloot? VanderSloot has long been active in the Mormon Church, and he was a strong supporter of the Boy Scouts. 208.681.9840 . Read the IRS instructions for 990 forms.. [172] Post Register editor Dean Miller stated that Zuckerman's sexual orientation had been known only by Zuckerman's family and a few of his close friends and colleagues,[179] and Zuckerman himself also disputed VanderSloot's contention that the advertisements did not constitute an outing. VanderSloot, who is 72 and controls a fortune of $3.5 billion according to Forbes, is less than optimistic about Tuesday's election. An Idaho billionaire, who founded a prominent direct marketing nutritional supplements company, has recently purchased more than 1,000 acres of land on Kauais northeastern coast that was supposed to be developed into an agricultural subdivision, public records show. VanderSloot says he always wanted to have a private life but he has become one of the public figures in Idaho so his family and his opinions are often in the spotlight. [4] According to Riverbend Ranch general manager David Brown, VanderSloot established its mission as "providing ranchers in the Intermountain West with the best genetics at an affordable price. Although Kauai Now encourages respectful communication only, some content may be considered offensive. At 74 years old, Frank VanderSloot is currently executive chairman of the board of directors at Melaleuca: The Wellness Company, and his work ethic hasn't changed much from when he was a boy. The breeding program tries to fill customers needs with trait-specific lines so they can maximize their profits and minimize their inputs. Frank L. VanderSloot is CEO of Melaleuca, Inc. in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Years later, after the factory stabilized and profitability improved, VanderSloot sold the plant. Popular pages. [7][8] In 2011,[update] The Land Report listed him as the nation's 92nd largest landowner. Some, it seems, tell it better than others. [104][111][112][113] Ultimately, the audits found no wrongdoing but VanderSloot paid $80,000 to defend himself during the audit process. Please view at your own discretion. An initiative campaign placed the approval of the laws on the ballot, and they were defeated in a statewide vote.[145][146][147][148][149][150][151]. The two men became friends and VanderSloot quickly learned how tough the cattle industry is on the islands. [16] He has also paid for advertising in opposition to several Idaho Democratic political candidates. Meat from the plant will also be used for Hawaiis farm-to-state program, according to Enright. [114][115], A number of commentators expressed disapproval of the campaign's depiction of VanderSloot. [168] Idaho Secretary of State Ben Ysursa announced that the PACs were fined $1,900 collectively for failing to appoint a certified treasurer prior to accepting contributions from VanderSloot and for failing to disclose large expenditures for its ads before the election, as required by law. [134], In June 2015, VanderSloot and his wife gave $50,000 to a political action committee (Conservative Solutions PAC) funding Florida senator Marco Rubio's campaign as the Republican Party nominee for the 2016 presidential election. Idaho Falls (EastIdahoNews.com) Bobby Farias was desperate. "[193][194][195], In May 2014, VanderSloot filed a defamation lawsuit against former Idaho Falls Post-Register reporter Peter Zuckerman, alleging that he had "knowingly and maliciously publishing false statements depicting VanderSloot in national media as a gay-basher. [161], In 2010 VanderSloot funded two PACs that launched last-minute ads against Idaho 2nd District Judge John Bradbury, a Democrat, during his electoral run for state Supreme Court against Republican incumbent Justice Roger Burdick. Melaleuca is a member of the United States Direct Selling Association,[58] a trade association that engages in public relations and political lobbying on behalf of the multi-level marketing industry. Beat Of Hawaii. If a customer calls us up and says a bull has been injured, we will either replace the bull or give a credit toward another bull, says Frank. VanderSloot then paid off a $2 million debt the company owed to the dairymen, staffed the plant with his own personnel and supplemented the milking herd with two thousand head of cattle. Frank on his ranch in Idaho Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas presented the Horatio Alger Award to Frank in April, 2015 Frank at the Melaleuca Convention held yearly at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, UT. Now, the herd is recognized as one of the best in the nation for producing great bulls with superior phenotype as well as stacked superior expected progeny differences (EPDs). All Rights Reserved. For more information, visitriverbendranch.us. [9] In 2017, VanderSloot was listed in the Forbes 400 as the 302nd wealthiest American with a net worth of $2.7 billion. [57] The FTC report goes on to note that the odds of winning from a single spin of the wheel in a game of roulette in Las Vegas are "22 times as great as the odds of profiting after enrolling as a Melaleuca distributor". The site said VanderSloot was "litigious, combative, and a bitter foe of the gay rights movement. The estate was once a location for major Hollywood films such as Jurassic Park and Pirates of the Caribbean.. Frank Leonard VanderSloot [1] (born August 14, 1948) is an American entrepreneur, radio network owner, rancher, and political campaign financier. [27][8][28] Following his mission, he earned an associate's degree in business at Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho. And thats exactly why we filed the suit because we see that confusion starting to spread into the community.. We cull deep! If the cowboys with the commercial herd see something they dont like, they have no problem calling me up and saying, This is an issue with a certain bull, and we work together to improve the Angus breed, says Dale. [49] The company refers to this arrangement as "Consumer Direct Marketing," a term it has trademarked. [76], In 1994, VanderSloot created Natural Guardian Limited Partnership (doing business as Natural Guardian, LLC, as of 2011),[77] a holding company that owns or leases approximately 1,500 acres of land in Wolverine Canyon, Bingham County, Idaho. His father made $300 a month. ", "Company Files Suit Against Roark," Associated Press in, "Kempthorne Defends Use of Interest-Free Loan," Associated Press in, "Herndon, Simpson in lead for runoff Unofficial results show Esplin trailing in three-way race for 7th District judge", "Simpson asked to step down from case A former Melaleuca employee believes he won't get a fair trial in front of the judge", "Groups must pay $1,900 fines for illegal campaigns", "Ads attacking judicial candidate violated state disclosure law, official says", "Idaho Citizens for Justice: Campaign Financial Disclosure Report", "Citizens for Commonsense Solutions: Campaign Financial Disclosure Report", "HRC to Romney: Ditch Anti-LGBT Finance Chair", "Proposition 8: Who gave in the gay marriage battle? We dont know of any other operation that offers anything close. "[169] in reference to It's Elementary, a 1999 PBS documentary exploring how four schools dealt with homosexuality. Riverbend also has a Quarter Horse breeding program on the Fort Ranch in northern Utah. Vandersloot owns Valley House, the storied 102 acre estate in Kealia. He is the founder of Melaleuca, Inc and serving as the chief executive officer of it. [84] In response, VanderSloot bought a $1 million interest in the plant, and an investment company assumed control, but the operation closed anyway within six months.
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