Famed Apache warrior Geronimo was oftentimes sometimes discussed in the story; because its always good to shoehorn a celebrity into an urban legend. Since Ruth's death, there have been several other deaths or disappearances in the Superstition Mountains. Two prominent landmarks here are the Weavers Needle and the Miners Needle. The Valentine State. Saturdays bring the added fun of gun fight shows with a friendly crew that welcomes photos during the show and posing with them after the show. Starring Sage Howard, Andrew Simpson, and Shelby. People off his Mine that he cover up with a ironwood tree :The books give me my It is believed that all were killed except for two Peralta family members who were severely wounded but managed to escape. Jacob Waltz, the Dutchman, a mischievous canard if ever there was one, becomes obsessed with the mine. Front View of the Peralta Stones. There have been many books, films, and cartoons about the Lost Gold of the Superstition Mountains. On 8 June 2019, a fire broke out in the Superstitions Wilderness area and soon spread across 26,000 acres. Waltz is also said to make a deathbed confession to Julia Thomas, and draws or describes a crude map to the gold mine. Some places have long been thought to be simply no good. Others, sure that more vile deadly creatures guard the mines. Kino is believed to have had a rich goldmine somewhere in the Superstition Mountains. Since Ruths death, there have been numerous other deaths or disappearances in the Superstition Mountains. He had metal pins in his leg, and used a cane to help him walk. This land grant was the basis of the James Reavis Arizona land swindle (Reavis became Willing's partner and continued to try to prove the authenticity of the land grant for years after Willing's death). In yet another version of the tale, two (or more) U.S. Army soldiers are said to have discovered a vein of almost pure gold in or near the Superstition Mountains. Legend of the Superstition Mountains: With Keenan Johnston, Mark Dodson, Frank Augustine, Wayne Tuttle. Hrdlicka positively identified the skull as that of Adolph Ruth. A must see if you are by the Superstition Mountains. Erwin passed the information to his father Adolph, who had a long-standing interest in lost mines and amateur exploration. There are still those who obsessively search for it and try to decode its secrets, but no one has ever really quite managed to find it, to the point that many skeptics question whether it ever really existed at all. Another detail which casts doubt on the story is the fact that, according to Blair, there was never any Dr. Thorne in the employ of the Army or indeed of the Federal Government in the 1860s. Finally did a little digging and it sounded interesting. All rights reserved. The University of Arizona is the oldest college in the state, existing before Arizona achieved statehood. The headline that entangles those mountains in macabre tales and sinister ghost fantasies is the legend of the Lost Dutchmans Gold Mine. Capens corpse was found three years later in November 2012 by a local search and rescue organization, stuffed into a crevice. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. In the weeks and months to come we will use much of the historical information, and show how it ties directly to what we have found. The weather in the Superstition Mountains is notoriously unpredictable, with storms seeming to come out of nowhere and accompanied by abrupt drops in temperatures. Padre Kino founded many missions including Mission San Xavier del Bac near Tucson. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. Going on a year now. Subscribe Today! Three documentary filmmakers set out on a journey into Arizona's Superstition Mountains to uncover the truth about the most famous lost gold mine in the world - the Lost Dutchman Mine, purportedly the home to a treasure worth 200 million dollars. The mountain is also frequented with mysterious sounds that many people have claimed to have heard. Admission [5] One Lost Dutchman's mine is said to be in Colorado, another in California; two are said to be located in Arizona. Ahh, heres the chronological faux-pass. Blair cited evidence of the historical Jacob Waltz and suggested that additional evidence supports the core elements of the story that Waltz claimed to have discovered (or at least heard the story of) a rich gold vein or cache. It is here were you will reach areas that are barely penetrable, this is where most trails stop abruptly for safety reasons. Blair insisted that the Peralta portion of the story is unreliable, writing: "The operation of a gold mine in the Superstitions by a Peralta family is a contrivance of 20th century writers". Randomly stopped by on my way home from Lost Dutchman State Park and I was super happy I did! [8] The mine was quite profitable, earning about $35,000 in less than one year; Blair described this as "an unusually good return" for such a small gold mine to earn in such a relatively brief period. Beautiful gift shop with tons of great things to buy. "Dutchman" was a common American term for a German ("Dutch" being the English cognate to the German demonym "Deutsch", and not a reference to the Dutch people). Generally speaking, this mine is claimed to be situated in the Superstition Mountains, described by one source as "a collection of rough terrain that has gained the name of a single mountain" which lies to the east of Phoenix, the Arizonan capital. "Dutchman's Gold" was the season 4, episode 19 of, This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 00:14. He turned out to be the surviving Peralta, and, to express his gratitude, he gave them directions to his familys gold mine in the Superstition Mountains. The earliest Lost Dutchman's mine in Arizona was said to have been near Wickenburg, about 180km (110mi) north-west of the Superstition Mountains: a "Dutchman" was allegedly discovered dead in the desert near Wickenburg in the 1870s alongside saddlebags filled with gold. On July 11, 2010, Utah hikers Curtis Merworth, Ardean Charles, and Malcolm Meeks went missing in the Superstition Mountains while looking for the mine. In 1847-1848 during the time of the Hidalgo Treaty when Mexico sold the territory to the United Sates the Peraltas, knowing they would lose access to their mines made one last trip bringing hundreds of miners from Sonora to mine as much as they could, but were attacked by Apaches. According to their folklore, the mountain guards an ancient storehouse of precious metals and treasures, and anyone who ventures forth to get the treasure is likely to die. No suspects or motive were ever found. Mysteries of the Superstition Mountains 30.3K subscribers 251K views 2 years ago Ever heard of the Hermit of the Superstition Mountains or wondered what the legend was behind calling Elisha. [12] Thorne related his claims to three U.S. soldiers in about 1858. And, where praytell do most folks believe said El Dorado is safely hidden Why, in the Superstition Mountains, near Apache Junction. The main thing is that they supposedly accidentally found this ancient Apache treasure somewhere in the mountains, but it was to spell their doom. We are currently in the process of planning for a return trip to further document our findings. Some carved stones in the area are referred to as "Peralta Stones" and Spanish text and crude maps on them are considered by some to be clues to the location of a Peralta family gold mine in the Superstition Mountains, although others believe the stones to be modern fakes. From this base he easily could have worked a gold mine in the Superstition Mountains. While it is small, it is packed with information and visual stimulation if you enjoy history. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "The St. Johns herald. Next week I will list some clues that are absolutely relevant to what we have physically on site. TheSuperstition Mountains, furthermore, are the abode of the Thunder God, and he causes the frequent regional thunderstorms. Weiser was the mans best friend and confidant. VISIT Dont expect High Street class; do expect old West charm, plenty of local history and lore, and the beautiful backdrop of the Superstition Mountains, not to mention a surprisingly good gift shop. In appreciation, Gonzales told Erwin about the Peralta mine in the Superstition Mountains and an antique map of the site. Though the remains had been scattered by scavengers, they were undoubtedly Ruth's. He had acquired maps that he was sure would lead him straight to the gold. The neighboursJulia Thomas, Rhinehart Petrasch, and Hermann Petraschspent weeks looking for the gold, but failed to find it. January 1933 a Mining electrican named J.A. Supposedly a mine with fabulously rich gold deposits. The man is barely alive. Walking along tyre tracks saying they are in the middle of nowhere at a treasure location. Most likely because Pedro de Peralta had been the Spanish Governor of New Mexico (in the 1600s) his family name of "Peralta" was the inspiration for a number of legends in the American Southwest. Director Tara Anase Writers Tara Anase (story) Tamara Blaich (story) Stars Ron Eagle D'Andre II Adam Haley Sage Howard Arcadia Publishing. This isn't another nauseating, shaky-cam mess. [32] That was circa 1850. July 3, 1947 James A Cravey, age 62, a retired photographer, was reported missing after he had chartered a helicopter June 19, 1947 to drop him off in the Superstition Mountains to look for the Lost Dutchmans Mine. Legend of the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Parts 2 & 3: Finally Found! Within the refuge are 14 trail heads that cover 190 miles. The Superstition Mountains, with a name like that you might as well give away fancy proton-backs, of the Ghostbuster variety, at the visitors center, is a series of jagger tooth mountains in Arizona just the east of Phoenix. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! But Blair suggested that this core story was distorted in subsequent retellings, comparing the many variants of the Lost Dutchman's story to the game of Chinese whispers, where the original account is distorted in multiple retellings of the tale.[15]. A group of modern day treasure hunters search for the Lost Dutchman mine in the Superstition mountain range of Arizona. Please note that admission prices for Special Events are subject to change. The gift shop also has an indoor museum. 4087 East Apache Trail The photographic evidence taken at the site along with a selection of maps combined with historical documentation together, links the most generally accepted and related informational evidence too present day boots on the ground reality. Without doubt the most controversial but easily the most studied, researched and written about of all the historical documentation involving the Superstition Mountains, are the famous Peralta Stones. By what name was Legend of the Superstition Mountains (2015) officially released in Canada in English? Weavers Needle, a peak located in the Superstition Mountains. Is this all just a spooky legend or id there something more to it? In this case the body was found first, with the rest of the body following a full 6 months later. Famed Apache Geronimo is sometimes mentioned in relation to this story. We especially liked the large selection of locally mined semi-precious gemstones. Their bodies were never found. The closest approximate was a German miner of the PennsylvaniaGerman community. Fake AF. Travis Tumlinson, a policeman, discovered the Peralta Stones on a roadside near the Superstition Mountains in the 1940s. Ruths son Erwin C. Ruth heard of the Peralta mine from a man called Pedro Gonzales. Take a cinematic tour to the Superstition Mountains, home of the Lost Dutchman Mine. My husband has been enthralled with all the wonderful tales of the mountains since his college days a long time ago. It was speculated that he had fallen or even jumped, but it is still a mystery, just another casualty of the futile search for the lost treasure. [19][20] After this was unsuccessful, Thomas and her partners were reported to be selling maps to the mine for $7 each. Wasnt it Dutch? Some certain that the natives killed the party. Barkely repeatedly urged Ruth to abandon his search for the mine, because the terrain of the Superstition Mountains was treacherous even for experienced outdoorsmen, let alone for the 66-year-old Ruth in the heat of the Arizona summer. Years later, a man called Dr. Thorne treats an ailing or wounded Apache (often alleged to be a chieftain) and is rewarded with a trip to a rich gold mine. The Pima Indians famously feared the mountain that they knew as Ain-we-gophon (Superstition Mountain). The Peralta Massacre is a legend that Apaches supposedly ambushed a mining expedition the Peralta family sent into the mountains. Because of what we have discovered at the site, Arcana Exploration believes we have proof for the first time that there is a common link between Waltz and the Peraltas. A group of modern day treasure hunters search for the Lost Dutchman mine in the Superstition mountain range of Arizona. To begin with, there was never any real Dutchman involved with the lost gold mine. Others that it was the ghost of the Peraltas. These are tall, volcanic formations in the wilderness and are popular as hiking destinations. For instance, about six of the maps are relevant, others may be relevant, but for now do not appear to be. 5: Museum Administration and Membership matters, E-MAILVolunteering questions: [emailprotected]Site rentals: [emailprotected]Membership questions: [emailprotected]Retail and event issues: [emailprotected]Accounting issues: [emailprotected]Administrative and other issues: [emailprotected]FAX(480) 288-6524. Both fabled and mythical, they have helped to drive the legend of the Lost Dutchman Mine. Even though some have said the stones story is much older (it is true the source information is likely much older) than the Dutchmans time and therefor there is no connection, they are going to be slapping themselves in the face trying to overcome their denial when they realize the stones leadto the same birds nest. Interestingly it was found that he had amassed a small fortune in a short amount of time after starting his forays into the mountains, urging suspicions that he had found the lost mine. The Supers are east - northeast of Phoenix. The staff is extremely friendly and knowledgeable and I am looking forward to returning with my kids. The blindfold is taken off, the shine of the yellow stuff rattles Thornes mind, the chieftain speaks, Take as much gold ore as you can carry.. You came here for the nasty bits that are constantly swept under the rug. 9 May 2022. After he had spent many years in their midst, the Apache Elders decided to reward his selfless service with gold. Over the next few weeks and months I will share some photos that will not give away the location but will show things that until now have never been shown before. Out in the remote badlands of the U.S. state of Arizona, just to the east of the Phoenix metropolitan area lies a sun scorched, dried up, arid moonscape of twisted peaks and sprawling expanse of badlands called the Superstition Mountains, at one time called the Sierra de la Espuma . Choice of of building material I like Ironwood +, There is a typo that should be alpha mine not alfa mine. Superstition Mountain Museum has a large collection of props, sets, posters and memorabilia connected to Western movie and television history. Since the turn of the twentieth century, thousands of people have scoured the mountains in search of it, hundreds have lost their lives in the process, but not one has returned with an ounce of gold. One of these was a veterinarian and treasure hunter named Adolf Ruth, who in 1931 made his way to these wind-swept wilds, armed with what he at the time claimed to be the actual original map to it. It is easily accessible about 40 miles east of Phoenix via U.S. Highway 60, the Superstition Freeway. However, Blair argued that there is a strong likelihood that there never was a second man named Weiser, but rather that a single person named Waltz was, over the years, turned into two men as the legend of the Dutchman's mine evolved. And, where praytell do most folks believe said El Dorado is safely hidden Why, in the Superstition Mountains, near Apache Junction. It started out as an exciting day for us all on February 25th, 2016. Hanna-Barbara, Jean Giraud, and Don Rosa have incorporated the story in their cartoons. Read on to find out if you should start planning your trip to a Dark Mountain. They would be uncovered in the 1940s, but whether there is any truth to this story is anyones guess. In most variants of the story, the family of a man called Miguel Peralta discovered the mine and began mining the gold there, only to be attacked or massacred by Apaches in about 1850 in the supposed Peralta massacre. Somewhere deep within Arizonas Superstition Mountains lies the most famous lost gold mine in the worldthe Lost Dutchman Mine. Instead, he went missing and his skull was found 6 months later with two large circular holes. The Top Ten Most Haunted Places in Arizona. According to the account, 1912 Erwin C. Ruth gave s Gonzales legal aid, saving the riff-raff from almost certain imprisonment. Most recently, in 2009 there was a would-be treasure hunter by the name of Jesse Capen, a 35-year old bellhop from Denver who was in his free time by all accounts fascinated and obsessed with the legend of the Lost Dutchmans mine. Afterwards, Waltz fell ill (he was rumored to have contracted pneumonia during the flooding). There are several paths that go through the brush and cacti. They removed his blindfold and let him take away as much as he could carry. Later, he remarked that he had noticed a towering rock formation nearby, but otherwise remained clueless about the whereabouts of the place. Intrigue Journal. I will make a statement in the near future that will surprise a lot of Dutch Hunters it surprised me. He further stated, after examining the two holes [in the skull], that it appeared that a shotgun or high-powered rifle had been fired through the head at almost point-blank range, making the small hole when the bullet entered and the large hole when it exited. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The Lost Dutchman Mine, Arizona - Legends of America The Lost Dutchman Mine, Arizona Superstition Mountain, Arizona by Kathy Weiser-Alexander One of the best treasure tales in the history of the American West is the Lost Dutchman Mine. TheLost Dutchmans Gold Mineis, according to folktales, a magnificent, rich, Scrooge McDuck like repository of gold hidden somewhere in southwestern United States. When they immigrated to Pennsylvania from Deutschland (Germany), the locals mistook Deutsch for Dutch. During Kinos time other Missionaries in California and Mexico were jealous and suspicious of Kino because, while they were poor and struggled his missions were rich and flourished, they said he had a secret gold mine from which he took rich gold and funded his missions and rancheros amassing 50 thousand head of cattle making him the Southwests first mega rancher. The soldiers are alleged to have presented some of the gold, but to have been killed or to have vanished soon after. It is truly magnificent at twilight., The Apacheland barn figured prominently in dozens of western films and TV western episodes shot at the original Gold Canyon movie ranch. As the mountains have a desert climate and few water resources, there is not much vegetation here. Very sweet museum with great views of the Superstition Mountains. It is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. except on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. "The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine." The Superstitions Mountains lie within the Tonto National wildlife refuge and consist of 242 square miles not counting other designated and preserved areas that boarder the Tonto National Forest and wildlife refuge. In June 1931, Ruth set out to find the lost Peralta mine. The Copper State. In 1952 there was a man named Joseph Kelley, who went out into the mountains to find the treasure and proceeded to vanish from the face of the earth. , Barry Storm declared to have nearly escaped from a mysterious sniper he later called Mr. Daughter Actor Vivien Ng On The New Cult Horror Film, Every Frightening New Title Coming to Paramount+ in March, The Number One Horror Show on Netflix For The Month Is A great adaptation of a fantastic series, The Most-Viewed Horror Movie Trailer On YouTube This Week Has Fans All-In, Seeing Red: Enter To Win A Blu-Ray of Joe Begos Christmas Bloody Christmas, Subscribers Find The Latest Shocking Netflix True Crime Documentary Series Unbelievable, July 29th Mesa, AZ (one night only) AMC Mesa Grand 14, 7pm, July 30th Austin, TX (one night only) Alamo Drafthouse Slaughter Lane, 9pm, July 31st = New York, NY (one night only) AMC Loews Village 7, 8:30pm. (Chris J / Flickr). The multi-acre museum site soon saw the addition of a historic Cossack 20-Stamp . He's written articles for MU and Daily Grail and has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM and Binnal of America. His skull with two bullet holes was recovered about six months after he disappeared. A raspberry into the face of common sense. On our may trip in 2016 one day it reached 108 degrees, that same day up on the mountain, climbing on a surface of Granite and sandstone ours guys Trek watches read what they were breathing at an actual 119 degrees. As with most of the terrain encompassing the Phoenix metropolitan area, and the Superstition Mountains, have a desert environment, with scorching summer temperatures and sparse sources of water. Over the next few weeks I will share some images that are safe for us to show. Then his body would finally be found wedged into a remote and inaccessible crevice, with the official cause of death a mystery. 3: Gift Shop and Event Manager Dave McElligott The story of the Lost Dutchmans Mine would go on to become a persistent legend and obsession for many would-be treasure hunters over the years. He died on October 25, 1891, after having been nursed by an acquaintance named Julia Thomas (she was usually described as a quadroon). The stones are named for an obscure "Peralta family", said to be an old and powerful Mexican family. His skull with two holes in it identified as bullet holes was recovered about six months after he vanished, and the story made national news, thus sparking widespread interest in the Lost Dutchman's mine.[22]. The hellhole supposedly also sends out tremendous winds, and these cause the infamous dust storms of the region. The soldiers have stalked back to town, fistfuls of gold but their sanity shot, only to die a day later or in one case, murdered while rambling on and on about the, Adolph Ruth is really the amateur explorer and treasure hunter that made the mines into a national phenomenon. He was remembered as having been obsessed with finding the mine for several years. George Johnston, who first tried to find the treasure in the 1950s, was still working for the Superstition Mountain Lost Dutchman Museum up until his August 30, 2017, death at age 97. There have been countless such deaths and disappearances in the region over the years, many of them with missing heads or gunshot wounds to the head. Later on came a long list of early and newly appointed Dons of Spain who also made forays into the Prima Alta looking for riches. Several trails lead from the park into the Superstition Mountain Wilderness and surrounding Tonto National Forest. Gone. Top Ten list of haunted spots in Phoenix. [9] As of 1975, ruins of the Peralta mine were standing.[9]. In fact, after five years including thousands of hours of research and then four expeditions starting in 2015, The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine has been found by Arcana Exploration and Discovery. John D. Wilburn in his book Dutchman's Lost Ledge of Gold (1990), wrote that the Bulldog Gold Mine near Goldfield, Arizona, fits very well the description Jacob Waltz gave as the location of his 'lost mine'. It was the fifth-largest fire in Arizonas history, it raged for over a month, despite the strenuous containment efforts of over 600 firefighters. He was then led along a harsh, meandering route of an estimated 20 miles, after which they removed the blindfold and he was met with the sight of a pile of gold sparkling in the sun near an entrance into the presumed lost mine. While popular with campers, hikers, and adventure seekers, these mountains are also known for their exceedingly hot summers, freezing winters, harsh winds, unpredictable storms, treacherous terrain, and mysterious happenings. However, things can go wrong. Then later the Mexicans including the powerful Peralta family made forays to the area from Sonora and are believed to have had 18 gold mines in the Supers. In-Season Superstition Mountain Museum is located in an area full of legend, history and intrigue. Long before Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and grifter-socialite Anna Delvey, we had the Gold Rush and even today, plenty of Americans are still fixated on an either long-lost or fictional gold mine in Arizona's Superstition Mountains.For more than a century, adventurous souls have sought the Lost Dutchman Mine, and since 1891 . Producers included Tamara Blaich, Jennifer Harrington, and Megan Peterson with cinematography by Pyongson Yim and editing by Jennifer Harrington. They never made it out of the Superstitions. Animals like deer coyotes, pumas and bobcats live here, existing alongside birds, rodents, snakes, and other reptiles. Want to reenact that James Franco film with the rusted and dull pocket knife? People have been seeking the Lost Dutchman's mine since at least 1892,[2] while according to one estimate, 9,000 people annually made some effort to locate the Lost Dutchman's mine. Cursed, blighted, tainted, whatever you want to call it.
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