Near the end of the episode. Grant Morrison's story titled Batman and Son (2006) expands upon the Son of the Demon storyline as part of a remodeling of Batman's personality after the events of Infinite Crisis. The century's greatest crimefighter, the daughter of its greatest crimelord. Jon later awakened in the Batcave and found out that Robin had been keeping him under surveillance for a long time. and Batman: Battle for the Cowl, he takes the role of Robin at ten years of age,[21] becoming the fifth person to use the Robin persona. On the other hand, Damian has teamed-up with his father, who wasn't fully convinced that it was the real Deathstroke that killed Ra's al Ghul, to investigate the murder and find out who was really behind it. Victor Zsasz defeats Robin and rescues Black Mask while Dick takes down Firefly. After holding a private funeral for the fallen Boy Wonder, Bruce vows to avenge his son's death. He was trained since birth by the League but was later forced to flee with his mother to Gotham City after his grandfather was . With Superman's and Batman's permission, the two boys would be allowed to go on their own, provided that they would do so together. After meeting with his mother Talia, he discovered that it was a warning from his cousin Mara al Ghul, who had chosen him as her prey as part of an initiation ritual she must undertake in order to properly join the League of Assassins. They were later joined by Batman and Superman, and worked out their differences. During the tournament, he discovers that the host of the tournament is his paternal great grandmother, Ruh al Ghul, who was imprisoned on this island by her son, Ra's al Ghul. Sometime after Batman became a public hero, he fought Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins. On his 13th birthday Damian is sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contains a dead robin. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category. "You fell in love with the Detective that day, of course. Damian Wayne, otherwise known to the world as Robin, the Boy Wonder, was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. "It's true that I was gestated in a laboratory. Declaring himself free, Damian leaves for parts unknown. Jonathan was paid a visit by Robin, posing as both his school's bus driver and his substitute teacher. "There is no Child in the world like Damian Wayne" -Batman/Bruce Wayne[src] Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul and the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, the founder and former leader of the League of Assassins. Although misguided, Damian seems to genuinely want to aid Bruce's war on crime as he is Bruce's son and wants his approval. This misadventure was further complicated with the appearance of Lex Luthor, who tried to capture them both. The Kingdom: Son of the Bat shows flashbacks that shed new insights into Ibn al Xu'ffasch's history: that he was reared by Ra's al Ghul to be the heir to his empire, that he eventually murdered his grandfather (cutting off his head to prevent yet another regeneration), and that he sought therapy from psychiatrist Dr. Gibson. Damian finally stands up for his Robin mantle, telling Talia that being Robin was the best thing that he had ever done, and Talia does not need to save him from something he chooses to be. Batman and Superman construct an underwater base for the Super Sons, which Jon refers to as the "Fortress of Attitude," much to Damian's chagrin. In response to this, Talia begins formulating a plan involving Commissioner James Gordon, whom Talia and Damian rescue from a booby-trapped Wayne Manor while in search of Batman, who is insane and has gone missing. ", "DC Comics & Robin #14 Spoilers & Review: Fake Deathstroke Unmasked with Ties to Batman in Shadow War Part 7! However in the current Batman Vs Robin comic, he is shown to have magic abilities. Deadman later revives the former Boy Wonders. Talia fixes Damian's spine but puts in a monitor connected to his brain allowing her to control his every movement. 2, #15, Damian defies his father's orders to remain in the Batcave and investigates Alfred's kidnapping. However, their absences from their respective homes did not go unnoticed as they encountered both Lois Lane and Alfred Pennyworth while trying to sneak into Jon's home.[26]. Their collaboration is hindered by their very different philosophies of battle. As Batman's official heir, Damian has a lot to live up to. Pets he has owned include. In order to properly discipline their sons and teach them the value of working together, Superman and Batman had them undergo a series of challenges. Welcome to the Official Site for DC. However, Talia later kills the Heretic for his failure to kill Batman and challenges Batman to a duel to the death in the Batcave. [67] He then activates the Boom Tube to Darkseid's homeworld, Apokolips, to retrieve Damian's corpse. [61], After being preoccupied with a series of cases in Gotham, Batman begins his attempt to reclaim Damian's body despite Ra's claim that he wishes to resurrect his daughter and grandson. [57][58] Damian's absence has also been causing a conflict between his father and his acting instructor, Carrie Kelley, who is determined to find out what has happened to him, leading her to realize that the Waynes are harboring a secret. Batman forbade Robin to go crime-fighting for a week while Superboy was forced to do his chores without using his superpowers. However, as soon as the conference started, Ra's was immediately shot by a sniper wearing a Deathstroke-looking costume, who also threw a bomb that turned his body to ashes to insure that there would be nothing left of him that can be resurrected through the Lazarus Pit. Working together, Dick and Damian manage to stop Deathstroke. [91], This event concludes with Shadow War between The League of Assassins and Deathstroke Inc, which ends with Talia killing Slade in a one-on-one battle, but shortly afterward the Deathstroke imposter reveals himself to be Geo-Force, who plotted this whole war in hope of having both Slade and Talia killing each other. How could you not? This resulted in another argument and a short fight, before Alfred arrived. Elaborating his plan in transferring his consciousness into Bruce's. The boys were subsequently punished by their respective parents. Dick does join to save Damian and end the war. Batman and Ra's go in search of the fountain, leaving Tim, Damian, Nightwing, Alfred, and Talia to battle the Sensei. [22] At this point, Alfred declared them to be the Super Sons. A Bizarro counterpart of Robin, named Robzarro, first appeared in the four-part story "Boyzarro Re-Death". One of Darkseid's minions stole his body and took him to Apokolips, and Batman, determined to revive his son, followed. Damian, who is driving, knocks an ambulance off a bridge without any sign of remorse or even concern. Blood may be thicker than water, but trust goes a long way, and he has barely scratched the surface in comparison to many of his Bat siblings. His tunic is longer and has a yellow trim as well. This was also put down quickly as Batman and Superman looked down on them in furious silence.[21]. "Boyzarro Re-Death", Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Gotham City Breakout, Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis, Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons, Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure, "Holy Bat-trimony: The Dark Knight and Marriage", "DC Slate Unveiled: New Batman, Supergirl Movies, a Green Lantern TV Show, and More from James Gunn, Peter Safran", "DC killing off Batman's 'Boy Wonder' Damian Wayne in new comic book", "Batman's side-kick Robin to be killed off in next DC Comics issue", "Where Damian Wayne's New Superhero Identity Will Debut", "Robin #10 Preview: Dysfunctional Family Reunion", "Robin #11 Preview: Damian Deals with his Granddaddy Issues", "Shadow War Alpha #1 Preview: Robin Works on His Mommy Issues", "A classic Batman villain is murdered in Shadow War Alpha #1 - but did Deathstroke do it? Damian aided in fighting the Dark Knights upon their invasion, forming the Gotham Resistance with Green Arrow, Killer Croc, Nightwing and Harley Quinn. Though the two were originally contentious of one another, they bonded closely, forming a brotherly relationship. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. As Dick cares little for the financial problems of Wayne Enterprises, despite inheriting it from Bruce along with Tim, Damian decides to involve himself and manages to impress the board of directors. The billionaire vigilante's son who made his official DC Comics debut in Batman #655 in September 2006, despite initially appearing as an infant in 1987's Batman: Son of the Demon was conceived. He seemed to always be eager to take on the Joker and repeatedly assumes that bad things happening in Gotham are related to the Joker in some way, in hopeful anticipation of an encounter with him. The car is blindsided by Killer Croc and Poison Ivy, who prepares to kill Damian. [11] It was revealed that Talia had created another clone as his replacement, the obedient fully-grown Heretic. Nobody decided to torture Robin, continuing his personal vendetta against Batman. Writer Joshua Williamson prepares to pit Damian Wayne against DC's deadliest warriors in Robin #1. March 5th, 2013. In the Elseworlds story, The Brotherhood of the Bat (1995), a version named Tallant Wayne appears, who crusades against his grandfather Ra's al Ghul. He is violent, self-important, and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at a young age, which troubles the relationship with his father who refuses to kill. Damian is killed battling a brutal enemy, the Heretic (an adult Damian clone) in issue number 8 of the second volume of the Batman, Inc. comic book, which went on sale February 27, 2013. Batman And Superman. More of a court jester. Damian Wayne succeeds Drake as Robin in the 2009 story arc "Battle for the . Tim, who has been keeping a hit list of criminals and tasks, attracts Damian's fury when the latter hacks the hit list and discovers a hidden layer of allies to the bat family considered potential threats by Tim, including Damian. Writer Grant Morrison introduced . Teen Titans", "Christina Ricci, Miguel Ferrer Join Voice Cast of 'Teen Titans' Animated Movie (Exclusive)", "DC's 'Injustice' Sets Cast for Animated Movie (Exclusive)",, "Alleged Concept Art from Damian Wayne Batman Game Surfaces", "R/Xboxone - A few pieces of concept art from WB Montreal's cancelled Damian Wayne Arkham Game", "New Injustice Footage Contains MAJOR Spoiler for Nightwing", The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go! Damian Wayne is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman. His teammates are also unaware that he is working with Jason Todd, who goes by the alias Outlaw. With Batman facing two choices of whether to resurrect Damian or his parents, he chooses his son, granting Damian's true resurrection. [25] Thanks to the arrival of Lex Luthor and aid from Reggie's super-powered sister Sara, Kid Amazo was taken down. [64] The resurrections fail, leaving Ra's to realize his arrogance for allowing the Heretic to kill his grandson and regret allowing Talia to clone Damian. It is unknown if Damian was actually Buddhist or if this was just creativity on behalf of his father. In League of Batmen (2001), the sequel to Brotherhood of the Bat, Tallant leads his own team of variant Batmen to combat the plague that was al Ghul's legacy. In the past year, Damian Wayne has been through a lot - witnessing Alfred Pennyworth's death . In his subsequent struggle with organized crime in Gotham and a mysterious crime lord known as The Other, Damian assembles a new team of Titans, consisting of Kid Flash (the only old team member to join), Kid Flash's friend and kid genius Roundhouse, Red Arrow, Lobo's daughter Crush, and the immortal spirit creature Djinn. [deleted] 2 yr. ago Probably his 14 year old birthday. Damian Wayne's new look has been shown off in the new Robin series launching from DC Comics Infinite Frontier in May. Instead, Damian decides to begin killing criminals to invoke true fear in his enemies. [18], After various trials and tribulations involving his corpse, mainly revolving around Ra's al Ghul and Apokolips, Batman managed to rescue his son's body and, through using the Omega Sanction infused within a Chaos Crystal shard, brought Damian back to life within the Batcave.[19]. "[88][89], After observing how happy both his daughter and grandson are while living a peaceful life without killing, the now reformed Ra's al Ghul decides that he wants to turn himself in to the authority to atone for all the crimes he committed as well as publicly share all the secrets he kept hidden over the centuries, this decision has sparked a huge interest in both the superhero community and the villain community due the amount of knowledge the immortal Demon's Head has about the world, so all eyes were on him during a press conference he held before his incarceration. Arrogant, cold and undeniably lethal, Damian found the transition from the unforgiving world of the League to Batmans staunch moral code to be a long and trying process, but a worthwhile one, as Damian ultimately proved himself worthy of becoming Robin at his fathers side. He had to, right? As part of the DC Rebirth, Damian is featured in three titles: Teen Titans, where he becomes the team's leader to defeat Ra's al Ghul and succeed Red Robin (Tim Drake) as leader, Super Sons, co-starring with Jonathan Kent, the son of Superman and the new Superboy and Nightwing, where he has a supporting role. Damian blames himself for being unable to save a single Dollotron, a girl named Sasha, but unbeknownst to him, the girl is taken in by Jason Todd, who had shot Damian,[33] thereby becoming the new Robin's opposite number in Red Hood's no-holds-barred war against crime (Red Hood's maxim is "let the punishment fit the crime").[34]. Ra's to Talia. I had to satisfy myself that you are a worthy successor to me!" Around fifteen minutes into the film. Lobdell, Scott (w), Woods, Pete (a), Peteri, Troy (let), Marie Javins, Rob Levin (ed). Justice Society of America vol. During the "Leviathan" story arc, when his mother Talia puts a price on his head and is targeted by the most dangerous and skilled assassins, Bruce faked Damian's death and secluded him in the Batcave to protect him while he goes undercover to confront Talia and her minions. Damian Wayne. During this time, Damian was raised by Talia and trained by the League of Assassins; Damian became a skilled assassin by an early age. Batman Arkham. Damian Wayne. Paternity test/documentation via source material, proof of biological relation and established name of the character provided in last panels of comic book. In her grief, she gathered all the members of the League of Assassins and put a hit on Deathstroke as well as all of his associates in revenge for killing her father. Except you want a modern-day, of 95 years of age, to be the local crime fighter. It's not often that something takes Batman by surprise. However, the Heretic eventually gains the upper hand and impales Damian through the chest, the sword piercing Damian's heart and resulting in Damian dying almost instantly. Dick and Damian take the entire army down and begin to form a brotherly relationship. [16][17] A prototype of the character originally appeared as an unnamed infant in the 1987 story Batman: Son of the Demon,[18][19] which at the time was not considered canon. They were both targeted by a super-villain named Nobody. [63], After Batman and Frankenstein locate Ra's and the bodies, they are too late as Ra's has successfully had them placed in a Lazarus Pit, leaving Batman in dread of Damian's fate. Ace has been reintroduced in the Batman books, as a German Shepard/Great Dane mix bought by Bruce Wayne for his son Damian. Damian, as a preadolescent, was left by his mother in the care of his father, who had been unaware of his existence. He is raised by his mother Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins. Tim Drake. League of Assassins memberThis character is or was a member of the League of Assassins, a international organization of the world's greatest killers, operating both for hire and their own agenda, in any of its various incarnations. Beginning of comic. Damian's origin was unknown to Batman. [59], When Batman and Nightwing finally re-confront Heretic, they overpower him, and the clone suffers a brutal beating from both in retaliation for Damian's death. Brotherhood of the Bat features a future in which Ra's al Ghul discovers the Batcave following Bruce Wayne's death, and outfits the League of Assassins in variant Batman costumes based on Wayne's rejected designs. Bruce goes so far as to conceal the event from Dick and Tim, leading Alfred to comment to Bruce that he has become "quite the overprotective parent". [83] Changes made to Jon's character make the future of this team uncertain. Damian is brutal, egotistical, overly confident, selfish, reckless, and spoiled a pain in Batman and the Bat Family's butt. He ends up captured by Ra's and is nearly killed. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman. The solicitation for Truth and Justice mentions a birthday party for him, but all of that is irrevelant because the story is out of continuity. I would have thought he'd call it a stupid and useless past time. He was the optimum man You and your detective will yield the ultimate child. "You fell in love with the Detective that day, of course. [81], In this book, Robin teams up with Superman's ten-year-old son Jonathan Kent, who he befriended previously during a test facilitated by Batman and Superman. "Your brain waves will be purged as mine are implanted in their place. When Elliot asked why Damian is visiting him behind the Bat-family's back, Damian shrugs it off as a desire to keep Elliot company. [66], Batman enters and accesses the Justice League Watchtower to use his unstable exosuit known as the Hellbat armor designed by Batman himself and the Justice League members to engage large scale threats. He works as a double agent for Batman in Luthor's organization, and thus aligned with his father instead of his maternal grandfather. [24] In the Elliot S! Damian passes out from Joker venom and Batman is revealed to be a fake; as Damian recovers from the toxin, the Joker presents him with a cloche. Damian's birth was a bit messy, and so is his claim to the Wayne Dynasty. Bruce Wayne was first born on April 7, in his early debuts back in the 1930s. In Batman and Robin vol. Unfortunately, because of how he was raised, Damian lacks any sort of common sense in regards to social behavior and believes that to be accepted by his father, he must kill any rivals, which included Tim Drake. Dick eventually orders Damian through their comm-links to send one of his Wingers with Mr. Damian is violent and self-important, and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at a young age. Batman continues his pursuit out of his distrust towards Ra's. After the events of Justice League: No Justice, the Titans disband. [70] With help from the Justice League, Batman discovers that Damian's new powers do not last, and he eventually relies on his natural abilities once more. In 2006, the character was reinterpreted as Damian Wayne by Grant Morrison, and introduced into the main continuity in Batman #655, the first issue of the "Batman and Son" story arc. Talia then used the League's extensive scientific resources to inorganically speed up the child's aging - giving him the physiology of a ten year old in less than five years. Angered, Batman once again vows to retrieve his son's corpse. Nightwing explains that Damian encouraged him to have the remaining members of the Titans and Teen Titans work together in spite of the Justice League's disapproval. But it seems there are rites, whereby consciousness can survive death by migrating to more vigorous flesh? Bruce was unaware of the child's conception and returned to crime fighting for years. Elliot surmises that Damian is rather using the resemblance to Bruce to "spend time with [his] old man". Mara had been made leader of a group known as the Demon's Fist, which was originally supposed to be led by Damian but became hers when he chose to leave the League. 3. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman. [5] They were kidnapped by Nobody, who tried to show Batman that his no-kill methods were ineffective. Ra's to Talia. A dark king for a new age." Ace has appeared in every issue of Batman and Robin. "Assassins plan to take over Ra's' organization led by a man who Father believes could be his successor, until my father became aware of you." [30] Damian is saved by Nightwing who ends up being cornered by Black Mask's men until a murderous figure appears stating that he is Batman (later revealed to be Jason Todd). Talia and Bruce's son joins the Brotherhood in his father's costume, to destroy it from within.[23]. By Dashiel Reaves Oct 7, 2022. Bruce returns to Gotham in 2004 (Detective Comics #0). However, the father and son were not active together very long before Bruce was seemingly killed by Darkseid during a massive invasion. Its not often that something takes Batman by surprise. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Rot in Purgatory 1.2 Leviathan Since then however in issues of the Morrison penned Batman Incorporated, the drugging is reaffirmed and is once again part of Damian's origin. In turn, the character is revealed to have originally been intended to "kill and replace his famous father,"[13] as well as serving as a host body for Ra's al Ghul,[14][15] thus, in theory, unifying the Wayne and Demon factions as intended by the al Ghuls. Damian has declared himself a vegetarian. Priest, Christopher. Dick is probably the most normally built person in the Bat-Fam. Eventually, Kid Flash discovers the secret prison,[77] and Crush, who has fallen for Djinn, kisses her, showing her the kind of genuine affection which Damian in his grimness never really did. The later storyline, Requiem, deals with the aftermath of Damian's death and Batman's thirst for revenge against Talia as well as his own increasingly unbalanced mental state resulting from this loss. I'm light-years ahead of all the past Robins in skill and training. This decision, coupled with his recent actions with holding criminals against their will and wiping their memories, leads to Djinn leaving the Teen Titans, while Kid Flash, Red Arrow, Crush, and Roundhouse turn against him. Although shot by Todd, Damian recovers and saves Tim Drake from falling to death inside Jason's Batcave. He was believed dead when he was shot in the head by an assassin named Goatboy. The Heretic flew Grayson aside, and challenged Damian to a sword-fight. [41] However, the Clown Prince of Crime's apparent helplessness is revealed to be another ruse and he incapacitates Damian with his hidden Joker venom. He tries to teach Damian the same values his parents have instilled within him as he finally assumes his role as a father. Eventually, when Talia deemed that Damian was ready, she allowed him to go to Gotham and meet his father - the Batman. Batman agreed and granted Damian the mantle of Robin, his fourth ward to use the name. Damian decided to collect the other Demon's Fist members' targets in order to form the new Teen Titans; comprised of Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash. Near the end of the comic book. An adult version of Damian Wayne appears in, Damian Wayne makes his television debut in the, Damian is the current Robin in the adult animated series, A Feudal Japan version of Robin appears in the anime film, Damian Wayne makes a non-speaking appearance in, Damian Wayne makes his final appearance in the, Damian Wayne appears in one of the alternate storylines of the, Damian Wayne appears in the animated film, Damian Wayne will appear as Robin in the live-action, Damian Wayne appears as a summonable character in, Damian Wayne appears as a playable character in, Damian Wayne was supposed to make his debut in the, Damian also appears as a playable character in, This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 20:37. April 7: Birthday of Bruce Wayne (golden age Batman) [Earth-2 version; February 19 for Earth-1 Bruce Wayne] April 8: Birthday of Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne's butler April 9: Birthday of John Sargent (Sargon the Sorcerer) April 10: Birthday of Dinah Drake Lance (golden age Black Canary) April 11: "Birthday" of Linda Danvers (Supergirl). After Bruce's skull was taken from his grave, Damian and Dick decide to bring the rest of his skeleton, along with those of Damian's paternal grandparents, to their base beneath Wayne Tower. Dick and Damian then encounter a villain called Professor Pyg, who has created an army called Dollotrons. Talia admits to Damian, that even though she loves him, she is too much of a perfectionist to admire him for choosing a path that defies her this blatantly, and he is therefore no longer welcome and will be considered an enemy of the House of al Ghul. "Genetically perfected, and grown in an artificial womb, Damian was engineered to kill and replace his famous father," Narrator. & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth,, DC Comics characters with accelerated healing, Fictional genetically engineered characters, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from August 2017, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Trained computer scientist and security hacker, Uses high-tech equipment and weapons (similar to, Damian Wayne is also featured in the prequel comic to the game. [31] When Grayson hangs up his Nightwing mantle to become the newest Batman, he chooses Damian to assume the mantle of Robin by his side.[32]. However, the Dark Knight does care for his lost progeny. Published Dec 13, 2019. Over the course of his more than eight decades of serving the people of Gotham, Bruce Wayne has adopted many young men into not only his battle against the villains of Gotham but also . After the events of Batman R.I.P. Near the end of the episode. story arc in Batman #675, Damian senses that someone is out to get Batman. Talia is able to save her son from his fate at the last minute. As of age 13, Damian was short for his age and had few other markers of impending puberty. Batman offers a third alternative: the "Fountain of Essence" which contains the qualities of a Lazarus Pit. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. Damian berates Black bat and mocks her for being sent to Hong Kong by his father, but she ultimately saves his life by rescuing him from the exploding Iceberg Lounge. Trained by the League of Assassins all his life, Damian joined his father's side in the war against crime by becoming the fifth Robin. They survive the explosion. It has also been shown that Ra's al Ghul has begun to engineer more clones of Damian. [84] Despite the book's cancellation, the characters have subsequently appeared as a team in other series.[85]. Damian would be 5going by this insanity. The two young adults fell for each other and, after a brief fling, they conceived a child. Warning! That is now proven beyond any doubt. After this, Batman uses the Chaos Shard on his son's corpse, which has been infused with Darkseid's Omega Sanction. [7] With the al Ghuls citing Bruce Wayne as the optimal successor to their empire,[8][9][10][11] after faking a miscarriage to his father and calling off their marriage,[12] Talia has kept his existence hidden from Batman until Batman #656 (2006). Damian is shown to have highly advanced engineering skills, as he was able to complete his father's plans of building a flying Bat-mobile, the construction of which Alfred described as "being an endless source of frustration to Damian's father". Damian defiantly replies that he hopes to be a worthy one. seemingly killed by Darkseid during a massive invasion, 573 Appearances of Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), 426 Images featuring Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), 76 Quotations by or about Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), Character Gallery: Damian Wayne (Prime Earth). Dick Grayson . [20] After the events of Batman R.I.P. Talia is unaware that White Ghost, a former servant of Ra's, plans to use him to resurrect Ra's, which would kill him in the process. Damian then begins to mock Tim Drake for not being chosen as Robin, causing Tim to severely beat Damian, only to be stopped by Dick. That I was groomed to be a new body for my grandfather so that he may sidestep death and continue his mission to reduce the swollen population of the Earth." [76] Due to a miscommunication, Damian can no longer trust him, which ultimately leads them to cut ties.
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