Mar 06. days with white knee length socks. All belongings must be clearly labelled with the owners name and class. The School uniform is compulsory and students should come to school wearing a neat and correct uniform. 07h00 - 09h00 Monday and Friday. The Second-Hand Uniform Shop is located on the Junior School Campus, in the Year 6 area. E-mail:, Copyright 2020 Loreto College Our focus is on providing a well-rounded education that enables our students to excel across all areas of their learning, with a curriculum that encourages students to look beyond their immediate environment and seek out new ideas and deeper investigation through creative and critical thinking. | Designed & Maintained by, Fee Regulation and Structure for Online Payment, Pin Code: 793003 Phone No. Powder blue knee length A-line dress with the school monogram. Website when opened through e-Care app on mobile, gives much optimized and concise In choosing to send their daughters to Loreto, parents are making a commitment to support the school in this. Alternatively call 8334 4211. Loreto College Uniforms are supplied by Uniform Management Services (UMS) Pty Ltd. School uniform is to be worn only during school hours or when engaged in official school activities outside school. Loreto Day School, Elliot Road, Kolkata. The Uniform Shop is open during the school term as follows: Monday: 8am 12 noon Loreto Convent School, Gibraltar is a co-educational independent junior school catering for over 450 boys and girls from nursery to 11 years, preparing them for the local comprehensive schools and for entrance examinations to schools in Britain. Loreto College Uniforms are supplied by Uniform Management Services (UMS) Pty Ltd. Available From . 2023 The College has endeavoured to keep to the one P.E. Clean white keds to be worn on P.T. The School uniform is to be worn only during school hours or when engaged in official activities. No coloured nail varnishes are allowed on fingernails or toenails. Green socks, knee length/full length. . Please follow the link below to complete the survey. It is important that a student is dressed neatly in the FULL uniform. Sky blue skirt with 1 pleats, length 2 below the knees, 1 waistband. Camera Registry ? Tartan skirt (mid knee length) (V-X) / Green uniform trousers. The shop is located in the Estates Yard (Pinkie Campus, Linkfield Road, Musselburgh, EH21 7AF) where the School minibuses are parked. In line with Department guidelines, we have decided to make a survey available for any parent who wishes to submit their views on the school's uniform. * Blazers must be worn when travelling to and from school. Drop offs can be done any time during opening hours without an appointment. All Rights Reserved. For a visualguide to which footwear is appropriate for school, please click here: If everthere is any doubt about whether a certain item is acceptable, please contact the school office. NOTE: Students are not to be seen at public places in school uniform. If a scarf is worn, it must be the uniform scarf. Sky blue half-sleeved open necked shirt with the school monogram on pocket. Coleraine The campus Uniform Shop is temporarily situated down the steps beyond the Gonzaga Barry Centre, in Centenary Hall - entry via the Gallery door. Contact Us The Uniform Shop can be contacted via or on (02) 9473 7391. Find out more about this community and how you can become involved in shaping Loretos future. By using our website you consent to this in accordance with our Privacy Statement. The Second-Hand Uniform Shop will open on Wednesday morning from 8.30am 9.30am during Term 1. get instant notification on your app of leaves approval or rejection. Clean white keds with white knee-length socks. Second-hand uniforms are now available online from the Sustainable School Shop. The LPA also have stock of pre-loved uniform which can be bought throughout the year. Loreto Day School, Bow Bazar, Kolkata Designed & Maintained by: Franciscan Solutions Pvt. Please click below for detailed information on the Sustainable School Shops Loreto Stocktake Report. Appointments are required for fitting and purchase of full uniform, as we generally allow one hour per pupil. Designed by. You will then see the sign for the shop to your right under the black staircase in the yard. Our Foundress Mary Ward. : 0364 222 5559, e-Care Email ID: Make-up, nail products, dyed hair, and extravagant hair accessories are not allowed. School Uniform. Blazer with school crest on the pocket. Girls may wear royal shorts in Y11 & Y12 and in the summer term in Y8, 9 & 10. Powder blue single pleated knee-length skirt and short-sleeved open neck blue blouse with the school monogram. 12h00 - 14h30 Wednesday . We also stock a range of new items (red socks, games socks, kilt socks, ties, cravats and games bags) including gumshields. There will also be a cut-off point for parents to order online to guarantee delivery for back to school and we will let you knowas soon as this is confirmed. Shop online or in-store-today. Some items of uniform can also be purchased second-hand from the school office. Sky blue full-sleeved shirt with shirt collar and cuffs, pocket with the school monogram and school tie. Hair must be natural. . School PE Uniform is obligatory and must be worn by all students. The LPA also have stock of pre-loved uniform which can be bought throughout the year. Loreto Berne Hoodie; Loreto Berne Squad Top; Loreto . Hertfordshire AL1 3RQ, Main Switchboard: 01727 856206 Maroon cardigan/blazer. Ever. Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (IYLP). We look forward to sharing the gifts of a Loreto education with our prospective students and families. In choosing to send their daughters to Loreto, parents are making a commitment to support the school in this. Thank you for taking an interest in Loreto School Queenswood. The School uniform is compulsory and a student should come to school wearing a neat and correct uniform. We are very proud of our Loreto uniform. The Seco nd-Hand Uniform Shop is located on the Junior School Campus, in the Year 6 area. look with better experience than PC or laptop browsing. The school expects all students tothe wear uniform correctly and without complaint. Uniform - Loreto Secondary School Uniform All girls must wear the correct school uniform only available in McFadden's in Balbriggan. Tuesday: 8am 12 noon We have raised nearly 100,000 to date. Easy view of photo albums after receiving updating SMS from e-Care team. Whether it's a new blazer, a tennis top or some astro boots, Loretto's incredible Uniform Exchange shop covers all year groups from Pre-school to Upper 6th. Parents must take special care to see that students leave home in full uniform. Black shoes and white calf length socks. Click here to view the Loretto School Campus map. Click here for details of Uniformity's operations during COVID 19 & size guide and here for a checklist of Loreto's uniform requirements. Valuables should not be brought to school. White cotton tailored shorts to be worn by all. days. A good quality permanent ink laundry marker is available from most newsagents and supermarkets. Loretto School Uniform is available to order online at . In order to adhere to COVID-19 protocols, Please make a booking using the link below. School uniform should be as follows. Loreto College (St Albans) | Theme by Mile High Themes |, DOWNLOAD A PDF GUIDE TO YOUR SCHOOL UNIFORM, Kambukka Lagoon Kids Water Bottle 400ml (BPA Free)., Copyright In order to adhere to COVID-19 protocols, Please make, nd-Hand Uniform Shop is located on the Junior School Campus, in the Year 6 area. During holidays and outwith these times, the shop is only open by appointment only. The principal focus was to speed up the time taken for parents to receive an alternative size instead of relying on couriers to return garments before arranging an exchange. Castlerock Road CRICOS: 00629G. The supplier of the school uniform is Uniformity, Unit B, Three Rock Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Sandyford, Co. Dublin D18 H213. Hair: nothing shorter than a grade 2 is permitted. The only piercings allowed are a small plain pair of stud earrings worn in the lower lobe of the ears (one earring in each ear). Maroon woollen scarf (optional) School tie and badge. Important Information : Nails to be clipped regularly and kept short with no nail enamel applied. Anything which is non-regulation, un-saleable (marked or damaged) or which remains in stock over three years will be recycled or donated to charity unless collected. General. Hooded tops are not permitted at any time. The acclaimed poet has recently been elected to the office of Saoi by fellow members of Aosdna, a very prestigious position within . days; By Loreto Convent Intermediate College, Lucknow. White full sleeved shirt. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The bulk of our orders are expected to be with us from the end of May, dependant on the supplier. Hair dyeing is not permitted. Hair must be neat and tidy with school colour hair trims only. The School badge must be purchased from the school and . purchases, and enquiries. Staff are ready to assist with all uniform fittings, purchases, and enquiries. We ask that all uniform brought to us is clean and in a saleable condition (we do not wash or repair but do have some spare buttons). It is important that a student is dressed neatly in the FULL uniform. For everyone else, appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome for drop offs and purchases. (One small pair of earrings is allowed in the lower lobe of ears only). Should you wish to purchase Loreto College uniform items online, please see the link below. (In winter a DARK BROWN overcoat may be worn OVER the blazer), school clip-on tie this is the only tie available from school suppliers, V necked school jumper with a primrose strip, plain, dark brown shoes canvas shoes are not allowed, jewellery must be discreet. Please note that hooded tops are not accepted as part of the uniform and should not be worn at any time including whilst travelling to and from school. Uniforms (all students) Compulsory Items Skirt, Blouse and Tie School Badge (supplied by the College) Royal blue V neck pullover Royal blue blazer (compulsory) Royal blue hair ribbon (available from the College) Crew length, plain white socks or Copyright 2017 All rights reserved by, Loreto Convent, Shillong Vision & Mission. When purchasing sports uniforms it would be wise to consider any interschool sports your daughter may wish to play and buy the uniform specific to that sport. Click here to view the Senior School uniform list, sports kit and information on retailers and other relevent information Click here to view the Junior School uniform list, sports kit and information on retailers and other relevent information Our Board of Governors The Loretto Uniform Exchange is run solely by parent volunteers. etc everything is now available on mobile app. Email: Unit B, Three Rock RoadSandyford Industrial EstateCo. All returns are FREE, and your order will come with a free returns label. Registered office: Loreto College, Hatfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3RQ. Cream salwar and cream coloured cotton dupatta. This is strictly monitored. Loreto Day School, 122, Acharya Jagadish Ch. Stevensons now supply our new PE jacket:- FITTED STORM JACKET Item Ref:031919. Black strapped leather shoes and white socks. Petticoats are to . He had a tremendous season and should earn all-state honors. Footwear should take the form of black leather shoes. The College was established in 1905 and is set on beautiful heritage grounds, located in Marryatville, an inner-eastern suburb of Adelaide. Canvas shoes, trainers andboots are not acceptable. You can always buy with confidence at Stevensons, knowing that you can take advantage of our unrivalled 120 day returns policy to return unused items if your child has a sudden growth spurt before starting school. Contact Details Email: Telephone: +61 2 7209 3735 Order Online EXPLORE MORE Back to Enrol Click here to view the Senior Schooluniform list, sports kit and information on retailers and other relevent information, Click here to view the Junior Schooluniform list, sports kit and information on retailers and other relevent information, Sitemap | Terms & Conditions | Privacy | Accessibility | Vacancies, Loretto School | OSCR charity No: SCO13978, Uniform Outfitters - Uniform list included, Our day and boarding Houses, a Home to nurture their talent, A dedicated, qualified Pre-School teacher, Specialist teachers enrich our Pre-School educational provision, Holiday Camps - Frequently Asked Questions. No parking is permitted within the yard so please park on the main road. Navy blue blazer (woolen) with school crest on pocket. Late Entrance Examination for current Year 6, Open Day 2023 - for entry into Year 7 in September 2024, An Introduction from the Director of Sixth Form, Please find below details of a course that is being offered from Trafford which may be of interest. Flat formal black school shoes only to be worn. Powder blue long-sleeved blouses with the school monogram. soccer); helmets for hurling and camogie are required school has a small supply which students can borrow if required. Privacy Policy Loreto College St Albans > Parent Information > Uniform & Equipment Uniform & Equipment The school expects all students to the wear uniform correctly and without complaint. Volunteer Code of Conduct & Student Protection, Introduction of Year 5 2025 & Year 6 2026, Outstanding Alumnus Award Nomination Form, Outstanding Young Alumnus Award Nomination Form, Uniform Management Services (UMS) Pty Ltd, Royal blue hair ribbon (available from the College), Black polished leather conventional lace-up low-heeled school shoes, White straw uniform hat with crested band, Senior Ribbon for Year 12 students (available from the College), Royal blue shorts, royal blue & gold/white trim polo shirt, Predominantly white medium priced sports shoes with white soles, One-piece College swim suit (compulsory for Swimming Team members) or plain navy or royal blue one-piece swimsuit, Loretos uniform lists are loaded into the system to make the ad listing process easy, fast and accurate, Buyers contact Sellers and arrange where and when to trade, Excellent email and telephone helplines are provided: 1300 683 337.
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